OOC West Richland Tavern by 1millionsecrets.

Who wants to start again? I know secrets is gone on a hiatus or for good (not sure which) but I'm willing to keep writing in the group RP if there is still interest.
I have my coffee, the house is quiet...I hope I can get this posted very soon.

Hope nobody minds the slight god modding, I thought it would be easier and I left it open for raiguy and Womby to jump back in if they wanted.
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I'll play and continue with the scoundrels also. I can be a creepy guy in one and more myself (sans the slight of hand) in the other.
Sorry I have to run for the night, so Tess and Alexis can ignore Rex after saying hello. He'd be interested in checking on the dogs anyway.
Okay....seriously. im not going to give Rex his job back. He never lost it to begin with, the Tavern has not been deserted this whole time it's business as usual with a different boss.

Actually reading what other people post isn't that difficult, try it sometime merry.

Yeah, im a little irritated.
Celeste, please reread your posts during conversation between Alexa and Rex. I missed Feisty's indication that Rex still was at the Tavern working so I screwed up asking for my job back. I made a couple of minor changes. That makes a couple of your replies now not fit my changes.
If any doesn't know this Secrets is back on Lit, so let's PM her and ask that she rejoin us?
I'm working the next 13 days out of 16 so the story might move a little slow. A couple of days I have to go in at 4am....YAY holiday hours. :confused:
And even though right now im online...my brain is too tired to write anything.

I need a massage, a stuffed animal, and a Disney movie.
Eugene will be dropping by the Tavern after getting a call from the disgruntled ex employee. This will give Eric and Tess an opportunity to escape and go on vacation. Eugene will hire a shop manager to take the load off of Eric. Eugene and Alexa are going to have a casual relationship should be sweet.
So much for offering an opportunity to escape the boredom of working themselves to death lol!
I think that Tess does need a day or two to relax. Alexa too. The poor girls are working themselves to death.