The Raven (closed)

"I don' know about a walk darlin'," he told her honestly. "Emma's not 'appy with me an' I'm not sure why, I'm tryin' t'fix it." He was always a very honest man especially with Genna. She brought out many good things in him, as rugged a man as he was. In fact, many people would consider them perfect together.
“Boar, she’ll be fine. It takes a woman a long time to recover from what she went through. She’s probably just having a bad day.” Genna said gently, rubbing her hand against his forearm to show her support. “Leave her be and she’ll be fine.”
"Hm... if y'say so," he leaned down to kiss her cheek, and then he chuckled, "First day ye've called me Boar rather'n Lynn." She'd always called him by his real name before, just to make him blush. He gladly walked with her to the lunch that awaited them in his dining hall. Ever since her arrival, he'd seemed even brighter than before.
“Well if you don’t like me calling you Boar, I can always go back to the old way, Lynn.” Genna said with a smile, laughing softly as they walked to lunch.

Emma pressed her ear against the door, hearing Boar laugh softly as they walked away. He was a man in love, that much she knew, and part of her felt guilty about what she was trying to do. Still, Boar was the only man that had ever treated her with the kind of respect that she deserved. It would be hard for everyone, but Emma was determined to end up with Boar Ghis come hell or high water.
That evening Boar returned after wishing Genna a good night, and he made his way to Emma, still seeking her explanation and forgiveness. He knocked lightly on her bedroom door. "Emma..." he said softly, hoping she'd allow him inside. "Emma, love, it's Boar."
Emma was silent for a moment as she heard Boar’s voice through the door. She knew that she had him in the palm of her hand, but she wondered just how much he actually cared for Genna. She was a sweet girl, that much she knew, but Emma wasn’t about to let Boar get away from her so easily.

“Come in.” She called out softly, standing in front of her windows as she looked out over the dark and misty Highlands.
Boar entered slowly, letting the door swing shut slowly behind him. "Emma... wha's goin' on, darlin'? What'd I do?"

He stepped toward her, his eyes rising to her beautiful face. Of course he was taken with her beauty, but he never imagined she might want him, so he let her be. "I musta done somethin' wrong, but... I don' know what, it's all I've been thinkin' about all afternoon."
Emma knew the moment that he stepped into the room. He walked like a child that was prepared for a scolding and Emma secretly smiled to herself as he asked what he had done. Did men really not know what they did to women? It was tragic, she thought as she turned her eyes towards him and took in the completely lost look upon his face.

“You’ve done nothing wrong, Boar.” She said softly, reaching out to touch his cheek with her fingers. “I’ve simply been giving you space to court your friend. I‘ve always known that I was a girl that you couldn‘t possible be interested in. Genna is a nice woman. You will be very happy married to her.”
"It's no' tha' I wasn' interested, Emma," he told her honestly. "I jus'... didn' think a fine lass like yerself'd want me. I'm all rugged an' don' care much fer 'igh life. I figured we were... y'know, opposites. But... I guess it's too late now." He couldn't help how he turned his face ever so slightly into her touch. His more primal side enjoyed it far too much. And Boar was a primal man til he was around Emma, feeling she'd prefer a classier gentleman.
“How do you know that I don’t want you? Have you ever asked me?” Emma asked him softly, her eyes catching his as he turned his face into her palm. She gave him a little smile, knowing that he was falling for her and soon Genna would be nothing but a memory.
"Yer jus'... I'm not good enough fer you. Y'carry yerself like a queen, Emma, an'... I'm nothin' o' the sort. I thought y'deserved a fine man. Th'sort with a great 'ouse an' servin' people an' money t'make ya comfortable fer th'rest o' yer life. I'm no' tha' man, Emma."

He closed his eyes involuntarily at her touch and reached up to take her hand from his cheek. He was beginning to realize that he was falling into temptation.
“I’ve had a man that could give me everything, Boar. He turned me away when I lost his child. I don’t want a man that can simply give me anything that I ask for. I want a man that will fight for me.” She said softly, sighing as he took her hand from his cheek.

“Go and get me another blanket, Boar. These rooms are so drafty at night.” She said softly, leaning forward to give his cheek a gentle kiss.
"O' course..." he muttered, half-dazed by how she kissed his cheek. Once she drew back, he turned quickly and left her to fetch a thick blanket from his own room. He soon returned, and she could hear him pause outside her door, taking in a deep breath before he knocked lightly. "It's Boar, Emma."
“Come in.” Emma called through the closed door.

When he entered, she gave him a little smile. She was lounging on her bed, her long thick hair covering her nude body. Her blue eyes caught his and held them, her hand resting against her hip comfortably as she dared him to look his fill of her naked form. Her hair hid her breasts from his view, her long legs crossed enough to hide her naked folds. She had never wanted a man like she wanted Boar Ghis and she would be damned if he left her unfulfilled that evening.

“You can bring the blanket here, Boar.” She said with a breathy sigh.
Boar stood frozen after he'd taken just one step inside, staring at her with eyes wide. Shock wasn't even the word for it. His breathing had all but stopped and he could hear his heart pounding in his ears. She saw just the slightest evidence of a ridge forming in his trousers.

When he finally got hold of himself, he turned away quickly, his face red as he closed his eyes. "M-Miss Emma..." he choked out in an unintentional whisper. "Y'shoulda told me y'weren't dressed properly... I wouldn'a come in..."
“Boar Ghis, I demand that you turn around now.” Emma said with a firm voice as he blushed and turned away from her. “I thought you said that you felt something for me.”

Her lips formed a pretty little pout and she looked down towards the cover on her bed. “You’re going to make me think that I’m ugly.”
"No, no, yer nothin' close," Boar turned back quickly, but then looked down to avert his eyes. "I... It's jus' no' proper fer a man t'look at a lass when she's bare..."

He stepped forward and laid the blanket at the edge of her bed hoping he could avoid looking for the sake of not showing her how incredibly aroused he was.
“It’s not improper, Boar.” Emma said softly, glancing to where he placed the blanket on the edge of the bed. “It’s natural. Especially if you like what you see…and I can see that you definitely do.”

She smiled sweetly for him, lifting her hand from her hip and pulling him to sit on the edge of the bed. Looking up at him, her blue eyes caught and held his darker gaze. “You act as if you’ve never been with a woman that was nude before.”
"What are ya tryin' t'do t'me, Emma?" He finally asked her, meeting her eyes. He knew she was up to something and he just didn't want to believe she might be trying to seduce him. He searched her eyes for truth, not wanting to lose himself and hurt Genna.
“What do you want me to do to you, Boar?” She asked him softly, leaning up on one arm, her hair dangerously close to drifting off her breast and exposing the naked mound to his gaze. “You tell me what you want.”
"I want ya t'tell me why yer doin' this. Come out an' say it, because I'm not sure I can b'lieve it on m'own." As he spoke he tried in vain to suppress his arousal as it pulled taut in his trousers at her words. "Why?"
“Because I want you, Boar.” She said softly, reaching up to rake her hand through his thick locks. “I want you to look down on my naked body as we make sweet, passionate love to one another. I want you to warm my bed during these cold nights. Is that so wrong?”
Boar slowly but surely fell under her spell, and as she leaned closer, he leaned in toward her. His lips parted and his eyes half-closed as he nearly kissed her. But only an inch away, he pulled back only a bit, "No..." he whispered, but he didn't want to deny her. "I... I can' do this... Genna..." But she stole his will and his soul as their lips finally touched and he lost control of his baser instincts. He leaned in and laid her back across the bed, pressing his arousal tightly between her thighs while his arms wrapped around and beneath her.

But a good thirty seconds into the deep kiss, he pulled his lips from hers. "Gods, what am I doin'..." He began to pull away.
Emma whimpered as his lips were suddenly upon hers, kissing her breathless as she was suddenly pressed back against the bed, his hard cock grinding against her wet folds. She moaned softly as his strong arms wrapped around her body and pulled her tightly. It ended all too soon as he started to pull away, murmuring that he didn’t know what he was doing.

“I will give you one chance to go and make love to her, Boar. Then at the end of the night, you will come back here and tell me you decision. You won’t stop thinking about me. I know you won’t. Even when you are buried deeply inside of Genna you will think what if.” Emma murmured softly, her fingers pushing their way into his thick hair.
Boar pulled back from her and sat up, "... Emma, yer killin' me..." He rose and quickly left her room, not even sure if he could come close to doing what she spoke of. He was in incredible turmoil in his mind and heart and he was amazed he was still standing.

Three hours passed before Boar returned to Emma's room. He knocked quietly and when she bade him enter, he came to her bedside, reaching up a hand to hold onto the tall post of the end of the bed. He looked incredibly troubled, he was shirtless which showed off his muscled torso, and he was staring at her intently. "Genna's 'eaded 'ome." And that was all he told her before turning his gaze to the floor in shame.