What is crossing your mind right now?

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I wish I could be naked right now, but here I sit talking to a projector screen.... I'm about to test the theory that they can't see me from below the desk.....

*poke, poke

Damn, it would be so much fun to be close enough to poke you right now!
If it works I'll be the first to admit that I will bring my lil fukuoku fingertip vibe in and make it a regular bit of classroom fun.......
That I might have started something today...... She actually panted at being so close to me.... I think I might give her a real kiss next time:devil:....
Lit related:

I mighta askeereded someone off:(......

Non-Lit related:

I may have created a monstress! We'll see tomorrow when we have class together:devil:....
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