The Warrior's Quest...(Closed for Matto123)

"Warrior Matthew!" she shrikes "You murdered my beloved and made me a slave!" She pulls out a crossbow and fires a bolt at him hitting him square in the heart. As he fell, is life rapidly draining from his body, he felt magic surround him. His eyes faded to black.

When his eyes opened all he could see was Lady Sea standing her him. "You failed your first quest, young warrior. Next time pay attention to your instructions. My life saying magic only works one time for an individual. I will not be able to save you again. You were told not to reveal your name to the lady. Why did you?"
"So that she could trust me, I know it was stupid but it felt like the right thing to do"
"Feelings will lead you astray. Lesson one ignore our feelings. Trust those who have more knowledge and information than you. You were not told who she was because you would have told her what you did tobeg forginess and she is not ready to forgive, she desires vengeance."

Lady Sea waves her hand and Warrior Matthew's vision clears. He ismlying in a comfortanle bed in a non description room. "I am saddened that you have not apologized or even admitted you were in error. Maybe you are not the man of honour I took you for."

"Are you still willing to risk your life, knowing I cannot save you again, to correct your wrongs?"
'I am sorry"

"Maybe we can go to your bed and i will show you the man i am "

"Anyway what is my next task?"
"Sir Sailé has a mission and could use a second sword. He is in the training arena. As for bedding me if that is your goal, you will never earn the right. If your goal is to right your wrongs then you one day earn that which you desire." Lady Sea leaves the room without another word.

Matthew went to the training arena and saw Sir Saile

"Sir i see that you need a second sword in a mission"
"Well brother more a second warm body than a sword. If we end up doing battle we will both surely die."

I looked at the young warrior and appraised him. Strong arms, fairly handsome, slightly taller than average...not a bad second in a fight. Young and inexperienced with a great weight on his shoulders.

"The cannibals in the badlands have begun raiding the tribes in the great forest. As the tribes are a close ally of ours, we must help stop these raids."

"The cannibals are a primitive superstitious lot. All we must do is sneak into their camp and free any captives, which will make them believe that hunting ground is haunted and they will Lea e the are never to return."

The cannibals are like thieves in the night. They prefer treachory and stealth to combat unless they outnumber their opponents by 3 score. Tonight we leave for the great forest and tomorrow we meet with their shaman who shall tell us where to find them. Go rest and meet me here at moonrise."

"Any questions young warrior?"
I hand you a pack with supplies for the journey. I sling a similar pack over my shoulder and gesture to you to follow me. We travel a long way in silence. At Moon set I stop in a glade. "This is the border between our ads and those of the forest dwellers. We shall make camp here, refresh ourselves, and resume our journey when the sun reaches the middle of the sky.

After some food we lie down and sleep. Several hours later I nudge you awake. "Time to continue our journey." I walk into the forest not waiting for you. Once you catch up I nod at you pleased. "You do have some tracking skills" I say. "As we have a long journey ahead, tell me one of your adventures, then I will relate one of mine."
"What kind of adventure would you like as you would know most of mine are bad things what i have done expect save a poor family from death"
"I'm sure you have had something humorous happen in your travels. Share one of those with me."
"Ok well the funniest thing that happened was i was traveeling with an unamed man to escort back to him home , when we arrived there the guards jumped out from no where and this man actually crapped his pants. The guards started laughing because he sees th guards everyday and still forgets their there eveytime he arrives home, then eveyone called him the shitter.

That's it not really funny i know".
"Amusing little story. Now here's he of mine. Prior to being made a knight, I ws on a quest with several warriors. One night we had made camp and beded down. During the night there was some kind of beast attempting to access our foodstuffs. One if the merchants, who was a known to exaggerate, and was cowardly started crying out that it was a Minotaur. We all told him to sleep but he kept crying out until we all cursed him. After he quited down, there was a loud thud and a roar then all was silent. The next morning my job was to get water for the morning meal.

I left my shelter and went to the cooking area and found a merchant shoe lying in the mud among numerous bull hoof prints. And the bull was walking on two legs. When I asked around, I found that the cowardly merchant had thrown his boot at the beast to drive it off."
"Last I heard, he sits in taverns telling everyone who will listen , and buy him drinks, about how he singlehandedly drove off a war party of minotaurs while the Warriors assigned to protect him slept. He even paid a minstrel to write a song about it. I paid the minstrel more to sing the truth."

I stop walking and look skyward. "We'll young warrior we are here. Prepare a fire and the midday meal while I look for signs of the Shaman we are too meet."

I begin to examine plants and rocks around the glade we are in.
It took a while but the meal and fire are ready.

I serve up the meal ready for you too come back.

I think to myself "This guy is cool definately a good rolemodel for me"

You come back to sit down for the miday meal and i ask "any sign of Shaman?"
"Alas no. This is a game he likes to play, using his magic to appear as a rock or some other harmless object, while we try to find him." I give thanks for the nurishment, and begin to eat.

Once we complete the meal, I look at you "Rest now, while I wait for our host. I will wake you when he arrives, r when it's your turn to watch."
'OK I will go to sleep

I fall alsleep thinking of sliding my cock into Lady Sea but dare not to act upon it while her hubby is around.

I hear a big bang so i wake up and say "What the hell was that"
"Matthew, help me." I cry out. On the ground were several dead and dying cannibals, and I was surrounded by 5 of the unholy creatures. My sword, Claíomh Solas, was laying 3 metres away. The savages had encircled me and their Gata war clubs were poised to bet me into submission.

There were only two of the savages between you and those encircling me. I was doing what I could to keep those around me at bay. But without Claíomh Solas, I was unable to fend them off.

I am on my way young warrior, but I fear I may be too late to save Sir Sailé. You must act now if he is to survive.

I tripped over a root and fell to the ground, the savages approached me sure of getting their prize.
I picked up my sword and jumped up in the air swinging my sword and the first savage infront of me so i hit himcutting him to shreads, then i tunrned and threw my swoard at the other other with it going directley into it's head killing it instantly.

Then i picked up my sword and ran over to the group surronding them. They were not watching me so i put my sword through the back of one making it drop to the ground allowing me to throw your sword too you s o you could defend your self.

We quickly killed the others with both of us panting and realisng how lucky we are i asked you "Are you all right mate?."
"Fine, thank you young warrior. These savages rarely attack armed travelers, and never hunt in such numbers. I fear there may be more happening here than I first believed. Let's break camp, and see what we can find."

I will make care of this mess then join you in the badlands.

We strike off into the badlands traveling quickly, quietly and cautiously. There are signs everywhere of a large group having passed by recently. Much larger than the hunting party we took out.

I As night fell we began to hear sounds of a large encampment, the strange gutteral language of the savages, tools being used for unholy purposes and most important....the cries of those about to be feasted upon.

We snuck through the sparse foliage keeping ourselves low to the ground moving slowly. We reached the edge of the clearing and took up hidden positions to observe the savages.

As I watched, I could tell the savages had gathered together into a much larger group than had ever been recorded before. Then I saw something that made it all clear.

The banner of Lord Samoht was fluttering in the breeze. Now I knew what was going on. Lord Samoht and his pet wizard were using mind control to get the savages to raid the dwellers of the great forest to get more slaves to build their empire.

We had to break Lord Samohts control of the savages, and free the forest dwelers. But a single warrior, accompanied by a Knight of the Temple against several hundred savages, a Wizard and Lord Samoht with his guards...well we didn't exactly have a tactical advantage.

I signaled Warrior Matthew and we moved about a league from the savages camp. "Build us a shelter that will hide us from any who come near. I Will try and get reinforcements."

"Sinséar return to my Lady and report our findings. Tell her we will remain here and await help to drive Lord Samoht back to his lands."

As you command Sir Sailé
warrior Matthew buils a shelter that is well hidden like it is hidden into the surrondingn area but has a perfect view of Lord Samoht.

Then i hear a noise around the corner. I pull my sword out vready to kill who ever it was then coming out of no where it was Sir Sailé "Sorry sir i thought i was dead i thought it was one them them, so whats the plan to resuce them?"
"Sinséar has gone for reinforcements. We will stay and observe and pan the attack. I was hoping to sneak in and free the prisoners, but with Lord Samoht there we withll need more men and magic support. It should take a day or two at most."

"You wait here I am going to watch for them to bed down, then I will attempt to speak with the prisoners to find out if they know anything useful."