Western Trails (closed)

The easy way Penelope reacted and even her soft kisses and touches at the most unexpected moments did catch him by surprise, but he went along with it, she was a woman that any man that he knew of would offer up a lifetime to have and he was seeming to head down that same road. Not that he would complain if he could have a nice, simple life. Pretty soon they had a fire up and going and Penny was busy with a meal, he sat with a cup of coffee and watched her move about. There was no denying it, she was rather easy on the eye
Penny blushed under John’s attentions. She struggled to keep her head down, her mind on her work, but she found herself wondering what life would be like with John as her husband and Seth nothing but a distant memory. It made her smile to herself, a giddy feeling bubbling in her chest.

“John, I was thinking…” She said, lifting her eyes to look at him one more time and she stopped, her eyes growing wide as she saw the figures of men silhouetted against the horizon.
He saw the look in her eyes and turned around, there was ten figures on the top of the mountain, they had to be the scouting party, there was no way that they could catch up with them during the evening, but John wasn't taking any chances, he spoke without looking at her,

"We eat, we clean up and leave when it's dark enough, the moon is still growing, we should have ample cover. Even if they do see us now, they have no idea which way we will head."

He kept his voice calm and even, inspecting the figures, they seemed to be searching for tracks, John was sure that the fire will pretty soon catch their attention as the sun headed quickly behind the western horizon. He turned to face Penny, a slight smile on his lips,

"Other than your name suggest, you are far more worth than a penny."

He hoped to break the tension by making light of their situation
He was trying to make her smile and to take her mind off the fact that her husband was either going to kill them both or kill John and take her back to life in hell. She let out a little sigh, her eyes going to the food that she was still cooking. Penny had never felt so angry and incredibly helpless before. She knew John was going to help her, to give her a better life, but she had doubts that all of that was going to happen.

“I’ll be glad when it’s all over.” She said softly, dishing up a plate of food and passing it to him before she settled down with her own. “I just want Seth to be a distant memory.”
He looked at her as she sat there next to him, he could see that this business was weighing her down. Part of him wanted to go over there and do what he did best, but for now he would give the run a chance, if things went South. He placed an arm around her and hugged her to him, giving her a soft kiss on the top of her head.

"It will be fine."

He rested his head against her own for a moment and then smiled at her.

"I keep my promises, that you can bet your bottom dollar on."
Penny let out a sigh as John’s arm wrapped around her, hugging her tightly to him before he kissed the top of her head. She closed her eyes in the gentle moment and struggled to let herself believe that he was right and everything would be fine. Pressing her head against his, she managed a small smile for him and let him know that she was alright.

“I trust you, John.” She said softly, her hand reaching up to touch his cheek just as gently as he was resting his head against hers. “Now, you better eat before that food gets cold.”

Another small smile for him and she turned back to her plate, struggling to eat despite the knot that was forming in her belly.
The meal finished quickly, he helped her to clean the cutlery, pots and pans, they packed and in a few minutes they were ready to go. Without explaining why, he gave Sudden to her and helped her into the saddle, he handed her a blanket to wrap around herself and taking the reigns of her mare, he led the way. The faint light from the stars and dwindling moon was all that the horses and him needed. Forced night travelling didn't bother him, he kept an eye on Penny, she wouldn't want to let him know if she grew too tired, but falling from the saddle could kill her.

"Penny, when you feel that you can't stay awake, tell me."

He waited for her affirmative before returning his attention to the ground ahead and around them, he was glad that Penny still had his hat on, it prevented her light hair to draw attention in the half light. Back on the ridge a fire burned, but if they could get a good start tonight, they should make the forest before their pursuers and disappear.
Penny glanced down at John as he wrapped her in a blanket and placed her upon Sudden. She hadn’t expected that they were going to keep moving into the night, but she couldn’t say that she didn’t like the idea. She nodded slightly as he told her to tell him when she couldn’t stay awake any longer.

“It’s okay, John. You don’t have to worry about me.” She said, pulling his hat down lower over her face as he pulled them into motion.

The darkness surrounded them as he pulled them onward. The horses followed without hesitation and she sat heavily upon Sudden’s back. She was fine through the first few hours as the cold of the night surrounded them and bit deeply into her freezing hands. She leaned forward against Sudden’s neck and enjoyed his warmth, sighing softly as she let her eyes closed for just a moment.
He looked back at that moment, he stopped the mare and slipped past her to halt Sudden, he touched Penny's shoulder gently.

"I'm goint to fasten you to the saddle now. If you do fall asleep, you'll stay mounted."

He quickly went to work, roping her to the saddle and added another blanket, he touched his palm to her soft cheek,

"You'll be OK Penny, I'm here."

He slipped back to her mare and started off again, Sudden following obediently. The evening grew much colder, John checked on Penny as much as he could. When the light started to brighten the horizon, he called a stop. The horses needed a rest...as did he.
Penny jolted upright as John stopped and shook her shoulder. She turned her tired eyes towards him and nodded as he insisted that he was going to fasten her to the saddle for the time being. She helped him to loop the rope around her waist and then attached to the saddle. Another blanket was wrapped around her shoulders and she felt warm for the first time that evening.

Turning her cheek into his palm, she let out a soft sigh as he promised that she was going to be alright. “I trust you, John.” She said as he slipped back to her mare and started off into the darkness again.

Sudden kept his step light and steady and she soon was lulled back into a dazed sleep, her body resting over horse’s strong neck as John lead them forward.
Noticing that Penny was still asleep, he undid the bedroll and made a bed, untieing her, he gently slid her from the saddle and laid her down, tucking the blankets around her. He unsaddled the horses and gave each of them oats to eat, as luck would have it they have stopped not to far from a small rivulet. Using his hands he quickly dug out a hole for the horses to drink from. He rubbed his gritty eyes and stared at the horizon, they have covered good ground and he could spot no movement, the rivulet was a good sign though, it meant they were drawing closer to the river.

He watched over the horses and when they were done he led them back to camp, he collected wood and as the first rays broke ober the horizon he had a small smoke-less fire going. He fixed himself some coffee and kept a sharp lookout as the water came to a slow boil. He poured himself a cup and placed the kettle close enough to keep the coffee warm, then he returned to his vigil, slowly sipping his coffee.
Still dozing as the sounds of a crackling fire caught her attention, Penny started to move beneath the blankets that had been piled atop of her. Yawning, she rubbed at her eyes and slowly opened them to turn towards John as he sat next to the fire with a cup in his hand.

“John?” She murmured sleepily, yawning again. “Come to bed.”

It didn’t matter to her that they were still in the middle of the wilderness. She wanted to feel John nestled against her side, holding her as they slept.
He smiled at her,

"I'll be right over."

He finished his coffee and stood up, moving over to Sudden he took hold of the horse's reigns and made the horse look at him.

"Look out for a while big guy, I am going to sleep."

Sudden snorted and bumped John with his forehead, John chuckled and gave the big horse a scratch behind the ears.


He turned back to the small camp, he pulled off his boots next to the bedroll, unbuckled his gunbelt and slipped in nect to Penny, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her gently.

"I think those words would have worked much better if it was a nice soft bed."
Penny yawned as she felt John slip into the bed roll next to her. She smiled and returned his kiss as he wrapped his arms around her and settled in. A small chuckle left her lips as he told her that she might have enticed him more if the bed were nice and soft.

“You have a pretty girl begging you to get into bed and I’ve already warmed the blankets. What more could a man possibly want?” She asked, her eyes locking on his as she gave him another small smile.

“I love you, John.” She said in a soft voice, raising her hand to touch his cheek gently. “Never forget that.”
He gave her a cheeky grin,

"What more could a man want? You ask like you have no idea about men."

He smiled at her touch and turned his face to kiss her palm,

"I love you too Penny."

He hugged her as tight as he could without hurting her and kissed her lips again, he settled his head onto the pillow, a yawn escaping him.

"Hmmmph I am getting old."

He chuckled softly and felt sleep taking hold of his senses as he started to drift off.
Penny laughed softly as she snuggled close to her handsome beau. It was so incredibly different then her time with Seth. John made her feel safe and gave her the confidence that she needed to hold her own in their relationship. He didn’t want to smother her and he wasn’t violent in any way. It was just what she needed in that moment.

She kissed him one last time as he started to breath a little heavier. She watched as he drifted off to sleep, his face relaxing as if he didn’t have a care in the world.
He woke a bit later, the fire had burned out and the sun had risen enough to actually reach them where they lay, he nudged Penny gently and when she opened her eyes he smiled at her,

"Goodmorning sleepyhead"

He gave her a gentle kiss and slipped out of the bedding, withdrawing his revolver from under the bedroll as he did so. Getting dressed, he slipped the gun back into it's holster and started the fire again,

"I believe they will find our tracks, we need to get moving along."
Penny let out a sigh as she felt someone rousting her from sleep. She slowly opened her eyes and turned to find John grinning down at her, awakened and refreshed. She felt like death warmed over, but the gentle kiss that he gave her certainly helped to brighten her mood. Stretching as she dressed, she moaned when he told her that they would have to get moving soon.

“I never thought that running away from my old life would be so tiring.” She said as she slipped from beneath the bedroll and wrapped her arms around John, pressing her cheek against his warm chest.
He folded his arms around her and held her close to him,

"At least when you have escaped it you are allowed to rest."

The heat from the flames warmed his legs as he stood with his back to to fire pit,

"But for now we will have to push on as hard as you can go."

He rested his cheek against her head as they stood locked in the gentle embrace
Penny sighed softly as John securely wrapped his arms around her, holding her against his strong chest as he rocked away her fears and made gentle promises. She smiled to herself, thinking that this was the man that she was suppose to be with all along.

“I think I’ve got some biscuits left over from yesterday. We can eat those on horseback.” She said softly, not wanting to leave his warm embrace but knowing that they needed to get going.
"Along with some of the jerky, they should be much drier by now."

He moved slightly away, tilting her head up for a soft kiss and then started packing up. It did not take long before they were on their way, the evening's travel have eaten away miles and their objective, the river was drawing closer with each hour. Glances backwards allowed him to relax a bit, their pursuers was still there, but far away and very unlikely to catch up with them now.

It was like the horses already sensed the cool water and lush grass which covered the banks. He had to admit that he was looking forward to it as well, but only for the richer hunting and better food, not to mention that their tracks would be much easier to conceal as did it give him more cover should he want to backtrack and use a few scare tactics on the posse.
Penny sighed softly as her head was tilted up for a soft kiss, a smile on her face as he moved away to start packing up. She was soon on the move, packing them a breakfast that would keep them full on the move. She was growing weary of the constant travel, but she trusted John to keep them safe.

Once they were saddled back up, talking was scarce. They were riding hard to make up for the time they had spent sleeping that morning and Penny knew it was best to keep her head down and her thoughts on their ending goal.
He knew that she was tired, but on the run from hard pursuit and of course her scheming husband, who was using the guide to make rather educated guesses about what trail they would follow. This trail would have thrown them off course and thinned out their ranks. Lunch time came and went as they kept up their pace, just before sundown he called a halt, it was clear that the horses needed rest and water, under an overhang of sheltered rock there was a small pool. He studied it, saw the several prints of animals drinking the water and refilled their canteens, then he allowed the horses to have a drink.

After unsaddling the horses, he sank to the ground and stretched out his legs, he was rather tired, the night march had put a strain on him and the small amount of sleep only helped him through the day. He watched as Penny went about the business of setting up camp, almost like she was born to do this and have spent years on the trail,

"Having any regrets yet?"
“No regrets at all.” Penny said as she set about putting their camp up for the night. “Although, I keep thinking that maybe you’ll have regrets and decide that I’m not worth the trouble.”

She smiled at him as she said that. After she had rolled out their bed roll, she set about putting together their cooking equipment. She wanted to make a nice meal that evening, to fill their bellies and keep their spirits up.

“Simply being with you gives me hope.” She said as she finally sat down next to John, pulling him for a slow, loving kiss.
He met her lips, slipping his arms around her, pulling her closer as they kissed. His hands resting lightly on her back as he pulled her onto his lap, letting her straddle him.

"Well I am glad to give you some hope Penny."

He smiled gently at her, running his fingers over her back, pulling her closer to him to capture her lips with his once more.