Making Him My Son (closed for silvertongue217)

“Uh no” Ben said clearly taken aback and surprised. He had thought himself lucky to be able to live on the property h hadn’t at all expected the rest of it! A part of him wanted to decline the tablet and say it was to much but…. Well it was the first tablet he had ever had! And he was going to be doing a lot….

He quickly signed before his conscience got the better of him. He finished the paperwork and leaned back glancing over at his new boss with even more interest she had money clearly (he should have known from the house) which only added to the mystery who was this woman? What was her condition?

“With respect I’d like to get started right away” He said shaking his head slightly “I’ll get settled tonight and begin in the morning if that is okay with you Ma’am?”
As they were doning the paperwork, Mrs. Bhutler entered the room from the porch where she was sitting, and sits beside her lawyer.

Just as she sits, Ben tells her he wants to start immediatly. Smiling at his eagerness, she says "Mr. Savage this house was built in 1815, by my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-Granddaddy, I think it will stand another day without our help. tonight at dinner we can discuss where to begin, and tomorrow we will go into town to set up a bank account for you to use to pay for materials, labor and tools that you need."
“That sounds good to me” Ben said getting up and shaking the lawyers hands “I will see you at dinner tonight then Ma’am” He said taking her hand and giving it a kiss before going to grab his stuff and move into his new place.
At 6:30 a triangle rings throughout the property calling everyone to dinner.

Mrs. Bhutler is stiing at her customary place at the head of the table, and there were several people standing around the table. Waiting or Ben to arrive.
Ben heard the bell ring and adjusted his tie. He had changed into a nice dinner suit black pants a white ironed shirt and a complimentary tie. He checked his hair once more in the mirror and then mad his way to the dining room. He paused when he noticed every one standing and shifted he hadn’t expected a whole bunch of people to be dining with them…. After a few minutes he decided to play it col and stepped in.

“A pleasure to see you again Ma’am” He said nodding at his new boss
She smiles at him and says "I'm pleased that you know how to properly dress for dinner. Too many people today believe that any attaire is acceptable for the evening meal." as she looks at his clothing nodding in approval.
"Come sit here at my right side." she says as James pulls out the chair for him. As he makes his way to the seat she indicated, she begins to tell him about the people in the room. "I wanted you to meet the rest of the staff, many of whom have been working for the famuly for many years. Some, like James, are continuing to work for the family as their forebearers did."

"She smiles at the elderly man who was like an older brother to her as she was growing up. There's Jim, he's the chauffer and mechanic, as well as James son. Jims wife Polly, who is the chef, Steve is the groundskeeper, and
Jim and Pollys daughters, Sally and Becky are the maids."

As each person is introduced, they great Ben in their own ways. James was very stoic but the corners of his mouth did curl up is a slight smile. Jim reached his hand out ahd shook Ben's hand firmly, Polly gave him a bright knowing smile and tilted her head, Steve noded his head, his face didn't change it's sullen expression, Sally and Becky curtised him giggling like teenage girls at the handsome man in their midst.

"Normally the staff doesn't take their supper with me, but tonight I wanted us all to talk about the property and what needs repairing and what to prioritize and what can wait, soo I invited everyone to join us."
“It is a pleasure to meet you all” He said making sure to shake every ones hands make eye contact and be as polite as possible. His uncle had a saying “manners maketh the man” I was an old phrase but one that made an impression on him even as a young man. He always strived to be polite to every one unless they ran afoul of his temper. These were also people he would be working with which meant he would be seeing and interacting with them on almost a daily basis.

Once introductions were made he sat down (of course after the matron of the house had taken her seat) he saw the food gathered and politely began making his plate all the while marveling at the strange world he know found himself in. Of course it was a world he admittedly had a lot of experience and desire to be in but it was strange to find it in southern America.

“So if the staff usually takes supper without you I assume that is me as well” Ben asked politely as he turned to his host and boss “and where do we eat at normally?” He asked curiously.
Polly heads into the kitchen to put the finishing touches on dinner as James sits on her left, and the others sit at teh table in decesending order of age.

Mrs. Buhtler responds to his question as the others begin to serve themselves and pass around platters overloaded with food. "Usually they eat together in the kitchen, unless I need to discuss something with them, then I invite them to eat with me. You Mr. Davage will take dinner with me every night so you can keep me updated on the status of the repairs."

James hands Mrs. Bhutler a plate with food on it and she sets it down in front of her, as Polly rejoins them and sits in the chair left open for her. They all bow their heads and pause as James intones a long winded blessing over the meal.

"Now one thing I learned from my late husbands time in the Navy, God rest his soul..."

as one everyone else at the table says "God rest his soul"

"... is that it's best to ask the lowest rank to offer their opinions first so they aren't influenced by those over them. So Sally and Becky you go first.

The two cute teen girls started talking about the different rooms and defects they had. Ill fitting doors, faded paint, peeling wallpaper, leaky toilets, windows that wouldn't open, and the list went on and on.
Ben listened patiently even going so far as to pull out his small leather notebook and jotting down some notes. This was his first big project and job and he was going to be damned if any one was going to do a piss poor or half ass job at it. What they were talking about were minor fixes basic repair work and nothing to major. Of course he knew that as they went along other things would be added as well as the importance of taking care of the bare bones of the foundation. From what he saw he house was well maintained for the most par which thankfully would make his job easier.

“Got it” He said finishing his notes and underlining a few things before turning to his new boss “go ahead and continue Ma’am” He said nodding his head and turning to look back at the twins “thank you as well your information was very helpful”
As each person listed the discreapancies they knew about based on their areas of the house and grounds they frequented, the list grew. There were a lot of minor things, but a few thngs that could grow to be major headaches if not dealt with promptly.

By the time everyone was finished, there was quite a list of repairs, and desert was being served.

"So Mr. Savage, now that you know more about the job, tell us what you think."
“Well I think for the house being as old as it is it’s in excellent condition” Ben said looking down at his notes “Obviously there is some things to do and some repairs to take care of but that wont take much time at all” He said looking over at her.

“So boss my question is what do you want done in the house that’s not repair work what changes do you want to make? Are we just doing updates or do you want to renovate as well?”
"I want to make sure the foundation is sturdy, and that it will last another 200 years. So everything we do needs to help with that goal."

"I also want to restore all the out buikdings to how they were when they were built."

The conversation then went from what was needed to antecdotes about the family and the history of the house. Ben learned about Rhett and Scarlett and how the saved the house from being sold to carpet baggers after teh Civil War, and how the family had quietly helped their former slaves who stuck with them to get an education, and find jobs.

He heard about all the charity work that the family had done, and lastly he heard that Mrs. Buhtler was not a blood relation to the family who had owned the house, but had married into the family and lost her husband just 5 short years ago. He also learned there were no other living relatives so when Mrs. Buhtler died there would be no one left after all these centuries to take care of the house and plantation.

FOr the next few weeks Ben was very busy taking care of minor things himself and getting bids on work that needed a crew or various permits and licenses to do. He began to become friendly with the staff and they welcomed him like he was part of their close knit family.

He learned that James had been working for Mr. Buhtlers family since he was 12, and that Mrs. Buhtler had grown up on a neighboring farm, and when her parents died the family bought it and made it part of their plantation.

James also told him that the Buhtlers had wanted children more than anything but they were unable to, even all their money couldn't do that for them. James told them that they were in the process of adopting several children when Mr. Bhutler died, and Mrs. Bhutler was so devestated she was hospitalized for almost a year, and all teh adoptions were cancelled because of that.

After about a month of working for her, the whole staff had the night off to watch another family member graduate college. Ben heard that Mrs. Bhutler had given the graduate enough money to pay off his student loans.

She was sitting in the Library reading a romance novel, and wearing a silk robe over satin pajamas. She was totally engrossed in the book, and unaware of anything happening around her.
“Come on you son of a bitch” Ben hissed as he stretched his sore muscles. He was currently screwing in some support beams into the barn making the foundation as sturdy as possible like Mrs. Buhtler wished. It was an ongoing process that took him nearly the whole month to finish thankfully however this was the last bit of work he needed to do which was why he had opted out of dinner tonight to put the finishing touches on it.

“Alright mate don’t be difficult” Ben murmured grabbing the power drill and angling it to the bolts “just let me finish” He said beginning to drill the holes as he held the beam up with one hand. A few minutes later the beam was finally in place and it was with great relief that Ben jumped down and rubbed his aching muscles.

He stretched not bothering to grab his discarded white beater. Every one was gone for the night, which meant he had the house to himself. He decided to go grab a book from the library and take a nice hot bath and read he supposed it sounded a little girly but working all day made him to sore to care.

He stepped into the house using his short to wipe some of the sweat and dirt away. He brushed his jeans off and went to the library pausing to run his hand along the house and smiling. To say Ben was enjoying his job was an understatement the house was beautiful in more ways then one a true gem that had some priceless people inside of them. He found his employer Mrs. Buhtler to be one of the sweetest girls he had ever met in some of their talks he had revealed to her he didn’t have a mom as well as his history and what he did in England. She was a very attentive listener and seemed to truly enjoy his company as well which of course led Ben to think of her as a mother of sorts.

But a hot mother

He walked into the library not seeing her yet. He went over to the book case and began to look through it’s shelf trying to find a good book to curl up with.
Mrs. Bhutler stopped to stretch. The book she was reading was havig an unusual effect on her. Romance novels were a bit of a guilty pleasure of hers, and she devoured them.

This one was pretty much the same as all the others, except the male lead was a strong handsome handyman who moved in with the owner of a big house to help repair it.

For the first time in years she felt herself getting sexually aroused. It had been so long the feelings were unfamiliar and she had almost forgotten how mice it could be. She stopped reading to stretch and shift positions and out of the corner of her eye she saw movement.

Knowing that she was the only one home, except Ben who was working in the barn, she got became very scared. Their had been attempts bu the local ne'erdowells to rob and or vandalize the house in the past.

She slide down in her chair and tried to make out the intruder in the dim light. She saw a well muscled torso, in a pair of jeans that framed a sexy male ass. her body in it's aroused state quivered at thiunexpected visual treat.

She stayed there quiet waiting to see what the intruder would do, wishing she had her phone to call for help.
Ben turned not noticing Mrs. Buhtler in the shadows. He moved more fully into the light making it easily seen from her position who he was. He stretched looking for another book not noticing he was displaying his body to her and flexing his muscles. He hadn’t noticed that his jeans rode low as well showing off the V of his hips. He kept looking for a few moments before sitting back on his toes and going to another book shelf.

Then he saw her

“Mrs. Buhtler” He said in shock “I thought you were going with the others…. I didn’t mean to be wandering around here with my shirt off….” He said cursing himself for not bringing his shirt.

“I was just looking for a book” He said “I was planning on going and having a nice bath and reading” He explained backing up slightly not realizing it would show his body even more to her.
She sighed in relief, and not a bit in arousal when she realized it was Ben, not an intruder who might try and hurt her. "Ben, I'm, glad it was you and not some local reprobate who was going to do unspeakable things to this house...or me."

She swallowed hard as the light reflected of his masculine body. It was nice and tanned from his work outside the house, saving the indoor jobs until winter. "I would prefer that you do not walk around my house undresses, displaying your manliness. It is no very respectable, and I strive to always be reapectable." As she says this her eyes are burning into his body inscribing every bulge, every curve, every tasty morsel into her brain."
“I understand Ma’am” Ben said blushing and looking down. Since he started working here he had come to see his employer as the mother he never had. She was a lot like him and his own morals which only made I all the more apparent to him. He knew she probably wouldn’t be to happy with him walking around shirtless but he didn’t expect her to be here!

“I’m sorry” He said again backing up to the door “I didn’t think you were home and I didn’t want to put on my own icky shirt I’ll go right away Ma’am is there any thing I can get for you at all Ma’am?” He said raising an eyebrow unintentionally crossing his arms and giving her an eyeful of his tan muscular arms.
Despite her words, she really didn't want him to leave. She desperatly searched for any reason to have him stay. "I guess this one time it's alright. THere's no one else here, and I do feel a bit hor...lonely" She said catching and correcting her freudian slip before she could verbalize it.
"Well if you'd like I can put on a shirt and keep you company" He said looking her up and down feeling for her.

Then he noticed what she was wearing

He gulped trying to will his cock to stay down knowing if he got an erection it would show in these jeans.

"I dont want to keep be rude with my naked torso" He said softly "do you want me to go pu a shirt on?"
"I don't think that will be necessary. You're already here. Come sit here with me, she pats the seat next to her as she shifts sliightly to make room for him.
"Okay" He said trying not to star at her to much as he sat down being careful not to mess it up to badly. He sat down next to her his feral musky scent hitting her as he turned to look at her and show his body to her.

"You sure this isnt bad Mom- I mean Ma'am" He said trying not to wince at his slip up.

The word struck her like a ton of bricks. It was the one word she desperatly yearned to hear. From teh time she was little and played with dolls, all she wanted was to be a mother to a large family.

She sat upright and tears began to fall from her eyes and she leaned in to his chest and wrapped her arms around him and let herself go. Sobbing harder than at her husbands funeral.
"Uh im sorry" Ben said holding her and stroking her back unsure of what he said or did that upset her so. Did he realize what he was about to call her? He felt his heart lurch suddenly very upset he had caused her any pain.

"I'm sorry it's just you know without me having a mother and with every thing that's been going on in my life I can't help but see you that way" He said stroking her hair struggling to make it up to her "I mean your every thing I could have asked for in a mother beautiful alluring attractive kind nurturing formal" He said not noticing his cock was starting to twitch under her with his words.
She just pulled herself tight tohis chest and cried. It was like al the decades of holding in her pain had reched critical mass and burst the dyke she had built holding it all in. She was letting out all the pain and despair that had been crushing her soul since she found out she would bnever be a mother.

Her trars were falling onto his chest her body wracked with sobs and she kept pushing herself closer to him, until she was sitting on his lap crying on his shoulder, her arms wrapped around his neck.

It seemed like hours before her tears stopped flowing and she started to gather herself together. She sat there in fear at her unseemly display of emotion and wondered whathe would think of her now.

She was too scared to stay and even more afraid of leaving. She just sat there on his lap wondering what she should do now.
He let her cry and display her emotions feeling strangely humbled. His employer was a very reserved woman and he never would have imagined she held such pain and torment inside much less that he would be the on who finally saw it. He wisely choose to shut up instead simply stroking her hair and rocking her to his chest. He didn’t say any thing when she climbed into his chest instead wrapping his arms around her and pulling her in closer rocking her.

He finally felt her sobs subsiding and gently kissed the top of her head he let the silence stretch for a few seconds before he finally spoke hesitantly.

“It’s okay Mrs. Buhtler if you ever need any thing I am here” He said wanting no needing to be a good son to her if at all possible.