Immortal Love

Samira wandered to the baths and prepared for the day then to the main room. Sitting down she was happy that she had not suffered under the Amir's hand but she was still confused by his actions being so far out of the normal for him. She absently played with the jewels that dangled from her hair till she saw the stranger.

What did you do to him?

She stood walking over to him.

To the Amir... what did you do?
Deacon Frost

The words caught him off guard and he gave her a smile.

"Me? All I did was to play music my dear, I am nothing more than a poor soldier, with fingers that can play the strings of a guitar."

Even up close she was beautiful and he could see what the patrons saw in her, but looking into her eyes there burned a fire, curious. Most of these girls was broken...she wasn't.
No... no other musician we have had here... The Amir always the same... you play and he changes... what did you do?

She was not scared any of the others would have feared magic or something like that and stayed away from him but she wanted to know... almost had to know. She stood there her slender form covered only the barest of decently in the crimson scarf like sheer Choli top and skirt. Her hair clipped up and in soft curls falling down her back.
Deacon Frost

He gave her a lopsided smile,

"Perhaps the man just had a long day and the music lulled him to sleep. I do not know what else I did, its not like I've cast a spell on him."

He rested his hand on her shoulder,

"Let's just hope your lot changes, you seem like a nice enough girl not to get mistreated all the time."

Without a further word he walked to the kitchen to fetch himself something to eat before the day starts.
Our lots never change here Sir... you do not understand this place you are in do you?

She also went to find food and biting her lip dared to continue to talk to him.

If you have questions about any of this... I am sure Salim will not mind my answering them for you or perhaps Mirri can... she seems most taken with you.

She moved to a low table and sat down eating a a small scrap of bread and dried vegetable.
Deacon Frost

He looked at her as she continued to talk to him,

"Well little one every person can change their lo, it's not an easy thing to do, but it can happen."

He ate his meal, then looked for Mirri, he had noticed that she was in very high demand and Salim had made quite a nice amount of money the previous evening.

"She has yes, but she doesn't want to understand that it will not help her or me to pursue that thought."
And how do you think ones like us can change our lot? If we do not work in places like Salim's we have only the streets or much worse gathering houses with no healers.

She watched him. Mirri watched them before Salim told her to dance so that Samira insure that the stranger was happy here.
Deacon Frost

He favored her with one of his very scarce warm smiles,

"In time you will come to see that my words ring true, but now you will only want to deal with what you believe to be the only way of living."

He looked over at Salim, raising an eyebrow, he had seen what happened and he started to think that Salim must have thought him to be one of the numerous people that wants Samira. He couldn't have been more wrong.

"Excuse me Samira, I have some tunes to play on this new flute."
Samira nodded as he walked away. She stood tall however when Salim walked over to her. Veiled from view his hand snapping tight around her wrist for a moment as he growled something to her before walking away. Samira stood there but her eyes were cold as she watched Salim. She moved to begin dancing as she always did to the music. As the sun was it its highest and hottest a small handful of men had made there way form the docks delivering items to Salim and his business. Items for the girls and the guests. Salim guided them to place the crates and bags in storage and then without thought grabbing Samira and flinging her to one of them and then doing so with a few more of the dancers and servers and showing these men to the private chambers.

Clearly none of the girls given is offering were happy about it as they all did what they never did and struggled against the vice like grips of those leaving chambers with them. No guest seemed to take note as it got the stench of the sea and the lower laborers out of their senses and sight. Mirri simply waited till all eyes were away from her and waved goodbye to the girls being taken away.
Deacon Frost

Deacon saw this happen and stopped playing on the flute, the lack of his music caused quite a stir and it had Salim rushing over,

"Why are you not playing?"

Deacon leaned back, idly twirling the flute between his fingers, he gave Salim a look, those blue eyes seemed to become ice daggers as he stared at Salim. The owner finally started to lose his nerve at how cool Deacon was even though he was not in his own land nor property.

"We have a deal, you play your music and I pay you."

Deacon just smiled at Salim, then like a flash he was on his feet, his face so close to Salim's that Salim had to flinch from those eyes, now as hard as rock, Deacon's voice was soft, yet it carried a menace that nobody but Salim could hear.

"So Salim, you give your dancing girls as payment to scum? Lowering value on assets is a good way to get your throat cut by an unhappy worker..."

He slowly slid back into his seat and continued to play the song he was busy with, the flute now held a high warning tone, one that Salim thought he could not ignore as he remembered what the stranger had previously done with his music.
While the stranger brought him much money he was also clearly trouble and did not understand their ways. He would not stop what was happening right now but if the girls could not control the stranger his business would also suffer because of him.

Hours later the sailors and dockmen walked back to the main room nodding to Salim they grabbed up food and left. Slowly the girls thrown to them began to carefully walk back out to the main room and back to the guests and their appointed jobs. Samira nor any of them wore the same clothes. Samira seemed to favor and protect one of her wrists at first till the pain passed then went on as always as if nothing happened.
Deacon Frost

He did nothing further but played on the flute, again taking the guests on a journey through the known and unknown world with just the sound of the flute. He ignored the girls when they returned, the only ones he did see was those that danced past him. When he stopped, the patrons wanted more, he held up his hand and slid the guitar onto his lap. Eagerness followed as he started to stroke the strings, bringing forth a haunting melody, it sent shivers down the spine and just like that he slipped into an old Celtic folk song, the rhythm picking up and soon he played songs that went so fast that the dancers started to grow tired of keeping up the pace. The patrons was enchanted, by both music and the dancing girls, of course he knew that the wine helped, but that was nothing that anybody needed to know.
Samira had the drive and determination not to tire from his strange songs as she continued to dance. Mirri always staying between him and Samira trying to keep his attention away from her. Until someone grabbed at Mirri and Salim walked over taking payment up front and talked with him for a moment.
Deacon Frost

It still looked like the only focus of his attention was the guitar, but he noticed more than what it seemed like. He kept playing, his fingers dancing over the strings, going faster and faster until it reached a crescendo and then crashed down. From that crash he slipped into a slower song, one that finally gave the girls a bit of time to relax, murmurs ran around as the attention was drawn back to the girls with the slow music.

He gave a small smile to Salim, but did nothing but play and keeping his gaze locked on the guitar. He decided not to stay any longer than was necessary, once he had enough money, he would leave. These women had fire in them, but submitted too easily to traditions and there was nothing he could do.
Another grabbed for Samira and much to Salims fear it was right before the stranger. Salim knew the man well as he in honesty owed this man nearly his life if the wanted Samira that would take a great chunk from Salims debt but the man would not take Salim's main money source permanently just for a night or two.

The scarred and calloused hand snapped tight around her neck and one at her wrist as Samira tried to pull away before her eyes landed on who had grabbed her and she began to fight like a wildcat till the hand on her throat tightened more.
Deacon Frost

The struggle drew his attention and he lifted his eyes, looking as the man started to choke Samira. He stopped playing immediately and in the following silence every eye turned to where he was looking. Most men started to chuckle and demanded music, but Deacon rested his arms on the guitar, leaning on it until the man realized he was being scrutinized, he snarled at Deacon.

"What do you want pretty boy? Rather stick to what you know and play your silly instruments."

The smile was cold and deadly and only the professionals knew of what danger that smile spoke of, Salim being one of them, he had seen that smile many times before and then death always followed. He was now caught between satisfying his debts or satisfying his paying customers as the demand for more music grew in volume. He made his way to Deacon's side, leaning in close to whisper,

"If I let them retire and she will not have to work the rest of the evening, will you then be happy."

Deacon turned his gaze towards Salim,

"You owe this man a debt, or you would have been collecting money from him. If you call that debt settled and get a healer for her immediately, I'll play. I'll even play the whole evening for free then."

Immediately the stack of money that he had to give away to Deacon came to mind and Salim had a greedy twinkle in his eye. How to play this right and make a handy profit and get free of a debt, with those thoughts he moved over to the center of the attention.
You will have to ask him if my debt will be even after only one night with her my... Friend.

Salim hissed quietly as he motioned to the man to release her some. Samira was still clawing and fighting for the first time since the stranger had met her showing some panic over who was seeking to claim her for the day. Salim looked to the man.

She is yours for as long as you wish this day if My debt is even.

The man looked to her looking her over and nodded snorting... Very well but WHATEVER I want of her... till the next dawn.

Salim nodded looking to the stranger hoping he would accept and get back to work. Samira was still fighting struggling against the grip around her neck.
Deacon Frost

He gave a cold smile, leaned back in his seat, clearly not going to play anything anytime soon, the crowd was starting to get restless as it was clear that the man claiming Samira was the cause of this.

"Abdoul, you are ruining our evening, don't be greedy and needy you are a married man."

A man seated to the left hissed the words, he clearly held some sway as Abdoul seemed to reconsider.

"Alright Salim, the whole day and I will not mar her...too much. I like my women fiery and she has got my loins boiling with her struggles."

Before Salim could reply the clear cords of a song came wafting from the guitar, it was a lively folk song and soon most of the patrons was singing along. Salim sighed and nodded, Abdoul got up and led the struggling Samira towards the rooms. Deacon knew that he had done as much as he could, but next time he would take more drastic action. Soon the mishap was forgotten as his music enchanted the people and even Salim, who had not forgotten to summon a healer, allowed himself to relax to the music.
Matters calmed as the girls were randomly taken to rooms or were busy dancing a few patrons who arrived after the fiasco asking about Samira but willing to enjoy other dancers. The day traveled on and on till finally as night began to envelope the sky Samira finally emerged remaining close to the wall and doing her best to hide herself from patrons eyes. She sank to the floor as Salim sent a couple of of servers over to help her to her own chambers and the Healer was sent there to check her away from eyes of the patrons.
Deacon Frost

He played until closing time, swaying the songs, from strange, but lively songs, to old songs almost forgotten, yet still alive. At times he sang, his voice fitting the music he played, at other times he let the music speak for itself. The money piled up and he smiled to himself, not only did Salim make a great deal of money, he was freed from a debt.

This time it was the very early hours of the morning, when the last patron left. He placed the guitar down and slumped into his seat, he was beyond exhausted, he had a faint recollection of soft spoken words, soft hands and bodies. He woke the next morning in his bead, from the condition of his hands it was clear that somebody had looked after him after he for all means and purposes fell asleep in his chair.

He got up and found that there was food, he ate and headed for the baths, after bathing and shaving he searched for his guitar. He heard the strings softly speaking from outside and he followed the sound, finding Mirri sitting with the guitar, gently stroking the strings. He knelt down next to her, still unnoticed,

"You should be careful, some men would kill if their prize possession is in the hands of another."

Though the words may have seemed as a warning, his tone suggested that he just wanted to start a conversation.
Mirri jumped quickly handing him the guitar with a whimper.

I... it is not like those here... strange... powers...

She bit her lip watching him part of ehr mind screaming for her to run away from him after his words.

Samira had managed to make her way to the baths and then slowly to the kitchen for a little food. Getting a little piece of cheese and moving back away from everyone hoping she was completely unseen as she slowly nibbled at the cheese.
Deacon Frost

He chuckled, accepting the guitar from her, strangely he was in a good mood today,

"Now now I will not drag you around by your hair."

He flexed his fingers and started to play a melody, softly as to not attract too much attention, but loud enough for her to hear. For a moment the song was a strange one, then she realized that it was also one that came from her childhood. As the music went along, it brought images to her mind, making her feel a strange longing for her home and family.

Deacon played the song to the end and then started a lively tune, he started to sing softly, a tale of a bird, caught in a net, yet one day set free by its worst enemy the cat. Of course there was not meaning behind the song, he just found it uplifting.
The soft happy music... Mirri smiled listened as she watched Samira... Normally she would be glad to see her weakened and of no use to Salim but today she almost felt sorry for her and watched her.

Samira listened to the music and slowly began to move to dance with the music.
Deacon Frost

The song came to an end and he got to his feet, giving Mirri a smile,

"Later tonight it is time to dance again little one, for now I suggest you rest as much as you can."

He walked back into the building, guitar in hand, he nodded at Samira as he passed her.
Salim walked over to him. You seem seek to protect Samira... tonight... you seek to protect... you claim... for tonight. Guests come that your songs will hold nothing to... They are nothing but death. The warriors and their leader travel this way only as they cross the Amirs lands going from one of their camps to the other and back... there will be many moons between now and their trip back but to protect the one you seem intent on protecting you should claim this night.

With that he walked off and dragged Samira too her feet and spoke with her quietly.