Phoenix is Risen

"You are the voice in my head telling me I can do it, encouraging me to be me, to love the things I love, to pursue any dream I have, pushing me when i need to do better, and always waiting for me to come back to you. And I will, I will always come back. The miles don't matter, there are no miles between hearts like ours. I long for you every day; to please you, to make you proud of me, to serve you.

There are times, in the early morning or late at night just before sleep captures my mind when I can almost feel you next to me, breathing the same air, reaching for me like I reach for you. Desperate to feel you put your hand between my shoulder blades and calm me. I'd be lying if I said I didn't die a little when I realize you're not next to me.*

But you are there, every empty space is you."

I wrote stuff today ;)