The Glove Box


Literotica Guru
Feb 6, 2018
~ ~ The Glove Box ~ ~

Thank you for clicking. I am pink_silk_glove, a girl looking for male roleplay partners. In some other corners of the internet I also go by the name of emekat.

I'm a high-lit writer. I'll say that bluntly. You will get quality from me. I give details and I expect some in return with (at least) some decent grammar skills. I write with no set post length other than to end the post when it is time for the partner to respond. My post length can vary greatly. However it is difficult to inspire each other with a couple of quick lines written in five minutes, so whatever you give me should have significant substance.

I don't just open the reply box and start typing. The process runs much deeper than that for me. This often takes time. I write and then I edit and rewrite. Sometimes when I finish a post I leave it overnight to make sure that I haven't missed anything when I reread it the next day. I'm also not always able to be online every day - I work full time and have a life - so I am looking for someone who can handle a slower pace to our story.

We will write in threads and everything will be original. I won't touch fandom.

I'm so sick of starting stories that die of inactivity (aren't we all?)! If you want to get on my bad side, start writing with me and then suddenly bail. I understand that things in life happen that prevent us from writing but if losing interest in stories or partners is some sort of fetish for you then just hit the back button right now. Keep your ADD to yourself.

For all of these reasons given above, I will be quite choosy who I write with and yes I will check your post history should I consider writing with you. If my (blushing) bitchiness hasn't turned you off yet then perhaps we could get a bit cozier. I promise that I'm much softer on the inside.

Any setting is fine with me, although I prefer modern as it's the most realistic and realism or at least believability is what I strive for. For that reason I tend to stay away from high fantasy and struggle with sci-fi (settings that can detract from the characters and their motives), although a dynamic enough plot can always convince me.

My characters vary but will nearly always lean submissive. Their body types will vary widely. I can play any shape or size, but tend to stay away from perfect figures. I need flaws.

Your character will generally have a mix of confidence, charm and decisiveness. He will pursue what he wants with skill. Charm me, coerce me, even lie to me, seduce me or just take advantage of me. Dashing sharp gentlemen and rugged rogues are always good, but I do admire some subtlety. Straight up prototypical alpha male brutes are intimidating (and usually boring).

One of the main driving forces of the plot will be level of consent.
~ con ~ saying no doesn't even cross my mind
~ dub-con ~ you make it difficult for me to say no and will push me past such points
~ non-con ~ you don't care if I say no
~ rape ~ physical assault
All are on the table and all are hot given the appropriate plot. All harbor emotions that the others can't.

I have some soft limits. These include anal, BDSM, daddy talk and slave/pet stuff. However, the less con there is, the more flexible I am with these. At the same rate I am also more flexible with the character that you play. For instance, choosing my stalker/abduction/rapist or what he does to me seems to lack a certain logic, if you know what I mean.

Everything will be human on human. There will be no incest. Neither will there be poop nor pee. These are hard limits.

My biggest turn on is realistic believable tension filled plots where motive drives emotion. Being charmed or seduced gets me hot. Instant hookups and risky sex are especially steamy as well as being taken and physically handled. Exhibition/public/voyeurism can also work well.

I love good simple plots. One advantage of them is that the focus is on the immediate emotions of the characters and not distracted by elaborate settings nor epic story arcs. Another advantage is that they are generally steamier. Months aren't required to write several pages of buildup before anyone gets undressed. Maybe I have a crush on you but don't think that you notice. Perhaps I've/we've just had too much to drink. Taboo relationships (teacher/student, age gaps, etc) also work very well.

That doesn't mean that I won't write something deeper and more involved. If you wish to propose your epic historical/post-apoc/medieval fantasy story please do. I will listen. However, due to the level of commitment required I will be more choosy and finicky who I write with.

The outcome of the story can be happy or bad. Better yet, keep me damp by keeping your intentions for the end a secret. Do you really care for me or am I just being used? Feel free to keep me guessing, pitched about on an emotional roller coaster.

I reserve the posts directly below for specific plot ideas. Do not post in this thread.

So if I have managed to hold your interest through all of that and you are still interested in writing with me, put something in my box, a thick potent pm. If it is about one of my plots, elaborate on it. Tell me what you like about it or what you want to get out of it or something else that you find pertinent to mention. Again, please do not reply to this thread. Make sure that you have read all of this before contacting me. I'm a bright girl and can tell if you did or not.

I look forward to hearing from you.

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~ A Novel ~

If you want a sample of my writing, or if you just want something to read over a weekend, have a look at my novel.

It is a dark romance set in a swank restaurant and was inspired by the film The Cook, the Thief, his Wife and her Lover. This link is for the prologue. At the bottom of the page you will find a link to the index and the rest of the story.
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~ Simpler Plots ~

A Shoulder to Cry on ~ currently UNAVAILABLE x
I've been recently dumped and while at a party see my ex with another girl. I'm crestfallen. You've always sort of liked me and sensing my heartbreak you offer your sympathetic ear ... and affection. Are you genuine or are you just taking advantage of my weak moment?

Wasted ~ OPEN
I'm at a house/bush/beach party with a bunch of my friends from school. We've all been drinking and getting high. You notice that I've had a bit too much and you move in to take advantage of me.

In the Chair ~ OPEN
I walk past a salon and decide to get my hair done. You're the male hair dresser. I become putty in the care of your hands and can't help but submit to your complete control. I'm a bit surprised that you don't seem gay and before I leave the premises you prove to me that you definitely are not.

Desperate Stratagem ~ currently UNAVAILABLE xx
We broke up a few months ago. You ended it. I see you around now and then sometimes with other girls. You've moved on and seem happy. Conversely I may seem fine on the outside but inside I'm a wreck. I'm lost without you. Hatching a plan I dress myself up, get stupid drunk and find you at the bar to unleash all my femininity on you in one desperate attempt to get you back. Will it work or will you just take the hot sex and run?

Pillaged ~ OPEN
I am a Norse maiden. While all the young men of our village have left at dawn on the fishing boats your band of viking raiders seize the opportunity to sweep through and take all that you want, including the flesh of the women. You choose me to rape and toss aside as your band moves on to continue their invasion. Months later (perhaps in retreat) you pass through again to witness my shame.

Aftermath ~ OPEN x
To you I'm just another fling. To me you're the hottest night of reckless passion that I never thought I could have. The next morning you vanish, leaving me heartbroken. What happens when we accidentally bump into each other a few months later and you witness the damage done?

Babysitter ~ OPEN x
You're an upper middle class urban professional in your thirties with a wife and infant child. I am your shy teen babysitter and you've had your eye on my young flesh for some time. One evening as you drive me home you seduce me and I fall for you. We strike up an ongoing affair but how long can we keep it a secret from your wife and my parents? If we're caught, you could lose everything.

Beautiful Dreamer ~ currently COMPLETE
At a house party/gathering I've had a bit more substances than I can handle. I wander off to find a couch or bed to pass out on. The party dwindles late and you discover me in my heavy slumber, dead to the world. As you quietly defile me (careful not to wake me) a dreamscape stretches out across my mind.

Birthday ~ OPEN
My office co-worker friends surprise me on my birthday by dragging me out to a strip club and getting me completely wasted. You're one of the dancers, sculpted and lithe. My friends are getting touchy and feely with you but I am too shy. Someone suggests a private room for you and our group and things go much farther than they're supposed to.

Monday Afternoon ~ currently UNAVAILABLE x
I'm the average teenage girl next door. You have your own small business, perhaps a mechanic shop or some other trade. You're at work Tuesdays through Saturdays with one of your employees opening the shop on Mondays. One particular Monday afternoon I come home from school to see you working in your yard/garage. You notice that I'm attracted to you. The next Monday you chat me up, invite me over. My parents aren't home until after five and neither is your wife. You seduce me. After that we continue an affair in our Monday afternoon secret.

Peer Pressure ~ OPEN
It's college. I'm the shy one of the group of girls. We're having a few drinks in the dorm when someone decides to call the guys over. At first I'm excited when you're one of the ones who shows up since not only do I have a crush on you, you seem to pick up on it, but soon after everyone pairs up, the party gets a bit naughty. When things escalate I have trouble asserting my limits in this public situation.

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~ Deeper Plots ~

On the Run ~ OPEN
It's circa 1972 in Midwest America. You're a bad boy with a badass car. You take me for a ride and we hook up. The next day the cops try to pull us over. It turns out that your car is stolen. You give them the slip. With few other options, and attracted to the thrill, I decide to stick with you as we move from town to town robbing gas stations stealing cars and hiding out in cheap motels.

Croon ~ OPEN
You're a soul singer, a suave dark gentleman in fine tailored clothes moving like a cat on the stage. I'm on the dance floor like a willing marionette dangling from the vibe of your song. My panties hit the floor at the sound of your voice. Yes you read this correctly - interracial.

Truck Stop ~ OPEN x
In my small home town there is a truck stop diner where many long haul drivers stop in for gas/lunch/dinner or even park for the night. The parking lot is full of big rigs. You're a trucker from out of state that stops in sporadically every few weeks. I'm a shy and lonely teen who recently started working at the truck stop. You hit on me, leading to you inviting me back into your sleeper where you coerce me into having sex. From then on I never know when you might stop in but each time you do I end up in your truck for the night.

Therapy ~ currently UNAVAILABLE
You are a therapist who specializes in sexual problems. Through a friend of a friend I seek you out as you come with high recommendations. I'm shy and nervous as you gently probe me on the details of my sexual drives and needs. After a couple of sessions you begin to act on these drives and needs and probe me in other ways.

Enemy Forces ~ OPEN
A period piece, we would select an appropriate war from history as our setting. You would be a soldier in an invading army occupying my village or estate. I am a young maiden warned to keep away from the enemy camped out among us, yet as you take a liking to me I fall for your charms. We share a secret romance but soon after you seduce me your unit is ordered to advance, leaving me heartbroken. Were your feelings genuine or was I just a fling? Will you even ever return?

A Stranger's Car ~ currently UNAVAILABLE
This is a terribly dark plot requiring a special partner. You're a serial rapist and killer on a sick cross-country spree. You prey upon young good-girl types and when you see me in the mall you chat me up. It takes some charm to get me into your car but once in, there's no escape for me. You intend to torture rape and kill me like the rest, but there's something different about me. Although still thoroughly terrified, I'm more compliant and subdued than the others. You keep me alive and take me along, forcing me with threats and fear to act as your accomplice as you continue your spree.

Hard Core ~ currently UNAVAILABLE
The embodiment of rebellion and all things antisocial, you're the singer in an underground hardcore band. You get off on confrontation and cathartic violence and your stage performance includes inciting wild bloody mayhem in the audience. Your lyrics take a profane stand against authority, conformity, government, religion, cops, feminism and anything else regarded as PC. I'm a young punk and when your tour brings you to my town I see your show for the first time. Fascinated, I meet you backstage of the club where you very roughly take and use me. After that, I join you on the road for the rest of the tour as we wreck motel rooms, run from cops, town to town, always in squalor, broke spending all our money on booze and every hard drug and engaging in general depravity, all the while you fuck and abuse me.

Boomerang ~ OPEN
You play in a badass local band popular on the scene. I see you on stage one night and fall for you. You notice and take me to bed. We end up being a couple. I love being on your arm out on the scene and you do like to show me off. You're narcisistic and take me for granted. You disappear for days, cheat on me (sometimes with my friends), show up out of the blue and crash at my place. You don't work, you eat my food and spend my money. You drink and do drugs, get me in shit with my roommate and landlord. You call me to get you out of jail. When I get upset, you smooth it over with sweet talk and a good hot fuck and keep me hanging on.
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~ Group Plots ~

In order to keep groups manageable, I may seek as few as two writing partners each writing two characters, rather than four or five partners with one character each.

My Quiet Gang Bang ~ OPEN
I'm a librarian closing up the campus library. Shooing out the majority of the students and other patrons, I allow three to four of you sweet young men to stay behind as I tidy up for the evening. One or two of you may be shy, others more confident and experienced. I get a little flirty, leading to all of you having me at once, filling my holes.

Surprise Train ~ OPEN
As a lark one night while drinking one of my friends throws a porn on the screen. The scene is a bunch of men lining up to bang a wife. I never thought that it would turn me on so. When my friends didn't say a word I had thought that I had got away without showing a reaction, but a couple of weeks later they surprise me by arranging six or eight guys to run a train on me.

The Wrong Room ~ OPEN
I'm miss prim and proper at high school. Not long ago you took me out on a date and my turning frigid when you tried to put the moves on me did not sit well with you. I'm at a house party and get a little bit carried away drinking. Not feeling well, I stumble into an upstairs bedroom looking for a place to lie down, only to run into you and two or three of your football buddies getting high. You seize your opportunity to take what you feel I owe you and your buddies join in to use and abuse me. You bruise me up, maybe even break a bone or two at some point and I will probably end up vomiting as you rape and fill me.

You Asked for it ~ OPEN
Ever since we got married you've been dropping hints about threesomes. I was never interested and at first thought that you were joking, but then your notions became stronger and you eventually revealed your cuckold fetish to me. Unamused, I turned you down yet you persisted to the point where it annoyed and even angered me to no end, threatening our marriage. You so badly wanted another man to fuck me, to witness his money shot all over my skin and to get it all on film. Finally I agree, but what I don't tell you is the humiliation that I have in store for you.

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~ Story Index ~

~ Complete ~

Dreamer ~ with WatchingCloud
He happens across his daughter's drunk friend passed out in his bed. Her mind dreams while he uses her body.

~ Current ~

The Forbidden Temple ~ with Dirtydave1974
Friction and sparks erupt between a swift-talking young adventurer and a sharp sensible scientist in a race to find lost treasure in the Peruvian jungle.

Using a babysitter ~ with hadruprider
He's a professional married man having it off with the young babysitter. His wife can't find out. Neither can her parents.

I'll Lay With You ~ with WeaverofWorlds
Lands and title unscrupulously usurped from her, a Lady struggles to take back what is hers and her family's, but in lieu of credit to hire the forces needed, she uses her body.

The Ex-Girlfriend ~ with Bill525
Things are finally going well for him in both career and love, until one day his manipulative old flame shows up out of the blue.

Junction ~ with WardenDios
Alone and unwanted, she's waiting tables in a small town until he drifts in from the road and out ... and in and out again.

Bad Choices ~ with LancerCrowneCT
A young struggling single mom slips back into her old drug addicted ways. The paramedic who rescues her tries to catch her fall.

~ Dropped ~

Monday Afternoons ~ with LeonGreybeard
After school on Monday her parents are away. His family is away. A young teen and an older man next door share a secret love affair.

The Middle of Nowhere ~ with LitShark / UnHolyPimpHand
He's a long haul trucker. He makes her his port of comfort in this dry salty sea of dust.

Knight in Dusty Armor ~ with Led_Astray
An iconic freedom fighter on the lawless frontier passes through town and strikes up a romance with the local humanitarian.

Purdy Thang ~ with Rick345
Stranded in the Alabama backwoods, two locals have perverted ordeals in store for her.

Want U Back ~ with Drumroll_418
He dumped her some time ago. She attempts to win him back, with sex.

Aftermath ~ with saedo
A hot steamy adulterous one night stand complicates everything.

Just Once More ~ with RawDog33
She attempts to win her old boyfriend back by using sex. She has plans.

Behind Enemy Lines ~ with cumnchat
A Union soldier turns up wounded on a Southern belle's plantation. How long can she keep him a secret?

A Soothing Touch ~ with Obuzeti
Witnessing her tears, a stranger offers his sympathy.

This post will be updated periodically
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I might take on another story or I might not. I will probably be fussy about who I write with, though.
Would you consider a plot where you are stranded on a highway and then you meet an harmless but flirty Indian guy who seduces you into a steam night affair! You are married but he continues taking his chances and ultimately you fall prey to his seduction games!
him▸lol stop thinking ... we got the title : )
him▸I decide (for now)
me▸ok, but i can change it later : P
him▸only at the end ... if I agree : )
me▸it's MY book : P
me▸you can write your own ; )
him▸but you requested MY advice
me▸and I value it dearly : P
him▸hehe ... I'm not yet asking to be paid to give you my advice : )
me▸writing a book is like having a baby, although once you finally birth it you don't have to raise it : P
me▸but I reserve the right to have final say to name my baby
him▸lol ... it also takes a long time and you have the birth pain, ...
me▸so consier me pregnant with my book, I'm still in my first trimester : P
me▸it happened quite suddenly, unplanned ... : s
him▸the name of the baby is also given by the dad , no?
me▸you werent there when I conceived it ; )
him▸so I can't be the dad? : s
me▸i suppose it will be a fatherless child : P
me▸i jilled myself sooo goood that I knocked myself up, haha
him▸just like Jezus ... : )
me▸: o
me▸but I'm hardly a virgin :blush:
HIM▸Hello bitch
pink_silk_glove▸that's cunt to you
pink_silk_glove▸to what do i owe the displeasre?
HIM▸Bitch cunt
pink_silk_glove▸well you seem to be able to handle the one syllable words
pink_silk_glove▸not likely
HIM▸Call me Master
pink_silk_glove▸i dont play with illiterate ppl
pink_silk_glove▸since you obviously cant READ MY FUCKING PROFILE
HIM▸God damn ur retarded
pink_silk_glove▸you would know
pink_silk_glove▸congratulations, i get a lot of stupid ppl messaging me but you just topped my week
pink_silk_glove▸so fucking special
HIM▸I hate u
pink_silk_glove▸aww, im sooo butthurt :/
pink_silk_glove▸come on, is that all you got? is that the best you can do?
pink_silk_glove▸nothing clever at all? and you call ME retard
pink_silk_glove▸you dick on crutches, go get your magnifying glass and jerk off
HIM▸I'm clever beyond ur comprehension
pink_silk_glove▸my comprehension couldnt be bothered
HIM▸I wanna fuck ur ass
pink_silk_glove▸im sure you do
HIM▸U sound so stupid
pink_silk_glove▸sure but you ARE stupid
pink_silk_glove▸thats what i been trying to tell you
HIM▸Kiss my ass
pink_silk_glove▸kiss a dog's ass
HIM▸U have a dog?
pink_silk_glove▸no, im the bitch, remember?
pink_silk_glove▸are you done yet?
pink_silk_glove▸well hurry up
HIM▸With what?
pink_silk_glove▸gimme yr dick, i need to thread a needle
HIM▸Ur pussy is that small?
pink_silk_glove▸no, im just going to sew your asshole shut so you stop talking
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Curious if you are still searching. Just guessing here, but I would imagine the list above is out of date.

Would you be open to another suggestion for a story perhaps?
I'll give this a bump. Added the Boomerang plot. Might take on one more story but will be quite fussy about plot and partner. (blush)

In the meantime, for all of your amusement ...

▸well then.
▸I sort of pretend that I am just playing with you but at the same time I pull your pants down and check what I am dealing with.
▸Is it a cock? Is it a pussy? Let's find out!
▸sort of let's not
▸Sorry. But I am laying on your torso. Let's assume you're too weak to push me off.
▸Whatever, It's just going to have to be your ass.
▸Do t worry, the lubes for ass stuff anyway.
▸ok, i was polite about it, now i can just say fuck off
▸(safe phrase is 'cactus in my ass')
▸thats a block
So, a brunette a redhead and a blonde are all sitting in the waiting room of the doctor's office, each of them eight months pregnant. All proud of herself, the brunette announces "I know I'm having a boy because my husband was on top!" Not to be outdone, the redhead sticks her chin out and says "Well, I know I'm having a girl because I rode my boyfriend." Just then, the blonde burst into tears, sobbing into her palms. "What's the matter, honey?" the other two women rush to console her. "I just realized," says the blonde. "I'm having puppies!"

So yea, this is a bump.