Ghis (closed)

"I know Alban fairly well. But 'e still needs a bit of a talk. Chessie's family, an' Alban oughta be told personally what 'appens to folks tha' break my girls' hearts."

"Oh, so I'm your lass now?" Chessie asked with her hands on her hips. She had always been able to get away with sassing Brogan, as much as any Ghis family member.

"Always were since y'joined us 'ere at th'keep," Brogan said with a nod.

"Aw, you big softie." Chessie came to kiss his cheek with a smile, patting his hand before she went on back to the kitchen.
Julia had to laugh as Brogan threatened to still have his talk with Alban, even though Chessie was a grown woman who didn't need anyone interfering on her behalf. Brogan had a soft heart when it came to their friends and family, and he certainly considered Chessie to be a member of the family.

"You best be careful with Chessie, love. She will stand up to you." Julia said with a chuckle at her husband as Heather snuggled against his neck and was soon fast asleep.
"Oh, I know she will. Jus' like most o' the women I surround myself with," he teased softly so not to disturb Heather.
"I don't know that Heather ever will." Julia said with a smile as she leaned in and kissed her daughter's forehead and then her husband's cheek. "Thank you for being a good father and the love of my life."

She left Brogan to put the twins to bed, going to visit with her brother and Beth while she had the chance. Beth looked so serene and in love with Max, a smile on her face that nothing could take away as her hand rested on her swollen belly.

"Has Maxwell been treating you well?" Julia asked, teasing her brother as she leaned down and kissed Beth's cheek with a laugh.

"The best he has ever treated me. He has asked my family to come to Inverness for a visit while we're here. I'm waiting for my brothers to respond." Beth said, excitement in her clear eyes as she glanced towards Max. "Unless they've already responded and you're hiding it, you rascal."
"I have never hidden anything like that from you," Maxwell insisted. "Only terribly unimportant things." Beth knew all too well that he hid plenty from her, usually to do with his own troubles or things that would make her worry. But back before they were so open with each other, he'd hid plenty more to do with himself and problems going on in Chester.
"You should see him, Julia. My serious husband doesn't want to do his work. He wants to stay with me all day." Beth said with a large grin, giddy at the thought that her husband loved and cared for her enough that he wanted to shirk his duties.

"Brogan was the same with all of the children. He wanted to make sure that I was cared for and well." Julia said with a chuckle as she took a seat beside her sister-in-law. "And he never missed a moment. When all of the children are grown and we are old, that's all that we'll have is memories of those times together."
"That sounds just fine to me, even if it took me what feels like forever to see what's important," Maxwell nodded as he settled beside Beth.
"That's because you are stubborn, brother." Julia said with a smile as he settled next to Beth to relax. "You never took time to simply sit and learn what was important."

Beth chuckled and patted Maxwell's hand, giving him a kiss on the cheek as her head rested against his shoulder.
"I am stubborn, and it's served me well. If I weren't stubborn, I wouldn't have held out against marriage long enough to meet Beth. And if not for my being stubborn about making my marriage more friendly than our father's, I would never have fallen in love." Maxwell took Beth's hand in both his own, giving Julia a smile that was once so rare for him when they were young.
"I'm incredibly happy for the both of you and I can't wait to meet my new niece or nephew." Julia said with a smile towards the both of them.

"I have a feeling it's a boy, but Maxwell says girl." Beth said as she squeezed her husband's hands. "We've talked about perhaps adopting a child no matter what happens. Maybe after this little one turns a year old we can think about adding to the family again."
"I didn't say it's going to be a girl, I said I'd like a little girl," Maxwell corrected her with a smile.
"No, you said you could tell it was going to be a girl." Beth corrected him back, grinning at him as he gathered her close. "The baby was kicking so hard the other day, you made comment that only a little girl would put up such a fuss."

Julia smiled as she watched the both of them. It was good to see her brother so free and the way that he loved Beth was apparent. They had fought hard for their relationship, much like she and Brogan. It had all paid out in the end.
"Only if she's just like her mother," Maxwell muttered. He always wanted to get the last little tease in.
It was a few short weeks later that Maxwell and Beth found out exactly what they were having. They had stayed in Inverness for an extended time, meeting her family who came from the north, and enjoying a sort of honeymoon that they had never had. Beth's family had been excited to see her, the great war chief that was her father melting at the sight of his only daughter.

The morning that Beth's labor pains began, Julia found her brother pacing the great hall looking lost. She gave him a sympathetic smile and brought him to sit in front of the fire with her and a mug of tea.

"She'll be fine, Max. Vincenzo is one of the best when it comes to babies." She said softly. "And the waiting is the hardest part. She'll get some good rest right now and come this evening, you'll have a wee little one in your arms and all of this will be worth it."
"You say all of that like it's going to calm my worries," Max said with a rueful smile. Even if Vincenzo was the best and Brogan and Julia would spare no expense in caring for Beth, Max still felt his stomach tied up in knots more of worry than excitement.
"I've had 6 children and Vincenzo has delivered every one. Trust me, Max. I have much more experience in this than you." Julia said with a laugh as he brother looked so nervous and slightly ill. "She's from strong Scottish stock. She'll be just fine."
"I just wonder if we took too long, and it'll be too hard for her..." Max muttered.

Marri, who was often the midwife to most of her family's children, soon emerged and Max stood quickly.

"Calm down," Marri said softly, making him sit back down. "She's fine. Everything's going well. She told me to come out and tell you that so you don't worry yourself into an early grave before the baby is even here."

Max couldn't help a small chuckle as he sat back down, his head in his hands. "Goddammit, Beth..."
"The wait is the hardest part. Then you'll spend the rest of your life worrying about them. It's only just begun, Max." Julia teased him. "We'll give her a little more time to rest and then we'll go see her. She should be nice and mad at you then."
"She already promised she'd let her father kill me next time he got mad at me," Max shook his head with a smile.
By dusk, the hard labor had set in and Beth was in a fair amount of pain. However, she was also progressing beautifully. Julia was there beside Marri and Vincenzo to help bring her niece or nephew into the world when the moment came. Beth pushed a few times, gripping Maxwell's hands as hard as she could before a screaming little boy was brought into the world. He was the spitting image of Maxwell and Julia had to smile as he cradled his new son so gently to his chest.

"Congratulations, Max." Julia whispered, kissing his cheek as Marri and Vincenzo tended to Beth.
Maxwell held the boy like he'd suddenly been handed the most precious and priceless thing in the world, looking down at him as his son squirmed and whimpered, protesting the interruption to his own little world.
Once Beth was in a new nightgown, Julia guided Vincenzo and Marri out of the room to give the little family time alone. Beth was exhausted, but she smiled as she watched Maxwell with their son.

"You look happy, love." She murmured, holding out her hands for her son. "It's a good feeling knowing that he's here and safe."
"It's certainly a relief..." Max murmured, placing the boy in her arms. The lad finally settled once he was in Beth's sure hands, and Max couldn't help but chuckle. "I see how it is, lad. Playing favorites already and he's not even been here an hour."
Beth had a look of joy and serenity about her. She kissed her son's forehead, brushing back his brown hair as he snuggled against her. She was so in love with the boy that she could hardly contain herself.

"What should we name him?" Beth asked, looking up to her husband as he watched them both so intently. "Julian?"
"That would be up to you, love. I'm no good with names," he murmured with a smile though he was surprised she would pick such a name.