Defending Mom


Benevolent Master
Apr 1, 2004
Henry Sinclair was just out of law school, had passed his bar exam with flying colors, and ironically had a job lined up with the District Attorney's Office when a major blow hit him.....his mother, Kelly Kirkpatrick (reverted to maiden name after last divorce), aged 43, was in jail.....again.

Henry already knew that he had to defend her, but where would he stay in the meantime? He was living in a motel because he had just moved out of his ex-girlfriend's apartment and resigned his job as a clerk for the District Attorney (again, another connection to the DA which conflicted with his family).....

But now he had his mother to defend. He had to do it. Thankfully, he still had savings left over from when Grandpa had left him a bequest in his will....otherwise, he might have to live with Mom....and she would really have a guilt trip to use.

So, yes, he had to defend Mom....but it wouldn't be easy. This was her 8th drunk and disorderly and she could get a jail sentence this time. Breaking up with her 4th husband in 18 years hadn't been easy on her at all....Mom had become an, scratch that, alcoholics went to meetings. She was a lush, a drunk.

But first he had to post bond for her, or she would still be in jail, so he went to do so.

Now he had to face as she was released. He didn't want to charge her for his services, but he had to survive, especially if he didn't have that job yet.

"Mom, what the hell happened this time?" he asked her, always, she was rudderless.