What did you accomplish today?


Passing some time
Dec 10, 2009
Knock something off you to-do list? Do a good deed? Finish up a big project? Share it with us.

Today I:
Rebuilt the float valve in a toilet, changed a malfunctioning electrical switch, touched up some peeling paint on the house and had a great chat conversation with a Litster friend I hadn't talked to in way too long.
Made some serious headway in ready my book. Jeez Louise King's Dark Tower books are long! Great but long.
Grilled/smoked 10pounds of pork shoulder roast. It was a good oarty.
Pissing good friends off, hurting and confusing other. You know. A typical day.
Finally decided on color for bridesmaid dresses

Bought birthday present for my nephew

Bought baby shower gift for sister-in-law
I documented various acts of vandalism at a rental property (People can be such shitheads) :cool:
12 mile walk (5 on the beach)
hung some curtains
cleaned the gutters

thrilling day, huh?
I made 6 pounds of double stuffed meatloafs. So much meatloaf. But so fucking good.
I went to the lake and grilled hot dogs and then I took tons of pictures including a boob shot in front of my hubby hehe. I'm so accomplished!
I managed a fair few things:
I ate.
I napped.
And I actively accomplished both jack and shit, several times!
30 pushups, off my knees. 100 squats in a row on a bosa ball
Finished up back to school shopping, replaced some pots, and cleared out a couple drawers in the kitchen.