Western Trails (closed)

He moved about after tethering the horses, he dug up roots, cut off shoots and flowers and when he returned, his hat was filled with a variety of herbs. He placed the hat down and retrieved a few berries from it. He held it for her to eat and gave her a grin, "It's not for anything, but it is quite tasty."

He checked the water and then started to peel, cut and pulp the various herbs before adding them to the water.
"What are you doing?" Penny asked, waking from her nap when she heard John shuffling around and cooking something.

She took a few of the berries and ate them, sighing at the sweet taste that burst across her tongue. He was taking care of her. That was what he was doing. It had been a long time since a man had taken care of her.
"Fixing you some medicine. You will of course curse me for trying to poison you with foul smelling and even worse tasting medicine and you will want to stay under the blankets and sleep. I can at least give you more berries and water, but the sleep you would have deal with on your own, although I might join you later on since it is still cool."

He mixed the ingredients and allowed it to simmer, the smell of the concoction filled the air, at the same time he started to heat up some of the left over food, it would be enough to give them a breakfast. He sat down next to the bedroll and rested a hand on her shoulder as he watched over the food and the medicine.
"I'm sorry for all of this, John." Penny said softly as he sat back down next to her, his hand resting on her shoulder.
He gently squeezed her shoulder and gave her a smile

"Don't be sorry about it, I am just glad that I could be there to prevent something bad and that I am here to look after you."

He tousled her hair and gave a chuckle before he got up to stir the food and the medicine, having a taste of the later before removing it from the fire.

"Now I will warn you again, this stuff tastes godawful."

He picked up the coffee mug and poured a greenish liquid from the pot into the cup, then he sat down again with the mug, the water skin and a few berries. Holding out the mug to her.
Penny wrinkled her nose as she took the mug from him and the smell hit her. She didn't know if she could get it down gracefully, but she was going to do her damnedest. If John swore that it would make her better, she would give it a shot.

A sip later had her gagging and she quickly took the water skin from his hand to help to wash it down. She soon had the rest of it down, pausing after each swallow to make sure her stomach wasn't about the rebel against what she had just drank.
He gave her the berries to take away most of the taste and then got up to dish out the rest of the food. He sat down with their plates and handed her plate to her.

"You eat up, I think the medicine will take some time to kick in, but once you start to feel drowsy, don't fight it. Sleep is what you need while the roots do their thing."

He moved the mug away so that she didn't perhaps catch a whiff of it while she ate. He took a pull from the waterskin and chuckled.

"Well one thing is that now you can watch me bend over the food."
"Watching you bend over isn't as fun as you watching me bend over." Penny said with a smile as she took the plate and gladly ate to get the horrid taste out of her mouth.

She settled into her spot and ate as much as she could before she started to feel drowsy. It took a while, but like John had said, it soon wrapped around her like a warm blanket. She placed her plate to the side and curled up, ready to sleep until she didn't feel terrible any longer.
He smiled and took her mostly empty plate, making sure to wrap her up in blankets since her body heat would be needed to sweat out most of the illness. Or that is what they taught him on the trails. He waited until she was asleep and then started to clean up and get everything ready for the next meal, which would be soup since Penny would need it to get her strength back after the whole lot of sweating she were about to go through.

He knelt down and gently touched her brow, the fever was there and he had to keep her cool enough even though her body would be as warm as a midsummer day. He collected the bowl and one of the cloths, then used the cool water and cloth to form not a cold compress, but to wipe her brow as the medicine started to work.
Penny didn't sleep easy under the mixture that John had given her. She fretted in her sleep, tossing and turning as he layer more blankets over her to help her to sweat out the illness. Her dreams didn't stay with her long and created a bizarre environment where she didn't quite know if she was awake or asleep.

She did sigh softly as he cleaned her brow with a cool cloth, her eyes flickering open to look at him for a moment. She was exhausted, her body aching and damp.

"Thank you." She murmured, her voice reflecting her misery as she relied on him to help get better.
He felt her brow as she looked up at him, her fever was still there, but he was sure that it would break soon and leave her to rest as her body healed.

"Don't thank me yet, you still have a cup to drink."

He held up the mug which contained the last of the medicine,

"I know it is revolting, but you need to take this now and sleep some more."

He gingerly raised her into a seated position and offered the cup to her fevered lips.
"Boy, you're going to owe me big time." She murmured as he helped her to sit up to drink more of the horrible brew, gagging at the bitter taste that spread across her tongue. "I have no idea what you put into this, but it's absolutely terrible."
He gave her a few of the sweet berries to chew after she had drank and a few sips of water, before lowering her down to the bedding once more and tucking her in, "It would help if we had honey, it usually makes it taste better, but it would be the mix of the roots and leaves, because separately they do not taste as bad."

He ran a soft touch of his fingers over her cheek, "Don't worry, you should feel better very soon." He smiled, "Or at least when you wake up again."
"No one's ever taken care of me like this before." Penny answered softly as he stroked her cheek gently. "I've always had to take care of myself."

She was tired, her eyes drifting close again as the herbal mixture worked its magic. She mumbled something incoherently, the words slurring slightly as she tried to continue on with their conversation. She felt bad about leaving him on his own while she slept, but it didn't seem to phase him at all. He was a good soul, even if he didn't believe that himself.
He watched as she fell asleep and stood up, leaving her to battle her fever dreams as he went about cleaning up the cave and letting the horses outside, hobbling them to allow them to graze, but not too far. He knew Sudden would not go too far, but he didn't know her horse.

He went back inside to check up on her and wipe her brow, giving her his presence to help stand against the demons that sometimes crop up during fever dreams. And of course he liked being close to her, even if it was to look after her.
Penny's dreams were both terrifying and exhausting, but she knew that John was there with her. When she finally woke late in the evening, the fever was gone but she was left exhausted. She turned in the blankets and pressed herself against his side, sighing as she basked in the knowledge that he had stayed with her the entire time.
He touched her brow and though it felt clammy, her fever had broken. He brushed her hair from her face and gave her a soft tap on the nose.

"You pulled through. You're clearly tougher than you look."

He had a peek at her shoulder, which he had feared might act up during her illness, but she seemed fine.

"So one more day to get some meat on your bones and then we can start again."
"And where are we going to go from here? I thought you were a wanted man in most of the cities." Penny commented as he laid out his plans for the two of them over the next day or so. "And it's going to take more than a fever and a cold to get me down. I survived Seth. I can survive pretty much anything at this point."
"That my dear, is exactly the point." He gently tapped the tip of her nose with his finger. "We are going to use the smaller towns until I can deliver you save and sound to your brother. Whom I hope will not try and deliver me to justice."
"He won't. Especially when he sees how happy you make me." Penny promised, leaning her head against his own. "Stick with me and I'll make sure that you don't end up in an early grave or behind bars. Both are possible."
"The bars will only happen when I am old and senile. An early grave is for the young and the pure."

His gaze wandered to the entrance to the cave, "But I have dreamt of hanging up my guns and turn to a proper life. A life where I am just unknown man living his life."

He chuckled and placed an arm around her, "But first we got to get you well and ready for the saddle. Can't have you falling off halfway there."
"We'll get you set up on a farm. You might be able to keep out of trouble raising some crops and breeding horses." Penny chuckled as he pulled her close. "And who knows...I might be right there with you as well."
"Well it might take some time to get enough money together to be able to buy a farm and I know nothing of crops, but horses? Now that does sound like a plan."

He rested his head against her own and looked into the fire, trying to imagine what a settled life would be like.

"And with you there, it will be even better, you do have a good eye for horses."
"If I can prove Seth is really dead to authorities, I can petition to get his estate." Penny said softly. "It would be more than enough money to get me started anywhere and I would be willing to help you get something set up as well. It would be the first nice thing that Seth ever did in his entire life."
He thought for a moment

"Well we know where his grave is. You can report that to the authorities and that should be proof. You obviously didn't shoot him."

He chuckled

"You also do know that it will place me in your debt, but I really can't think of a better looking debtor."