Feral Love(closed)

"Fine, all business, get in the car" He says, packing up his sleeping bag and tossing it into the trunk "Really, you are no fun at all" He says as he starts the car up and starts driving into the city.
This is my work what makes you think this is not fun to me? What would the precious ousted God think would make this "fun"?

She crossed her arms raising a brow.
Bes Shrugs "Don;t Mix business with pleasure, I get it" he laughs "But this is only work for you because you chose it to be, there are an infinite number of other things you could have done with your life, things much more "fun" then this.
That's just it to me my work is very fun. And you didn't answer my question.

She smirked.

There is nothing more fun then watching the life drain from an enemy.
"If you wanted this kind of fun, you can just go to one of those gladiator fights. Real fun, food, drink, SEX...Tell me, when was the last time you were rightly sexed hmm, can you even remember?"
Is that all you think about?

She growled. Humans were too fragile and her kind were too rare so it really was never a thought that she would worry about. Plus the last time any sexual moments happened it had been one of his own pantheon trying to claim her.
"Hello, God of Pleasure here, what else would I think about? Whats your excuse on always thinking about killing hmm?" He said smirking. Annoying her was starting to get fun, if he couldn't sleep with her, well at least he could make her frustrated.
It is my nature.

She smirked shaking her head.

And far more powerful than enduring the mating desires of a God.
"You are such a wet blanket" Bes says chuckling. Reaching into the car's built in humidifier he pulls out a cigar and lights it "tell me you at least smoke"
She nods.

Cigarettes why?

She paused sniffing the air muscles tensing for a moment.
Cigarettes? what are we commoners?" Bes Asks lighting the cigar, letting smoke fill the car before he rolls down the window "Try this" he says passing her the cigar.
Have never cared for cigars but humans do make some very pure "expensive" cigarettes.

She takes out a box of Nat Sherman's and lights it. A smile curling her lips as she takes a drag.
Shrugging as he puffs his cigar he laughs "Terrible taste too" he teases closing his eyes. "I find these bring the edge off on days like this"
Well where does this job lead us to next?

She enjoyed her cigarette one of the few relaxations she allowed herself.
As they drove closer to DC Bes took deeper and deeper drags from the Cigar, clearly nervous "The City" he says. "We'll have to trail the God's wraiths around and take them out whenever we get a chance, they'll probably be discussed as a normal human though"
Maybe to you.

She smirked.

I deal in death I know it's scent well. They can try to look normal but they will reak of death to me.
"Hmm Hmm and you smell like death too" he teased playfully "sleeping outside didn't do you any wonders."

"Well if you can sniff them out, I guess we'll put you to work then eh?"
Oh would she be happy to be rid of this one. Stifling a snarl she just nodded

Bout damn time we got to work... bait.
Grinning as he knew he was getting under her skin again, he stepped out of the car and stretches. "Hmm hmm, time for you to put that super sniffer to good use Scooby" he teases again "And if you're lucky you may just earn yourself a Scooby snack"
A brow raised.

Well since you had to hire me guess that makes you danger prone Daphne now doesn't it.

She turned staring down the road eyes narrow with a snarl.
"Touche" he says smiling and opening up the trunk to pull out a set of revolvers "Now, m'lady, how bout some fun?"
She barely heard him speak as she slowly moved toward a group of tourists scanning the entire group.
"Gah you are a terrible date" He mumbles following her through the crowd, his eyes scanning the crowd.
Muscles tensed... A chaos feeder but she could not tell which one of the tourists it was and she had little chance to tell Bes so turning she nodded faintly to him and used his words about bad date to prompt an"argument " knowing in the face of chaos not caused by it the creature would not be able to maintain its disguise and feed.

Terrible date?!?! Remember I am only here with you of all people to do you a favor and shut your mother up about you even getting a date. This is no date this is an act remember. You egomaniac no wonder your mother wants you dating she probably can't stand you being home all the time any more!
Smirking he walks up to her "Oh? my mother hates me?! Well let me guess, daddy wanted a boy so you became a tomboy, fighting and scratching anyone who gets close? Pretend to be so tough and not let anyone get close to ya?"