Harmon had heard about the Countess's arrival from certain sources he had cultivated. He had many placed in both high and very low society. It was amazing what one could learn from both ends of the spectrum.

He had made his way into the House Marius compound through a disguise he had used often in the passed few months. He had already cracked their security which had been light when no one had been in residence and had established his presence as a house slave. It didn't take much, an appearance here and appearance there. After all who took much notice of a slave?

Tonight he had again made his way into the compound dressed appropriately and made sure he found out where any meetings were taking place. Obviously that would be where the Countess would be. He made sure to be the slave on duty to take any refreshments to it. He had already established a high rank among the other slaves by violence and bribery so was left alone.

When the order came he took the tray of coffee and cakes and quickly made his way to the room. He kept his head down and behaved properly, serving first the countess then her guest, noting who it was. A small time Mentat but one of skill he had seen in the markets. A good move on the Countess's part to engage one.

He then left the tray and slipped back out as silent as he had entered and headed back to the kitchens, then made his way stealthily out of the compound. He had done what he had come for. Below the tray was a note detailing a rendezvous point for the Countess to learn more about who had been in charge of convincing her sister to stage a coup against her and why. It had also encouraged her to get some better security ending with the words, "Boom your dead."

Harmon chuckled at that. The assassin in him had made him add those last few words. He had to let her know just how close she had been to death and it had only been because she was needed that she was not dead. Still chuckling he made it back to the house he had rented close to House Marius under an assumed name and quickly changed his appearance, before heading off to another engagement.
Who and How?

After a time, as Josephine and Pathir discussed possible enemies of House Marìus and such enemies’ potential motives, a porter came in to remove the depleted refreshments tray. As the servant lifted it, a sheet of scribe’s-film fluttered from under the tray and fell to the floor at Pathir’s feet.

“Stop right there!” Josephine told the porter as she stood and pointed to the floor. “Where did that come from?”

“I don’t know, m`Lady,” the serving girl replied with obvious fright. “I’m not the one who delivered the tray.”

“Don’t leave; don’t even move,” Josephine ordered as she came around the desk. Remembering that the poison that had killed her brother had fooled his sniffer, she drew her dagger as she crouched down and used its blade to flip the page over to the side containing writing. Her eyes widened perceptibly as she completed reading it.

A Bene Gesserit would certainly have seen how anxiety made her tremble ever so slightly when she stood, but her voice sounded calm as she hit a red button on the desk, projecting her voice to the Duty Officer’s station.

“This is Josephine. Quietly lock down the Embassy. No one is to leave or enter until you hear further from me.”

The residence Joab had procured was costly, but it wasn't without it's charms and benefits. His neighbors were a cross section of the nobility, and their "friendly" get-togethers were excellent opportunities to press the flesh as it were. While none of these parties had born any fruit as of yet they were still a worth while place to make contacts. So in the absence of work he indulged his hobbies as best he could on his budget. One of the past times he'd enjoyed was reading, and one of his favorite topics was about warriors like himself from the past.

He was sure the history was mangled, but to be sure there were other times when warriors pledged themselves houses and served them throughout their lives. Things didn't change though he thought as he read of a master swords men who claimed victory in many duels and battles as well as being a skilled author and teacher along with a dozen other things. Even he later in life found himself searching for a home and position near the end of his life. His masters might have been grateful, but not in his twilight years. He wasn't done yet by along shot, but the tale was one of warning and heeded it.

That day though he worked out vigorously by performing a series of different knife and sword drills. Without the funds for robots or training partners he made due with a number of ancient devices that still presented a challenge. He worked out like laborer using whatever he could find in the cellar, and once complete he enjoyed a period of meditation. With his head clear he enjoyed a hot steam and pondered his position. Surely one of his contacts would remember him during a conversation and bring up his name to someone of importance.

Pathir wonders if he will live long enough to collect a salary. It's certainly not the current Countess' fault that the family security has been penetrated so badly. The forms of the Great Convention disallow internal family assassinations as a means of advancement. Only the most paranoid and suspicious families keep a close watch over there own.

The Countess and himself had been discussing her sister's treason. Whoever was behind this coup has no regard for the forms of the Great Convention. Pathir has already checked for a declaration of a War of Assassins against House Marius. By rights any attempt at violence against House Marius by an outside interest must negotiated through a Judge of the Rites appointed by the Landsraad Council. The previous Count and his Advisor Mentat would have been fully aware of such an action. To engage in an undeclared War of Assassins risked punitive attack by the Emperor's dreaded Sardaukar legions and confiscation of assets. Along with the public torture and execution of the prime guilty parties.

He had just informed the Countess that she had been hasty in having her sister executed. She should have been kept alive so she could be brought before the Emperor and his Bene Gesserit Truthsayer. The Emperor's witch could have elicited details from the younger sister even she did not realize she knew. And the torturers of the Imperial Prison were rumoured to employ Ixian devices which could extract the memories from a dead body. Certainly a device which pushes or eclipses the edicts of the Butlerian Jihad, 'Thou shalt not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind'. But then it is not good to question what occurs in the Imperial Prison, if one wishes to avoid finding themselves a guest in the Imperial Prison.

The note scared him badly. His own snooper had not detected poisons in either the coffee or cakes. But as the Countess' brother's death shows, poison snoopers are not infallible. They can be tampered with or poisons of exotic origin that can avoid the snooper's data base of chemical signals can be used. Antidotes to residual poisons do not show. And Pathir's preferred method the two part poison does not register until the chaumas and chaumurky mix inside the victims stomach.

"Countess, send someone you trust to find the mercenary Joab," Pathir says, "Your need for outside security contractors is very evident." "You are not safe here in the capital or on your home world until you can interrogate and vet every retainer, servant and slave House Marius possesses."

"Until that is done, you need a force loyal to you alone. And that means highly paid mercenaries."

“You need a force loyal to you alone,” Pathir advised. “And that means highly paid mercenaries.”

“That’s no problem,” Josephine replied as she returned to the plush chair behind the desk. “While it’s no Arrakis, of course, the mineral wealth of Molyvis — or, more precisely, the share of its income I personally receive — should suffice to finance whatever force you deem necessary. Those minerals were the basis of my father’s CHOAM Directorship, which my brother squandered. That, by the way, can be a secondary task for you.”

She thought a moment and explained. “Let’s prioritize your duties thus: first, keep me alive; second, help me determine the identity of this dishonorable enemy of House Marìus and how to eliminate that threat; and third, devise a strategy to secure a CHOAM Directorship for me. Have I missed anything?”

Before he answered, Josephine keyed a switch on the desk and said, “Send in the Vice-Chamberlain.”

Returning her attention to Pathir, she added, “I don’t entirely trust my Embassador here, but the Vice-Chamberlain comes from a long line of retainers who have always shown unquestionable loyalty. When he arrives, you can instruct him how to locate and summon this Joab.”

House Marius ambassador to the Imperial Court and representative in the Landsraad and CHOAM. Pathir runs the title through his mind a few times. Liking the sound of it. A CHOAM directorship! The Lady aims high. Every House Major in the known universe dreams or schemes for such a position. A generation ago House Marius had such a position. Regaining it would be no easy task. Extra-planetary trade through the Spacing Guild would have to double. Punitive damages awards from winning an undeclared War of Assassins could help close the gap. But the majority of a defeated enemy's assets would find their way into Imperial coffers.

Ambassadorships and directorships are tertiary goals so Pathir compartmentalizes them for later thought.

"I think those three tasks should keep me occupied for some time, Countess."

Pathir bends down and moves his hand with the poison snooper ring over the note. Satisfied it is not contaminated with the more common contact poisons. He directs the servant girl to pick it up. She probably does not realize the danger and obediently stoops to pick it up. Pathir watches her for a second or two then takes it from her. He waves her away and she curtsies to the Countess and quickly leaves the room. He puts the letter on the desk.

"If the Vice-Chamberlain has your trusts, might I suggest he be made your Ambassador here," Pathir replies, "The current occupant of the position is an incompetent." "Traitors or spies amongst the slaves and servant and abysmally lacks security protocols."

"If he is not a traitor he is an incompetent fool! He should be recalled to Molyvis and kept under close watch. If not subjected to interrogation. You could say he is to be debriefed by your home world Mentat."

When the Vice-Chamberlain, an older man with rheumy eyes and a bent posture, arrives Pathir instructs him on who Joab is and where he might be found. The man waits for a nod from the Countess before he acknowledges Pathir's instructions and leaves.

Pathir looks at the note on the desk.

"It would appear your enemies do not actually wish you dead. If you were to die without issue House Marius planets and assets would revert to Imperial rule. Either to be kept as Imperial planets, given away or sold."

Unless one had assured promises from someone high in the Imperial government this would put House Marius assets out of reach. This plot seems a little clumsy to be of practiced Imperial deceit.

"They shot their bolt when they had your sister kill your brother. And now they need you for whatever reason. You are Countess Marius."

Inter-house murder is not unknown. The punishment is stiff if for material gain not personal reasons. If the family had been incestuous and the sister managed to kill Josephine and her brother in a jealous rage, she would not have faced Imperial sanction. To attempt to eliminate them just so she could be ruler of House Marius was highly unethical. The Emperor probably would have sentenced her to a Sardaukar trainee brothel on Salusus Secondus if she had been found out.

"I wonder what the deal is? What concessions did your sister agree to? That would point us in a direction to look further."

"I don't like the idea of this rendezvous. If you did die then chances are any investigations would be short and sweet while the Emperor consolidated control of House Marius assets. It could be an attempt to clean up any loose ends from a failed plot."

"But it could be your best chance at finding out why and who is attempting to subvert your house."

"The first thing we must do is find out who the Emperor will make the Judge of Change. You must have him in your pocket. I suspect the Emperor is aware of your brother's death and is already short-listing favourites for the appointment. It could be the same Judge of Change who proceeded over the change when your father died and your brother inherited."

"If you have friends at court now would be the time to call on them."
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Harmon strode back into court like the Noble he was. It was still well populated even at this hour, although not with the main players. Most of them had their minor underlings there to represent them and keep an eye on things of course and to report if anything happened they should be aware of. Other than that the court continued as normal. Deals were done, plots put into play and intrigue abounded.

Harmon smiled as he found the man he had come to see. He was the minor son of a minor Noble like himself, but he enjoyed gambling, women and spice. In other words he was an ideal target for anyone that wanted to know information, however most people thought he was not worth the effort. After all he was a wastrel and an idiot and his father was no one.

Harmon of course knew a little bit more than 'Most' people. His father might not be anyone, but he was friends with a lot of people that were and it seemed they liked using the mans estate to get away from the stresses of their lives. It was amazing the things this boy found out.

Harmon had found out that several close members of the Emperors staff had been visiting his father lately and had become intrigued. There could be several reasons for this of course but he was betting it had something to do with the Countess and her succession. Perhaps she would not have it as easy as she thought. Was the Emperor planning something or was he secretly hoping that she would be killed off so he could gift the planet to someone else. Would he even take the opportunity to go so far as to have her killed himself?

Hopefully this dullard had the information he needed. "Why My'Nard, how delightful to see you. I have just received that new shipment of wine I was telling you about. Perhaps you would care to come and help me check the quality. You know I value your opinion in such matters."

The boys eyes lit up and a wide smile spread across his face as he walked towards him. Harmon prepared himself for a long night of talking about the various attributes of the newest slave girls, the various daughters of every noble house and the pipe dreams of the boy. However in the midst of it he might be able to get some information he could use. Smiling himself he led him away to his suite.
Old Maid

“If you have friends at Court,” Pathir suggested. “Now would be the time to call on them.”

“‘Friends at Court’?” Josephine sighed with a sad smile. “Were it that it were. I was only to Court once, as a young girl. Once I became a woman, my father considered me too willful and outspoken to bring among courtiers, lest I obtain a reputation as headstrong. He always planned to find marriages for my sister and me that would benefit House Marìus, but never found a match for either of us he considered suitable before his death. Thus my current blessed spinsterhood.”

"Well, that does leave open the possibility of a political marriage," Pathir replies, "Half the Great Houses would gladly marry a son to you." "For the right considerations."

"It would have to be a lesser House or risk losing control of your family and name. That I do not believe is an option."

Pathir cannot see the Countess playing second fiddle to any husband.

"A compliant husband of a lesser House could enrichen House Marius. He could take your name. The two Houses combined in assets..."

"... and then an inconvenient husband can be gotten rid of," says the Countess' Twisted-Mentat.

Being second fiddle is not the only danger.

"With the recent turmoil in your House. And the loss of your family's CHOAM Directorship under your brother. There is a danger of the Emperor stepping in. He could arrange a marriage which suited him far more than yourself."

"I believe it is paramount that you act quickly and decisively to show that you have complete control over your House and the ability to rule."

On Kaitain form trumps substance.

"You should make an appearance at court as soon as possible."
Basic Courtesies

“I believe it is paramount that you act quickly and decisively to show that you have complete control over your House and the ability to rule,” Pathir advised. “You should make an appearance at Court as soon as possible.”

“Agreed,” Josephine replied with a decisive nod. “But I was never trained for such things. I know how to act, of course. I’ve been taught etiquette in the greatest detail and with infuriating repetition. Rather, I need you to tell me what I need to say.”

"I, Josephine Marius, a Countess of a Great House, an Imperial kinsperson, give my word of bond under the Convention to maintain the peace and security of the realm if Your Most Sublime Padishah Emperor Elrood Corrino the Ninth would deign to confirm me to take possession of the fiefdoms and planets of House Marius and end all dispute.

To that end, Majesty, I present the shigawire recorded confession of the traitor, Mischelle. It will clearly show that my House has been the target of an undeclared outside attack in direct contravention of the Great Convention. By heiniously subverting the traitor the murderers of my brother have shown complete disregard for the peace and security of your Majesty's realm.

It is my intention to vigorously and without mercy pursue these animals and bring them to the Emperor's justice. When the enemies of the Emperor's peace have been identified, I will bring forth a Bills of Particular, as is my right, before the Landsraad and the other Great Houses of the Imperium demanding an accounting," Pathir almost immediately replies.

Pathir displays some of the excesses and pursuits of pleasure inspired by the Tleilaxu conditioning exhibited in Twisted-Mentats by partaking heavily in the spice cakes and coffee while he and the Countess await the arrival of the mercenary Warmaster Joab.

"That will do for a start. You will ask for confirmation of your position, not ask for the position. A subtle difference. You will then make clear that your enemies are the emperor's enemies and present yourself as the instrument of the emperor's justice," he says between enough mouthfuls of spice cake enjoyed by a middle class family in a standard month, "Finishing your petition with the word 'accounting' will remind the emperor of the monies and assets he will acquire from the punitive actions and damages inflicted on your enemies."

“Excellent!” Josephine had to suppress the urge to applaud. Pathir already demonstrated his value. “Do I need to memorize that, or can I go in with and read a written petition?”

"Written!" Pathir exclaims, "I think not!" "You are the Countess Marius come to claim what is rightfully yours." "Not some commoner with a grievance."

He leaves the spice cakes alone long enough to find a stylus and paper and transcribes the petition out. Written petition! The Emperor would immediately assume, rightly so, that Josephine was hardly material for ruling a Great House if she attempted such a course of action.

"If you came before the Emperor with a note to read from," he says, "He would decide to marry you off to some insignificant House before you could even finish reading it."

"At all times you will act and speak with authority! You are a kinsman of the Emperor. If not by blood than by rank and class," he says as if speaking to a student, "This is the Imperial Court we speak of." "To do anything other than show confidence and strength would be tantamount to throwing yourself into a den of Laza tigers"

“Alright,” Josephine conceded. “That makes sense. You’re the mentat. Teach me how to memorize.”

"I am beginning to suspect the degeneration of your House began during your father's rule, Countess," Pathir says with an audible sigh, "It is quite obvious that neither you nor you traitorous sister had Bene Gesserit teachers."

"Did your father not see the advantages to his house of having daughters possessing at least a Mother of Business Administration degree. I can understand the reluctance to entirely place his daughters training in the hands of the witches. But there is no denying their schools are the finest in the known universe for daughters of noble houses." "The basics of mnenomics, memorization and simu-flow of consciousness are 101 classes."

"I can assure you, Countess," he says, as he returns to the desk behind which his employer sits, "The training methodologies of my teachers can be as painfull as they are effective." "But hardly appropriate for a high born lady such as yourself."

He picks up a stylus and pad and places them before the Countess.

"Therefore we shall fall back on tried and true methods dating back to times when mankind was confined to Terra."

"You will transcribe the petition, twenty times. Reading it aloud after every transcription."

"And when you read it aloud. Do bear it in mind, Countess, that possibly the continued existence of your house depends on you being articulate and convincing."

The finer social graces such a obesquiance to nobles are a mask to be put on and taken off as the situation decrees. Tleilax imprinting of sociopathic tendencies is a great part in training Twisted-Mentats. Pathir puts that mask on after his rather frank and outspoken criticism of her family and education by pouring more coffee for the Countess and placing a spice cake beside her elbow.

"Read it, write it, speak it. And attach a level of emotional import to it." "I'm confident that by the time you appear before the Emperor you will have taken the words to heart and mind."

He bows ever so slightly and returns to his chair set against the far wall.

Josephine considered the stylus with an expression somewhere between apprehension and disgust.

“My father did not trust the Bene Geserit,” she explained. “He never let any into the palace except when required by official business. He had only slightly higher regard for mentats, but he recognized their necessity.”

She gave Pathir a pointed look, then smiled playfully to let him know she spoke, partly at least, in jest. Positioning the stylus in her hand, she sighed. “Alright, go over your pretty speech again and I’ll write it down. Make sure to go slowly!”

You don't need to be Bene Gesserit trained in observation of minutiae to note the Countess reaction to the stylus. She had better get used to having one in her hand. Reclaiming a CHOAM Directorship is going to take a lot of hand penned notes to rulers of House Majors and Minors and wealthy industrialists seeking and expressing friendship and gratitude. If she struggles with a short petition to the Emperor, how will she feel about memorizing her maiden speech to the Landsraad. Most of the lessons in ruling are long boring stints immersed in Imperial bureaucracy.

"Not allowing the witches into the palace only means that your House contains twice the normal number of Bene Gesserit spies," Pathir says from his side of the room, "Your father was right not to trust the Bene Gesserit but they don't seek power." "They have a saying 'That which rises can be cast down'."

"And they are the undisputed masters or more rightly mistresses of collecting information and data."

He washes down another cake with coffee.

"There is an ancient axiom; Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. We can discuss cultivating useful links with the Bene Gesserit later."

"Each petitioner states his name and case in almost identical words, the formulae having been established through ancient usage."

"I, Josephine Marius, a Countess of a Great House, an Imperial kinsperson, give my word of bond under the Convention..." Pathir intones slowly and patiently.
Politics make for strange bedfellows and while delving into the world in espionage and intrigue the social grace followed suit. So it wasn't surprising when a high ranking house official contacted him trying to be discrete as possible. Still the man made it clear that there was weight behind what he was requesting and the offer was not to be taken lightly. So Joab made up his mind that a secretive offer of employment in a royal house was a lead that need to be explored, so he agree to meet them shortly to discuss the position with the lady of the house.

While it was clear that the countess was behind the offer knew that he'd been brought up in conversation with someone else. As he prepared he pondered the who's and why's of the situation. Part of him was disappointed that it wasn't directly clear that this had come from one of his leads. Still though he prepared his attire for the evening at the Molyvis embassy. He selected one of the more generic uniforms one would wear at court without showing specific allegiance any specific house while still showing support for the emperor.

It was a walking resume, but unlike other commanders he wouldn't cover it with outrageous awards and decorations. He had the honors given to him with all the sweat, blood, and stories that go with them. Also a key difference was the weapon he carried as lethal and at the ready. He had no idea what he's encounter. So after topping off his look with a cloak he made his way to the embassy. He avoided the main entrance and made his way inside where he met his contact would lead him the rest of the way.

Josephine set down the stylus, stood behind the desk, and without checking her notes, recited:

“I, Josephine Marius, the Countess suo jure of a Great House and Imperial kinsperson, give my word of bond under the Great Convention to maintain the peace and security of the realm if Your Most Sublime Padishah Emperor Elrood Corrino the Ninth would deign to confirm me to take possession of the fiefdoms and planets of House Marius and end all dispute.

“To that end, Your Majesty, I present a shigawire containing the recorded confession of the traitor, Mischelle. It will clearly show that my House has been the target of an undeclared attack in direct contravention of the Great Convention. By heinously subverting the traitor Mischelle, the murderers of my brother have shown complete disregard for the peace and security of Your Majesty’s realm.

“It is my intention to pursue these animals vigorously and without mercy, and to bring them to the Your Majesty’s justice. When the enemies of the Emperor’s peace have been identified, I will bring forth a Bills of Particular, as is my right, before the Landsraad and the other Great Houses of the Imperium demanding an accounting.”

She met Pathir’s gaze for the first time since beginning, and smiled. “Not bad for a novice, eh?”

"Very good, Countess," Pathir replies, "The addition of the archaic phrase 'suo jure' is a good touch." "Perhaps your education was not as lacking as I first thought."

"Your inflection needs some work. While I doubt the Emperor's Truthsayer will be fooled, you must convince the Emperor that you really do feel yourself to be the instrument of his justice. In the second part put some feeling into the word 'heinously' and the phrase 'complete disregard'..."

The Countess is saved from a crushingly boring lesson in speech writing by the arrival of her Vice-Chamberlain and Joab.

Pathir notes the cut of Joab's generic dress uniform, lacking any ostentatious finery, but featuring elements that appear in Sardaukar uniforms. Inspired by the Emperor's personal killers many mercenaries and even Great Houses affect such fashion in their uniforms more out of respect than any attempt to copy or ape the Sardaukar.

The jubba cloak worn over his uniform shows his smuggler connections. Very popular amongst the spice smugglers and native savages on Arrakis, the versatile cloak can be set to reflect or admit radiant heat. It can also be used as a shelter or a hammock. Joab's cloak shows little sign of such rough usage and would fit in fine with the costumes and fashion at court.

Pathir also notices the cloak and uniform obscure Joab's weapons. He doubts Joab is foolish enough to go about unarmed. To be on the safe side, Pathir moves his hand close to his sleeve with the throwing knife in it.

He keeps quiet sitting in his chair, against the far wall, across from the Countess and behind Joab.
First Impressions

This Joab somewhat underwhelmed Josephine. Slightly smaller than she’d expected, he appeared rather ordinary. He reminded her of the dozens of lesser officials that milled about at her father’s court — now hers, she had to keep reminding herself — back on Molyvis. Such men must number in the hundreds, if not thousands, at the Imperial court.

It occurred to her that this perhaps represented a strength in the man. She had studied history quite extensively, and knew those who underestimated their opponents lost battles. Indeed, his lack of ostentation also signified self-confidence. She began to warm to him.

Not that she had much choice. She had, more as a matter of desperation and faith than any long or deep consideration, decided to place her full confidence in Pathir’s counsel. The fact that he recommended this warrior had to determine the matter.

Josephine stood and extended her hand across the desk toward Joab. Her black and silver signet ring reflected the moderate light of the office glowglobes.

“My mentat mentioned your name among possible Warmasters who might serve my House here on Kaitain and, perhaps, elsewhere,” Josephine spoke evenly. “You have this one chance to convince us we would benefit from retaining you.”

Joab nodded his head as a sign of respect and reached out for the lady's hand firmly as he would do a man's. She did not disappoint and had a firm grip probably made strong after years of interacting with strong men about court and during her day to day duties. The fact that she was handling this personally spoke volumes. The ring on her figure also told him that she was the one in charge and this wasn't a preliminary interview. He was meeting with the house's leader plain and simple.

After exchanging pleasantries and he sat down across from her impressive desk and nodded politely as he got comfortable.

"Well my complements to your adviser, and I feel honored to be here considering some of the available warriors at this time. I would think my record would speak for it sell. Those I serve win and prosper even in the most difficult of times, and even when I find myself without a master I survive."

Joab cleared his throats before beginning again and said, "well a house always needs a warmaster, but the situation dictates what kind. You're not at war, so you must be preparing to go to war after all peace is a house's time to prepare for the next conflict. I am able to help you recruit, train, and command your warriors in the field of battle. While I don't know of your house resources I'm sure you will want protection from enemies from without as well as within. Once my loyalty is pledge to a house though I am a devoted servant and fanatic to their cause."

"In short your enemies would become my enemies, and you would benefit from all my contacts and experience."
Negotiating Positions

“In short,” Joab concluded. “Your enemies would become my enemies, and you would benefit from all my contacts and experience.”

Josephine simply nodded, straight-faced. She then turned to Pathir and asked, “How much of our current situation dare we divulge at this time in order to inform this man what sort of ‘war’ we’re already in?”

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Joab leaned back to hear what the pair had to say. Depending on what they had to say would let him own if he was up for the position or rather just being treated respectfully in rejection. For most in these situations it was about being diplomatic and not incurring anyone's wrath. A slight or a insult could always be resolved or discussed. A perceived slight or insult could be the beginning of a feud that could last a lifetime.

Without directing it towards anyone he said allowed an ancient quote, "In times of war, the law falls silent," with the intention of letting them know where he stood on the less honorable aspects of conflict. A victory could justify any action, but a loser was only left to lament their lack of action.
Pathir's first instinct is that he may have been incorrect in his estimation of Joab. Shaking hands with a Countess! He suspects Joab has been running with mercs and smugglers, a notoriously free thinking brand, for too long. If a House Molyvian Praetorian was present swords would be drawn at such a slight to her personage. Even a sociopath Twisted-Mentat feels a degree of discomfort at the slight. The feudal system of the faufreluches has been in place since before the Machine Crusades, ten thousand years ago. And the forms must be observed.

Joab's quoting of the ancient Terran, Cicero, is his saving grace. Pathir reminds himself that in a conflict such as an undeclared War of Assassins, the polite social graces are irrelevant. The willingness to cut a Noble throat as easily as cutting a low-born throat is of far greater import. Pathir himself is likely here due to his attitudes not his abilities. There is always someone smarter or faster.

"Tell him everything," Pathir says, looking up from his coffee and cakes, "Your brother's death is already spaceport gossip and it would appear your enemies are aware of you being here on Kaitain."

"He should know what he is getting himself involved in, if he is to function effectively as a Warmaster."