Looking for a fun, flirty, female friend to chat with.


Really Really Experienced
Jun 12, 2018
Just looking for a woman to chat/flirt with.
I love my woman and not looking to change that but she sleeps all day, a pharmaceutical slumber while i work. So im looking for a woman, maybe in a similar situation as me to chat/flirt with while at work. If you are like you're engaged how dare you, well i encourage you to reach out to me and ill explain. I have no desire to cheat or meet up, just like the back and forth flirty harmless chatting. Maybe a lil encouragement to do this or try that not necessarily sexual.* No dom or sub stuff, no incest or taboo stuff. just a funny, flirty person to make me a lil excited when i open a message.
I have a weird combination of interests that range from football, to art, to comics to 420.
Love funny movies and sit-coms but need my action fix from time to time.
If i get no replies at least i put in an attempt at a*friend.
Thanks for reading,
Have great day Lit.