What’s Crossing Your Mind II

Sometimes it really hard to delete pm’s knowing they maybe the only thing you have left of a person.
Devising various plans for the medical procedures I’ll need.. want everything sorted
Babies are like bad drunks. They drink as much as they want, pass out randomly, don't remember getting home but some how end up in their own bed and are very possibly covered in their own vomit.
What the fuck is wrong with people?? I just do not understand the random cruelty and mind games.
It feels so weird to know I’ll be out of work at 7pm today :eek: I can even run a couple of errands on the way home, which really took the pressure off needing to do everything yesterday! Damn, the scales may finally be tipping a little in the right direction in my quest for a work-life balance :D
If the glass contained urine and the task was to drink it, the pessimist would probably describe it as half full, and the optimist as half empty.
It's probably best to NOT say something snarky to the dead guy who won't stay dead. At least for tonight.
A dog's life is really just being naked all the time around people who speak a completely different language and want to touch you.
It’s crossing my mind that after a prolonged period of stress, when things you’ve been putting into place start happening, it feels a lot like becoming yourself again. Like having to be someone else temporarily. This new job is going to have some stressful moments, as the people above me are unsupportive, but I’m the boss in terms of me and my staff, so I’m going to try to have highs/fun with them whilst we work!
The saying "it's always in the last place you look" is 100% accurate because you don't keep searching after you've found it.
a friend's message this morning, so hard sometimes to write in a message what you want to say. I feel his frustration...
A 70 year old tree can pollinate a 2 year old tree and will never get judged by societree.