Isolated Poetry Blurt

This post will magickally self-destruct in one hour.

I'm just posting to say that i'm no longer posting, and explaining in detail that I'm not going to explain in complete detail any longer. Seriously. This is me not talking about it any more, except if there's something else to say, in which case I'll tell you again. About not telling you again. And why. Because I'm no longer posting. Ever. Except for this one. Not another word. From me, I mean, because I'm sure you'll continue to be here but I will no longer be here, so you will hear no more from me. At all. After this. Which is the last one. Because I'm through, you understand? Completely through. Finished. And here's why.
I could write pages and pages of why but I just figure that I'll just stop explaining to people who can't accept the explanation. No more excuses since I can't be arsed to excuse anything, except my burps, then I'll beg your pardon but for my farts I'll just suggest you find yourself another seat since me and my dog aren't going to hang around here and get blamed for the stink of miscomprehended apology.
Up early or late? I hope all is well.

Up rather extremely late. Bit of a drama, but an old one and unrelated to this place. And Spring is a bit rough for me sometimes anyway, since my daughter's birthday is approaching.

I always get a bit of a chemical letdown cycle after a big fun moment like Beltane; comes from the fact that bipolar disorder runs -- fairly gallops -- in my family. So I'm a bit cloudy at the moment, a bit wistful. But I have good people and good coping mechanisms in place since I know How I Am. At this point in the depressive cycle, my mother would be screaming, throwing things, holding all-night exorcisms, kicking us all out of the house forever and threatening to file divorce papers. So I've at least improved on the previous generations.

I know it's quite impossible to imagine, *immense snort* but there are one or two people in the world who aren't completely fond of me. Sometimes this makes me sad, especially when I can do nothing about it.

It's only these moments, when I can feel the hereditary Bad Chemicals trying to get to me, that these old stories bother me. I know that most everyone in the world is a better person than I am, but I try really, really hard to Be Good. As hard as anyone I know.

I fail, constantly. But I'll put my intentions up against virtually anyone's.

meh. I'll be better after a day or two and good dose of endorphins. And chocolate. That always helps.

In times of trouble and worrisome bother,
tasty, soothing and thoroughly sensual;
some sexuality completely depends
on chocolate induced endorphine highs.
In times of trouble and worrisome bother,
tasty, soothing and thoroughly sensual;
some sexuality completely depends
on chocolate induced endorphine highs.

hearts, sweetie. Thank you.

And UYS, if I ever am actually in a fight, I hope very much that I have you and the Killer Bunny here backing me up.

I hold a pink belt in a rare form of martial arts called Duck Fu. Mostly consists of cringing, covering the head and whining 'not in the face! not in the face!'

Funny true story ... Imagine the scene a millionaires back garden where a very sedate garden party is in full swing (well tottering anyway) a load of Masonic types standing and sitting around in the hot sunshine clasping gin and tonics and making polite conversation. One of the overgrown school boy types 6ft 4 having a laugh (ha ha ha) swung round with out looking caught my Ron on the back of the head........ I didn't think of manners instinct I guess took over and I flew at him and he cringed he really and truly put his arm up to protect his face and cringed back. The tongue lashing he got was enough to make anyone cringe though lol I don't often let rip I am usually too lazy to bother but watch out when I do ... you do not want to be on the receiving end. So chill honey I will fight your corner or pass you the chocolate whichever you need the most.