Donald Trump loves the poorly educated

Donald Trump loves the poorly educated.

He’s told us so, himself.

He hates the intelligence community, he hates American judges, he hates CNN, he hate MSNBC, he hates NBC, he hate hates most of the American Free Press, he hates the United States Constitution, he hates Latinos, he hates immigrants, he hates the FBI, he hates investigative journalists and he hates fact-checkers…but he loves the poorly educated.

Honestly, Trump isn’t all that bright himself. The lies that he tells are sorely lacking in sophistication or credibility. Without the poorly educated, Trump’s candidacy would never have been able to get off the ground. The poorly educated are Trump’s base.

It’s sad that a presidential candidate would target America’s dullards, halfwits and dropouts as his primary voting bloc, however what’s even sadder is the fact that there are enough of them out there to sway a national election. And even once Trump is gone, they’ll still be out there, and they’ll still have the power to elect presidents, governors, senators and judges.

So, how large is this voting bloc that Trump loves so much? I can’t give you an exact number, however we’re talking about, however it’s well over a hundred million.

This is a horrifying thought, and I’d love to tell you that we’ve got the math wrong and that there aren’t nearly that many Americans out there who are so utterly clueless and ignorant, however, the facts speak for themselves.

The Pew Research Group has done polling of the American people to see just how intelligent the American population is, and here is what they’ve found:

Twenty-five percent of Americans cannot identify which nation American fought a war against to gain their independence.

Twenty-nine percent of Americans cannot locate the Pacific Ocean on a map of the world.

Thirty percent of Americans do not know what the Holocaust was.

Thirty-three percent of Americans are incapable of naming ANY of the three branches of the United States government.

More than thirty-seven percent of the American people cannot name a single right protected by the First Amendment.

Nearly fifty percent of Americans believe that global climate change is some sort of hoax.

Fifty-three percent of Americans believe that undocumented immigrants have no legal rights under the United States Constitution.

Fifty-five percent of Americans believe that Christianity was written into the U.S. Constitution and that the Founding Fathers wanted America to be a Christian theocracy.

Fifty-seven percent of Americans are unable to identify Herbert Hoover, or Herbert Hoover’s role in American history.

And even though it is a cornerstone of medical science, immunology, genetic science and biology, a shocking SIXTY-FIVE PERCENT of Americans do not believe in the theory of evolution!

Over two-hundred years ago, Thomas Jefferson told us that an enlightened citizenry is indispensable for the proper functioning of a republic. He told us that self-government would not be possible unless the citizens were educated sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight.

Trump is probably unaware of anything Thomas Jefferson said about the consequences of an uneducated citizenry, however, he seems to instinctively understand that an educated citizenry would not tolerate his lies and dishonest scheming. Trump doesn’t want an educated citizenry exercising oversight. He wants millions of credulous dullards mindlessly chanting slogans, believing absurd lies and supporting atrocities.

And while Donald Trump will soon be nothing more than a sad footnote in America’s history, the MILLIONS of intellectually-lazy dupes that believe America’s Founding Fathers wanted America to be a Christian theocracy, and think that climate change is a hoax, will still be with us. They will still be voting in national, state, local and school board elections.

Watching the way that the Republican Party has spent decades underfunding schools, pushing creationism as part of the school curriculum, denying the theory of evolution, vainly attempting to abolish the department of education and defaming teachers, college professors and scientists on right-wing radio, one could reasonably assume that the Republican Party actually WANTED to turn America into a nation swarming with millions of intellectually-lazy dupes.

Perhaps we should try to remove the Republicans from power, fully fund America’s schools, praise public school teachers for the admirable work that they do, commend all the good that scientists have done for this nation, and see if that helps to produce a more educated citizenry.

Reads like the Democrat playbook. Jut throw in pander to celebrities to corral the weak willed and starstruck, and allow as many illegals into the country as possible and demand reciprocity from them.

Die-hard followers of politics who campaign from their computers are a joke, and so are you guys on here who post this propaganda shit - you're nuts!. :D
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The stock market is tanking, Trump's trade war has resulted in hundreds of thousands of American workers losing their jobs, and Trump's tax cuts have resulted America’s largest corporations laying off thousands of workers.

Yeah, the American people are really seeing a lot of economic benefits.

This is the Christmas Shopping Season. Ordinarily this is a time for huge stock market GAINS!! For the stock market to be tanking during the Christmas Shopping Season means somebody (like Trump and his Republican accomplices) fucked up BIG TIME!!!
This is the Christmas Shopping Season. Ordinarily this is a time for huge stock market GAINS!! For the stock market to be tanking during the Christmas Shopping Season means somebody (like Trump and his Republican accomplices) fucked up BIG TIME!!!

Lumpy is known for doing things 'Biggly" mostly going bankrupt Biggly, Paying fines for fraud biggly and being unflushable, BIGGLY!
Umm, no. It's Americans with brains and concern, trying to take their country back from a vile criminal and corrupt con man under Russian control, who is being enabled by such as you.

A conspiracy you can't prove despite how transparent it is to anyone who voted for Hillary. Also that who lack of actually committing a crime thing. Otherwise your logic is sound. Keep calling everyone else stupid though to make yourself feel secure. Might want to focus on all the things your side did to drop the ball. There is plenty for both sides to work on.
Trump has two core constituencies:

There are Christian conservatives who are desperate enough to hope that a womanizing pagan will restore the neo Victorian sexual and religious ethos of the 1950's.

There are low wage whites who are stupid enough to think that Trump can restore the economic status quo of the 1950's when they could get well paid factory jobs. If they were not so poorly educated they would know that during the 1950's the top tax rate was 91%, and one third of the work force belonged to labor unions. They would also know that the well paid factory jobs they long for are currently performed better and less expensively by industrial robots.
I live in the South and we've got TONS of Trump supporters! We've also got TONS of the poorly educated! Coincidence?

We've got some schools down here in Florida that teach students that dinosaurs and humans lived together.

We've also got anti-education legislators like Charles Van Zant who are against standardized tests in public schools, claiming that such tests will turn Florida's children into homosexuals.

It's almost like there's been a deliberate, decades long attempt to turn the South into a third-world country where all the voters and tax-payers are as ignorant and intellectually-lazy as possible.
The Pew Research Group has done polling of the American people to see just how intelligent the American population is, and here is what they’ve found:

Twenty-five percent of Americans cannot identify which nation American fought a war against to gain their independence.

Twenty-nine percent of Americans cannot locate the Pacific Ocean on a map of the world.

Thirty percent of Americans do not know what the Holocaust was.

Thirty-three percent of Americans are incapable of naming ANY of the three branches of the United States government.

More than thirty-seven percent of the American people cannot name a single right protected by the First Amendment.

Nearly fifty percent of Americans believe that global climate change is some sort of hoax.

Fifty-three percent of Americans believe that undocumented immigrants have no legal rights under the United States Constitution.

Fifty-five percent of Americans believe that Christianity was written into the U.S. Constitution and that the Founding Fathers wanted America to be a Christian theocracy.

Fifty-seven percent of Americans are unable to identify Herbert Hoover, or Herbert Hoover’s role in American history.

And even though it is a cornerstone of medical science, immunology, genetic science and biology, a shocking SIXTY-FIVE PERCENT of Americans do not believe in the theory of evolution!

This is some scary shit. Americans should be smarter than this. Such widespread ignorance in a nation of such wealth and resources should shock and disturb us all. Why isn't THIS being deemed a national emergency?
This is some scary shit. Americans should be smarter than this. Such widespread ignorance in a nation of such wealth and resources should shock and disturb us all. Why isn't THIS being deemed a national emergency?

Because politicians decided that social studies/history would be at the bottom of the pecking order when deciding what the schools should teach. Because most teens don't think history is important. Because many teachers teach memorizing dates rather than the human point of view during historic events. Most foreigners know more about American history and government than most Americans.
I live in the South and we've got TONS of Trump supporters! We've also got TONS of the poorly educated! Coincidence?

We've got some schools down here in Florida that teach students that dinosaurs and humans lived together.

We've also got anti-education legislators like Charles Van Zant who are against standardized tests in public schools, claiming that such tests will turn Florida's children into homosexuals.

It's almost like there's been a deliberate, decades long attempt to turn the South into a third-world country where all the voters and tax-payers are as ignorant and intellectually-lazy as possible.

In China, they've sent the Chang-4 to the moon and shown that seeds can be grown there. It marks the first time any biological matter has grown on the Moon, and is being seen as a significant step towards long-term space exploration.

In America, we've got schools teaching that dinosaurs and humans lived together.

Seriously, America has GOT to start doing better!
As the GOP has moved further and further to the right, it has simultaneously grown more and more anti-intellectual. It has been a jagged downward path from Reagan to Trump.

The Republican voters of 2018 aren’t looking for constitutional scholars, diplomats or intellectuals to lead the United States of America. They want violent bullies who body-slam reporters and intellectually-lazy thugs who complain that the United States Constitution won’t allow them to jail reporters for saying uncomplimentary things about Republicans.

Just look at Donald Trump’s rise to the top of the Republican Party. He dominated the many televised debates with crude bullying. No candidate before Trump had made such a mockery of the very idea of having facts to support his position; he would simply dismiss his adversaries as short, ugly, nerdy, or female. Trump fixates on very simple themes, and his anti-intellectualism seems to resonate with his supporters.

“BUILD THAT WALL,” and “FAKE NEWS” and “LOCK HER UP,” Trump’s supporters scream, not seeming to be able to wrap their minds around any concepts any more complex than bumper-sticker slogans.

Rather than listen to the world’s climate scientists who have reported their findings that Co2 levels on our planet are dangerously high and that the Earth’s permafrost and ice caps are melting, they listen to the intellectually-lazy guy who refuses to read his daily intelligence briefings and who claims that Global Warming is “a hoax”.

I grew up in a neighborhood that had lots of kids that were these types of anti-intellectual people. They were disdainful of book-learning and “big words” and thought that bullying and physical assault are signs of a great leader.

As adults, these people are still disdainful of big words; however, they are also disdainful of diplomacy, negotiations, bipartisanship, compromise, fact-checking and Constitutional scholarship.

To these people, trash-talk, threats, childish insults, recklessness, intimidation and bullying are considered signs of a strong leader.

To these people, speaking eloquently, complying with the U.S. Constitution, keeping church and state separate, making, calm rational decisions and using diplomacy to avoid war are all signs of a weak leader.

In some ways these people are a bigger threat to the United States than Donald Trump himself.

Florida has the worst education policies of any state in the nation, and it is about to get even more destructive, more ignorant, more backward.

Read this alarming article and remember that Betsy DeVos points to Florida as a model.

A model, yes. A model of how religious extremists, rightwing ideologues, and uneducated political hacks can destroy public education, drive away teachers, and fund “schools” that indoctrinate students in religious dogma.

The post was written by Kathleen Oropeza Parent Activist in Orlando.

Jeb Bush started the descent into the swamp of ignorance. Now the torch is carried by Ron DeSantis, who wants to arm teachers, expand the state’s voucher programs to include middle-class families with income up to $100,000 a year, reduce the power of local school boards so they can’t block new charter schools, and undercut public schools in every way their little minds can imagine.
Well passed the little test, but that makes me wonder. Since everyone is stupid but liberals who's fault is it actually? Liberals dominate the academic world, fill the newsrooms, and are a large part of the government.

Also President Trump said he liked those without a college education. Sadly a college degree doesn't guarantee wisdom or even knowledge necessarily.

So keep looking down on everyone around you. Being condescending has worked so well.
So keep looking down on everyone around you. Being condescending has worked so well.

The sad thing is, I'd have to agree in part with this. There is a widespread view that in this age of political correctness, working-class whites are the last people it's OK to pick on. We on the left do have to be more careful about buying into that, it's true.

Of course, the polls have shown it was NOT the working class that delivered the election to Trump. It was middle class whites whose "economic angst" mostly boiled down to a paralyzing fear that they might actually have to pay their taxes. How do we address that kind of selfishness? I really don't know. But I do agree we've got to be more careful about coming off as elitist.
The sad thing is, I'd have to agree in part with this. There is a widespread view that in this age of political correctness, working-class whites are the last people it's OK to pick on. We on the left do have to be more careful about buying into that, it's true.

Of course, the polls have shown it was NOT the working class that delivered the election to Trump. It was middle class whites whose "economic angst" mostly boiled down to a paralyzing fear that they might actually have to pay their taxes. How do we address that kind of selfishness? I really don't know. But I do agree we've got to be more careful about coming off as elitist.

I've just never been comfortable calling someone who can build an engine, run a farm, or weld stupid because they didn't go beyond 12th grade. I don't think all blue collar people support the president and I've met many who are hardcore democrats. I'm not going to be like some here who think someone who lives in a small town doesn't get to put their two cents in when it comes to foreign policy.

I've heard a lot of condescending things from people who think they know better.
Jesus Ateo writes: "I live in the South and we've got TONS of Trump supporters! We've also got TONS of the poorly educated! Coincidence?"

I ALSO live in the American south.

Back in the days when the Democratic Party dominated this region of our nation, the Ku Kux Klan had considerable political power, as well. Today, it's the REPUBLICANS dominating the south, and the KKK has all-but-disappeared. But back in those days when the Klan was calling the shots, the Dems called black voters "poorly educated," and did everything that they possibly could to supress the black vote.

Today's Democrats are trying to give illegals the vote, which is why that party so vehemently opposes voter-photo-ID laws. Dems CLAIM that voter-photo-ID laws are somehow racist, arguing that most minorities are too "poorly educated" to acquire such things as a valid photo-ID. It's what former president Ronald Reagan once called that party's "soft bigotry of low-expectations!"

allison22 writes: "Why isn't THIS being deemed a national emergency?"

Probably because our public school system is dominated by those big teachers' unions that see no reason for actually teaching anybody anything, just so long as they get their raises. Seriously, if there was EVER a teachers' strike to demand that crime & drugs be eliminated from our schools I'd fully support that, but that's NEVER what these strikes are about. It's always the UNIONS demanding more money, with them then kicking a sizeable portion off to the Democratic Party and its pro-union candidates.

Meanwhile, there are tens of thousands of people continually trying to illegally enter our country! The funny thing is, Democrats insist that America under Donald Trump is a TERRIBLE place, but it would seem that all of those thousand of people south of the border believe that the Trump-haters are full of sh*t!

JawnKarTurr writes: "Sadly a college degree doesn't guarantee wisdom or even knowledge necessarily."

Exactly right! What kind of person goes to college and then joins-up-with with a proto-fascist hate group like Antifa to silence free speech on campus?
Donald Trump loves the poorly educated.

He’s told us so, himself.

He hates the intelligence community, he hates American judges, he hates CNN, he hate MSNBC, he hates NBC, he hate hates most of the American Free Press, he hates the United States Constitution, he hates Latinos, he hates immigrants, he hates the FBI, he hates investigative journalists and he hates fact-checkers…but he loves the poorly educated.

Honestly, Trump isn’t all that bright himself. The lies that he tells are sorely lacking in sophistication or credibility. Without the poorly educated, Trump’s candidacy would never have been able to get off the ground. The poorly educated are Trump’s base.

It’s sad that a presidential candidate would target America’s dullards, halfwits and dropouts as his primary voting bloc, however what’s even sadder is the fact that there are enough of them out there to sway a national election. And even once Trump is gone, they’ll still be out there, and they’ll still have the power to elect presidents, governors, senators and judges.

So, how large is this voting bloc that Trump loves so much? I can’t give you an exact number, however we’re talking about, however it’s well over a hundred million.

This is a horrifying thought, and I’d love to tell you that we’ve got the math wrong and that there aren’t nearly that many Americans out there who are so utterly clueless and ignorant, however, the facts speak for themselves.

The Pew Research Group has done polling of the American people to see just how intelligent the American population is, and here is what they’ve found:

Twenty-five percent of Americans cannot identify which nation American fought a war against to gain their independence.

Twenty-nine percent of Americans cannot locate the Pacific Ocean on a map of the world.

Thirty percent of Americans do not know what the Holocaust was.

Thirty-three percent of Americans are incapable of naming ANY of the three branches of the United States government.

More than thirty-seven percent of the American people cannot name a single right protected by the First Amendment.

Nearly fifty percent of Americans believe that global climate change is some sort of hoax.

Fifty-three percent of Americans believe that undocumented immigrants have no legal rights under the United States Constitution.

Fifty-five percent of Americans believe that Christianity was written into the U.S. Constitution and that the Founding Fathers wanted America to be a Christian theocracy.

Fifty-seven percent of Americans are unable to identify Herbert Hoover, or Herbert Hoover’s role in American history.

And even though it is a cornerstone of medical science, immunology, genetic science and biology, a shocking SIXTY-FIVE PERCENT of Americans do not believe in the theory of evolution!

Over two-hundred years ago, Thomas Jefferson told us that an enlightened citizenry is indispensable for the proper functioning of a republic. He told us that self-government would not be possible unless the citizens were educated sufficiently to enable them to exercise oversight.

Trump is probably unaware of anything Thomas Jefferson said about the consequences of an uneducated citizenry, however, he seems to instinctively understand that an educated citizenry would not tolerate his lies and dishonest scheming. Trump doesn’t want an educated citizenry exercising oversight. He wants millions of credulous dullards mindlessly chanting slogans, believing absurd lies and supporting atrocities.

And while Donald Trump will soon be nothing more than a sad footnote in America’s history, the MILLIONS of intellectually-lazy dupes that believe America’s Founding Fathers wanted America to be a Christian theocracy, and think that climate change is a hoax, will still be with us. They will still be voting in national, state, local and school board elections.

Watching the way that the Republican Party has spent decades underfunding schools, pushing creationism as part of the school curriculum, denying the theory of evolution, vainly attempting to abolish the department of education and defaming teachers, college professors and scientists on right-wing radio, one could reasonably assume that the Republican Party actually WANTED to turn America into a nation swarming with millions of intellectually-lazy dupes.

Perhaps we should try to remove the Republicans from power, fully fund America’s schools, praise public school teachers for the admirable work that they do, commend all the good that scientists have done for this nation, and see if that helps to produce a more educated citizenry.

You must be a school teacher because only a school teacher would know how unprepared our student are when they leave a failing system, and only a school teacher would throw more money at it. Our education system use to be in the top 3 in the world, now we're 38th, I wonder what happened in the last 20 years. He doesn't hate news outlets just fake news outlets. I don't consider myself intellectually lazy, just smarter than you.
You must be a school teacher because only a school teacher would know how unprepared our student are when they leave a failing system, and only a school teacher would throw more money at it. Our education system use to be in the top 3 in the world, now we're 38th, I wonder what happened in the last 20 years. He doesn't hate news outlets just fake news outlets. I don't consider myself intellectually lazy, just smarter than you.
How has Betsy DeVos improved things?

That took you three months? Brilliant indeed!

The Republican Party has shown us their cards by attacking higher education in the United States and by trying to privatize public education.

You see, Republicans are worried that colleges and universities will teach young people critical thinking skills. And if they can get corporations to take over the task of teaching our children, they can make certain that children are taught only blind obedience to corporate agendas, instead of things like their constitutional rights, history, the injustices inflicted on us by unfettered capitalism, the dangers of fascism, the injustices inflicted on the American people by corporate oligarchs, Teddy Roosevelt’s battles against the corporate trusts and the way corporate greed led to the stock market crash of 1929 and the Great Depression.
As adults, these people are still disdainful of big words; however, they are also disdainful of diplomacy, negotiations, bipartisanship, compromise, fact-checking and Constitutional scholarship.

To these people, trash-talk, threats, childish insults, recklessness, intimidation and bullying are considered signs of a strong leader.

To these people, speaking eloquently, complying with the U.S. Constitution, keeping church and state separate, making, calm rational decisions and using diplomacy to avoid war are all signs of a weak leader.

In some ways these people are a bigger threat to the United States than Donald Trump himself.

Agreed. They don't want a diplomat or a scholar running this country. They want an ignorant bully who thanks, talks, acts and looks like they do.