Would be a knight

As the elves made their way down the tunnel, they could hear the grunts and groans getting louder and louder. They looked at each other, then Noric burst out laughing it felt good to laugh after all the dreadful tension they had gone through. The others looked at Noric as a wild scream echoed along the walls, suddenly they all burst out laughing. Wiping the tears from her eyes Ella finally said,

We better stop here and wait for the love birds to catch up, I know I could use a rest about now. She leaned against the rock wall and let her body slide down til her bottom hit the stone floor. She watched as Noric joined her. Dumar settled about 10 feet away grumbling about wanting to get out of the cave as soon as possible. Tre set Thorn gently down putting his arms around her so her head could rest upon his shoulder. She was soon asleep. The both of them seemed to be in a kind of daze, which wasn't unexpected after all they have been through.

Ella looked thoughtfully at the two of them, going over her earlier thoughts. She looked up at Noric, quietly speaking to him,

"What do you think about those two? Do you think they are a threat to our world? And if yes what do you think we should do if anything?"

She paused letting him think about her words before continuing,

"I really don't think it is our place to be judge and jury over their lives. But it really could become a
major disaster if they turned bad. If that happened they would be very powerful beings and I don't know if there is anyone that could stop them."

She sighed as she waited for Noric to speak his thoughts.
Noric turned to look at Ella, he pondered her words before speaking. "I never put much stock in the legend of the halfling until I met young Treborin, and until today I still didn't believe it."

"My father told me halflings were cursed, and could never fit into elvish society, that had a sickness, an imbalance, but now... now I think the legend has a lot more weight. The other halfling who held us, used our senses against us, he was very powerful, probably the most powerful being I have ever seen."

"Treborin can slow time. You know that don't you. That is how he keeps disappearing and appearing when he or someone is in trouble. It a very powerful accent Blood elf magic. I have never heard of anyone being able to do it."

"As for Thorn, she is only dangerous due to her blood. We have to keep her out of the vampire hands. While she is being changed the blood is becoming more potent. if she can't be cured in the next five days she will be lost and killing her will be the only option."

Both of them have been swept along by fate, and both may have to die to save everyone else, but I believe we owe them, at the very least, to try and save them both. I also believe we have to be ready to act if there is no other option."

Thorn opened her eyes and looked at Noric and Ella she could hear every word and also agreed with it. She honestly believed it was better she died than become a monster and destroy the land of the living, and she was sure Tre, would say the same. he wouldn't want to be responsible for people dying.
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Dumar had left the party, It was bad enough that they had failed in their mission to capture Donella, but now his commander, a man who he had respected, was being twisted around her finger.

To top that, a halfling blood elf was in their mitts. the others had now seen how powerful they could get, and still they protect the boy.

Then there was the girl, she was a capable warrior, and dangerous. So dangerous her blood could give the Vampires their greatest weapon in a millennia, the ability to walk in sunlight. Why Noric had let either of them live was beyond him. Kill them, dispose of the bodies, problem solved.

Then there were the stupid stinky Orcs. One Dumar had to admit was very strong, powerful, intimidating and useful to have around, but the other... "raised by humans, I'm a lady," he mocked. although she was strong she had no training. They should never have rescued her and now they had a male and a female. There was a reason the sexes didn't mix on the battlefield, and now they had mated their hormones would be uncontrollable, they would be fucking each other every chance they got.

Dumar sighed. he couldn't go back home, but he wasn't going to stay with the ragtag group any longer than he had to. He would travel to one of the outer colonies, there he could make a life away from this craziness.

Dumar looked around, he had wondered too far and had no idea where he was. He concentrated bring his Elf sense back so if filled the area. There was something watching him, he turned holding his torch high, there was a clicking sound, Dumar edged closer, he could see nothing except a spider, no... there was two. Another two called out through a crack. Then hundreds, Dumar turned to run but hundreds more barred his path, some were the size of his fist, they were crawling up his legs others were jumping on him biting him, he tried to cry out, but more flooded into his open mouth. Dumar fell the spiders crawling all over him biting him, "he had been a fool to leave the others," was the last thing that went through his mind, as the thousands of spiders feasted on his dying body.
The two horny orcs had wondered off to have some alone time when they heard a horrible screaming coming from one of the side tunnels. They both stopped what they were doing. Bula cried out in fright

OMG Gnash some one is dying horribly, come on we have to help!

She dashed off into the direction of the scream. Gnash grumbled about satisfaction, his swollen cock bobbing in front of him as he followed close behind. Not five minutes later they came across what was left of a body. Bula screamed as the last spider crawled away, it stopped for a second like it was contemplating the two orcs, before moving on. Bula with her hand over her mouth slowly moved closer. There was only bones and tattered bits of clothes left, but she did recognize a knife by the grizley hand. She bent down and picked it up, turning it over. Her eyes went huge,

Gnash. ..I think this is Dumars knife! This is Dumar or what is left of him.

They both looked around, suddenly seeing hundreds of eyes looking at them from the walls and ceiling. They started to move forward, Bula screamed,


Bula had never run so fast in her life, but Gnash swiftly scooped her up throwing her over his broad shoulder and raced away from the awful scene leaving the spiders long behind as he continued to run. Finally they burst into area where the others had just been talking about them and Dumar. Gnash dumped Bula none too gently on the ground in his agitation.

Sbuglll! Ybbsi Ooooo!!

From the ground Bula gasped

Dumar, it's Dumar, he's dead. ...eaten by hundreds and hundreds of spiders. We found his knife, so there's no doubt.

She got back to her feet brushing the dirt off as she spoke and gave her hubby a kick.

They followed us, we must run or they will eat us too!
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An echoing scream awoke Treorin, but the scream suddenly stopped short. Someone was being killed.

Donella and Noric had jumped up both with weapons drawn and Thorn was pulling her broken body up to a standing position.

Treborin put his hand on his head he could feel Dumar, he was in pain dying, then the feelings faded to nothing.

"Wheres Dumar?" Noric shouted holding a torch high.

"He's dead," Tre replied, "I felt him die, he was terrified."

"Which way?" Noric asked him as he looked in both directions Dumar could have walked off in. Tre pointed but didn't say anything else. His elf sense had almost let him feel the death, feel the terror and pain Dumar had felt.

Thorn fell back to her knees, she hadn't had enough time to heal, she needed blood, any blood. with the last of her strength, she launched herself at the unexpecting Noric. She grabbed both of his wrists her fangs exposed she was going to feed, the blood lust was too strong...

"Ouch!" Thorn said as she fell back to the floor, Ella had hit her hard first in the face and then in her broken ribs, making her fall.

Noric now stood over her Tre's sword pointing at her. "Dont!" Ella shouted, "it's not her fault, she's hurt and hasn't fed." Noric took a step back but didn't lower Tre's sword. Thorn hissed back, but now she was able to think she was glad Ella had stopped her.

"Tre go get my healing stone Bula still has it. It will help her. Noric binds her hands and gag her, make sure she can't escape."

Thorn hissed again, this time at Ella. "You will not tie me like some fucking animal, I will kill you all,"

Tre looked at her in horror, at his love, before Gnash ran in and dropped Bula on the ground with a thud. "Sbuglll! Ybbsi Ooooo!!" he shouted

Bula rubbed her lower back, Her eyes pointing daggers at her husband. "Dumar, it's Dumar, he's dead. ...eaten by hundreds and hundreds of spiders. We found his knife, so there's no doubt."

She quickly got up, brushing her dress down trying to remove some of the dirt, then kicked Gnash in anger "They followed us, we must run or they will eat us too!"

Donella quickly took charge. "Healing stone," she strictly said hand outstretched and Bula rummaged in her pocket till she found it. She walked over to Thorn and held her arm out in front of her face. "Drink!" she ordered and before anyone could stop her Thorn bit down on her arm and drank the life-sustaining blood."

Gnash was staring not understanding how the little girl was still alive, he sniffed, trying to place the scent, it had changed from when they first had met, "Grimim?" (roughly translates to vampire or undead) he said quietly. he would watch her, if she was a Grimim, he would twist her head off. "The best way to kill them," he thought.

Ella fell down to her knees, Thorn was taking to much, her head started to sway, "Let go..., please!" But thorn didn't, she needed the blood, she felt stronger more powerful.

"I told you the blood of men, and elves was better than the blood of beast's. Drink you fill" a voice echoed through thorns head before Noric hit her. The handle of Tre's sword smacking against her cheek burning her forcing her backward.

Thorn jumped back to her feet, she was almost healed. she wiped the blood from her lips, her eyes glowing, she was going to rip him apart, but Tre suddenly stood between them, "It ok Thorn, you didn't mean it. Come back to us."

Thorns eyes returned to normal. She closed her eyes and lowered her head, tears running down her face. "kill me please." she said not looking, but Tre grabbed her and held her.

"We will save you," he whispered in her ear.

Noric took some cord and bound her wrists, "You try anything and I will end you, girl," he said, "and I'm keeping this sword," he added looking right at Tre.

He then picked up Ella who was still conscious but weak, and passed he to Gnash "Dangle Ella" (Carry Ella) which Gnash did. Tre helped Thorn, but she didn't need his help she felt stronger than ever.

Suddenly there was a clicking sound, and Bula screamed, "There coming!" And the whole party turned and ran down the other dark passage.
As they ran for their lives, Thorn kept glancing back. She felt like she should be back there with the spiders, not with this group of warm blooded beings. She knew this was wrong, she wasn’t a spider but she was having a real hard time shaking this feeling! She kept looking back, slowing down until she was last in the group just behind Tre. Just as Thorn was about to drop back and hide behind a boulder Tre saw and knew what she was going to do.

Without hesitating he turned around and in one fluid motion he threw Thorn over his shoulder and kept running. There wasn't anything Thorn could do except struggle, being gagged and tied the way she was. Her lip curled under the gag thinking;

"I'll make you pay Treborin, you will be sorry! "

Meanwhile Ella feeling stronger said;

"You can put me down now, I can keep up with the group."

Gnash looked to Noric for permission, who after a few moments of looking at Ella's face, nodded his head.

As Gnash reluctantly set her down, Ella knew they had to find a way to escape the spiders and help Thorn before it was too late. She kept running hoping that their luck would change soon. Noric kept a close eye on Ella as well as the others as they kept running.

Bula was certainly glad to see Ella was strong enough to run on her own, since she was getting a little tired. Taking a deep breath she just about was caught up to Gnash when she stumbled on a small rock. She went down hitting her head on the stone floor of the cave. Gnash turned with a cry;

"Bula, moo hgasss!"

He swiftly scooped up her unconscious body, turned and continued to follow the others while whimpering to himself.

"Fujitsu berrifor ooooo!"
"Mmm" said Legg O'lam, the elfin slut. "I see you've found my magical sword..."
The party ran as fast as they could, but the clicking noises were getting louder. The spiders were gaining on them. Suddenly Noric stopped, Tre managed to slow down swerving as he passed but Noric grabbed him. Just 2 steps away the path stopped and a gaping chasm was there.

"There's no way we can jump that!" Noric shouted, as every one looked. Gnash put Bula down and with out warning Picked up Ella and before anyone could say anything he threw her with all of his might, and she landed on the other side.

He then grabbed Noric and threw him across. He looked at Tre and thorn, before picking up Bula again "Nin a ra," he shouted to Noric, before throwing his wife across.

Noric and Ella tried to catch her, but she was too heavy and all three ended up in a heap.

Tre put Thorn down, and Gnash Picked him up and threw him, but before he landed, Thorn had jumped. She landed on a small ledge away from the others. She threw them a evil look before climbing up the wall out of sight.

"Thorn!" Tre shouted, but only silence answered.

Gnash took a few steps back, he could hear the spiders. He ran at the hole, and jumped. every one watched, it was going to be close. He was just short, but his huge hands just grabbed the edge "Gan ne!" he shouted, and Noric, Tre, and Ella grabbed one of his huge hands and pulled.

They weren't strong enough, he was losing his grip, but suddenly Blua had hold his other hand, "Don't you dare fall!" she shouted as the four or them finally helped pull him up.

Gnash looked down at the gaping drop, "Booooo" he said, and everyone knew, that had been too close.

Bula jumped into his arms kissing him, over and over.

"Thank you Gnash," Ella and Tre both said but Gnash didn't hear them, he was to busy with Bula, and everyone again looked away.

"What about Thorn?" Tre asked as he tried to find her with his senses.

"We cant follow her up there, let us hope we find her before the vampires do," Ella replied, and Noric nodded. All three looked back, seeing spiders crawling across the walls they were still after the group, but would take a wile to get around the gap.

"We have to go!" Noric said, before looking at the orcs. Gnash was pounding into Bula. There breathing, moaning and grunting was increasing. He looked back at Tre and Ella, "As soon as there finished." he said.
Thorn kept climbing. She was confused, not knowing what was going on. Noric had attacked her... or had she attacked him? Gnash had tried to kill her, even Ella had turned against her binding her hands, gagging her mouth and taken her dagger.

Thorn had heard voices. She needed blood, Ella, Noric or Dumar were responsible for this, confusing her... Or was it Tre? had he betrayed her too.

She had shared her body with him, and he did this to her. "They are evil, want you dead," a voice echoed through her head, "Kill them all, feast on there blood!"

Thorn reached the roof of the cave. She couldn't see anything it was so dark even her Vampire eyes couldn't see anything. There was a sharp hanging rock, so she used it to cut the rope that bound her wrists, and then could untie the gag.

She sniffed the air, she could hear clicking, "Spiders," she whispered. They were getting closer. She crawled across the roof heading away from the clicks.

She was thirsty, needing more blood. A sent hit her nose, there was a passage up ahead. She crawled through the narrow passage it headed upwards. she crawled for about an hour, until a large rock bard her progress. Thorn positioned herself against the edge or the cave and pushed as hard as she could. the stone moved, just a little bit it moved.

She pushed again, her muscles screaming and, finally, the stone moved. "fresh air," she said as the stone fell on to its side. she was outside in the forest, it was dark. the moon was covered by clouds and no stars could be seen.

Thorn was now in hunting mode, slipping from tree to tree, she could smell blood. There was a house was in a clearing. Thorn looked at the ground, two large blood patches but no bodies. Thorn sniffed again and entered the house. "Bula's house?" She asked her self. She recognised the smell, but there was nothing alive here, well nothing human or orc.

There was a sword on the wall, which Thorn took, at least she could fight now. A sent hit her again. She smashed through the broken window hissing making a gobbin scout jump in surprize. Thorn rushed over and sunk her teeth into it's neck before it could recover covering its mouth so it couldn't scream. she drunk its blood feeling the life fading from its worm body.

Once finished, she dropped the corps and licked her lips, before dropping to her knees and crying. "Oh my god," she whispered, "What did I do."

She had to find the last two vampire Lords but she didn't know who or what they were. They were close, she could sense it. She needed a cure and fast she was loosing her mind and couldn't remember how many moons were left until the alignment.

"Giving in to your darkness, as I knew you would," a voice shouted out.

Thorn spun around but there was no one there. She sniffed again, there was something familiar and close but then something else caught her attention more goblins scouts were close. Thorn's eyes glowed and she speed off towards the them. She was hunting again, no longer thinking about a cure or anything. the blood lust taking over.

Dumar stood on the roof and laughed, his master would soon have the girl and he would kill the boy, Ella and Noric. Nothing could stop him now. He vanished with out a trace, his laugh echoing through the air.
Bula gasped as her body spasmed over and over. Finally her breathing slowed down enough so she could speak. She looked at Gnash;

" Oh that was extra good you great big sexy orc, do you think you can do it again soon? My blood is still on fire. I think it must be from our narrow escape from those hairy little spiders! I hate those things, creepy little monsters...Ugg!"

She adjusted her back, she knew she would be black and blue after the pounding she had just gotten against the wall in their love making. After the adrenalin had coursed through their veins, what with being thrown across the black chasm and then nearly loosing Gnash, Bula just couldn't get enough of him now. He likewise seemed to have the same fever.

He lifted her body and held her tight, making little noises as the last of his seed was pumped deeply in her tunnel of love. But alas, he knew he couldn't make love again for at least 10 minutes so he sadly shook his head at her and set her down on the ground.

Bula sighed her understanding before suddenly realizing that they better make some tracks out of the cave. Those spiders were still after them. As his still huge cock slipped out of her she looked up at him and added;

"Your right, we better find the others and get as far away from those creepy crawly things as soon as we can. Or we will end up just like Dumar, I didn't like him, but geezzz no one should have to die like that."

Gnash nodded his head in agreement as he pushed his semi hard phallus back under his bear skin loin cloth. It barely covered him but was better then nothing. Bula pinched his bum as they headed in the direction that the others had gone earlier.

A few minutes later Bula and Gnash came up to the waiting party. Bula turned a pretty pink color when she saw the looks from both Ella and Noric. Gnash just grinned and shrugged his shoulders pointing to Bula when she wasn't looking.
Noric wasn't happy, the orcs had taken to long and now the party was running down another path. Suddenly everyone stopped. They were standing on a ledge, the path heading downwards.

Noric concentrated, his senses telling him the spiders weren't close yet, but also there was a maze of tunnels in front of them. He couldn't sense the way to go. "Treborin, can you sense the right path to take?" he asked, but Tre didn't answer, he was thinking about Thorn.

"Tre!" Noric shouted, bringing Tre's mind back to the situation they were in.

"Err, one second," Treborin said as he held his hand out concentrating on the paths.

"Er I cant sense anyone."

Noric looked at Treborin, "You cant detect the way out?" he asked with a confused look.

"No." Treborin replied.

Ella looked at Noric, "Not everyone has had the training you had."

Noric looked from Ella to Treborin and back, "His senses are so strong, I assumed he had been trained. Tre I want you to flow your senses through the paths and tunnels ahead, not just looking for people, but changes in temperature, and movement from the wind, anything that will show us the way out."

Tre started to concentrate, his senses flowing through the paths, looking for anything which could get them out of the tunnels, but his mind wondered. "Thorn?" he whispered.

Noric turned in distain, and then started walking "Come, when we get closer I will sense it.

Gnash followed, but Bula and Ella stayed by Tre for a moment. "We will find her," Ella said and Bula nodded.

The three of them followed Noric and Gnash, hoping that they would be out the tunnels soon, but Ella and Tre knew, their troubles with Thorn were only going to get worse.
As Ella walked along beside Bula, she wondered at all the different obstacles that they had come across. It was like someone was putting things in their path to keep them busy. She knew she had to figure out what she wanted to do with her life.

She looked at Bula, who in her simple way was very happy with Gnash. They lived in the moment, not worrying about what to do in the near or far future. She wondered if she too could possibly live so simply. She looked ahead, at the broad back of Noric, and would a simple life with the likes of him be possible? She wondered....

When they, no if they all got out of this one in once piece, she planned to maybe sound Noric out to see what he wanted in life. They might have a future, or then again, he might want to continue the life he had been living when they crossed paths again a few weeks ago. She shook her head, was it only a few weeks ago?

Whatever, one thing at a time, and right now that meant escaping those vampire spiders and whatever was controlling them. One thing Ella knew, something was behind all that had been happening to them, and she meant to find out who and destroy him or them. She just hoped she would be able to save poor Thorn when it all came to a head, which she felt they were getting nearer and nearer.

Meanwhile Bula was quite content to walk beside Ella. She showed that she was a good leader and progressive woman. Bula admired that quality indeed, she looked at the robust figure of Gnash not too many feet ahead. She smiled, thinking of what a great hubby and lover he made. She nodded her head, yes she could be happy with him for the rest of her life. She of course would be the head of the family, but she had no doubt that they would be happy for many years to come. That was if they survived the perilous journey they were all on now.

She blinked looking around hoping they would find a out of this creepy dark cave soon. She craved to have some wholesome sunlight on her body again. She rubbed the goosebumps on her arms as she continued to walk along.Turning to Ella she asked,

"Do you think we are near the exit to this horrid cave? I wish to feel the sunlight hit my face again. Plus, I really really hate spiders, therefore the sooner we leave those things behind....the better!"

Ella glanced ahead before replying,

"I'm not sure we are near the end of the cave, but I agree some sunlight on our faces would be welcome indeed."

They continued to follow behind Noric, Tre and Gnash.
Tre couldn't help thinking about Thorn. He loved her, from the first moment he saw her. He felt it and she had saved his life. At first, hoped the feelings would of faded. She was hard, cold, ill tempered and didn't think about anyone except herself but there had been a softer side a loving side. Over time she had let it be seen. He remembered the first time she had smiled at him. He hadn't been able to talk just stood there with a grin on his face.

"This way," Noric suddenly shouted, braking Tre's train of thought. He climbed up a ledge and started heading up a long narrow path. Gnash got on all fours and tried to follow him, but only a few steps in, he banged his head "Moogla!" he cursed as he shook his head. He tried to back up but his belt was caught on a rock. He moved his hand trying to free himself, but ended up on his side. " Moogla!" he shouted again showing his annoyance.

Ella was trying not to laugh, while Bula tried to free her husband. "Don't move you will get stuck!" She said, but Gnash wasn't listening. He started hitting the wall over and over. Ella suddenly stopped laughing and looked up. She grabbed Tre by the scruff of his shirt and pulled him backwards as a huge bolder fell from the ceiling.

Tre and Ella dived into one of the other tunnels as part of the chamber collapsed cutting them off from the others.

"Are you all right?" Bulla's voice rang out.

"Yes but we are cut off from you." Ella replied.

"Its dark I cant see anything, and Gnash is still stuck."

"Cut his belt and tell him to back up slowly."

"With what? You, Tre and Noric have all the blades, and Noric had the torch, I'm scared."

"Look we will try and find another way out, you help Gnash, and then do the same. We can sense you so we will find you. You just need to be brave, trust your smell and other senses, trust me you will be fine. Just be a brave young woman and save your hubby."

"Ok I will save him then take the passage to the right."

"Good girl, we will see you soon." Ella shouted, before taking out her healing crystal. It glowed illuminating the tunnel. "Lets just hope there is a way out of here," she said quietly to Tre who nodded, before leading the way down the dark long passage.
Thorn jumped from tree to tree. She could see a camp, a small troop of orcs sat around a fire, and several goblins sat off to one side. Thorn narrowed her eyes, there was too many for her to take alone.

Suddenly from nowhere a dozen six armed vampires appeared. Thorn watched as they ripped the orcs and goblins apart. Once they had finished, the all stood in a circle sounding the final orc.

A tall Vampire suddenly walked into the clearing. "I know your there Thorn, why don't you come down and join us. We saved this one for you."

Thorn didn't move, she knew she wouldn't be easily seen.

"Don't keep me waiting, My name is Shark, I am king of the spiders and your saviour."

Thorn turned to jump away, but suddenly realised she was surrounded by 1000's of spiders all over the tree. She jumped trying to get away, but a six armed vampire grabbed her in mid air. He held her by both wrists, and both ankles.

Shark walked up to Thorn and lifted her chin "I thought we were going to be friends, I even saved you dinner. The other Vampires dived on the last Orc killing him quickly. Thorn hissed at shark trying to break free, but he grabbed her cheeks, squeezing her face as he showed his own fangs. He stared in to her eyes, "Nice to see you Malfurian."

Miles away Malfurian screamed, "SHE IS MINE!" he charged in to the forest leaving his bodyguards behind him. He needed the girl or his plans would be ruined, and he could travel faster alone.
Meanwhile Bula was trying to find her hubby in the rubble and darkness. She called out,

"Gnash....Gnash can you hear me?"

She waited holding her breath, as the tears started to fall down her greenish cheeks. Then she got mad shouting,

"Gnash you great big lug, answer me now!!!"

She held her breath again waiting to hear a noise...any noise at all. Finally she heard the sound of some pebbles falling, then more sound of rocks moving. She grinned, moving towards the sounds. She called out again,

"Husband, talk to me, tell me your OK..."

For an answer she heard a low groan. She continued to wiggle and squirm over the rocks that had fallen down. Scraping her knees and wrecking her dress.

"Oh your in trouble now, if you had listened to me and let me get you loose we wouldn't be in this trouble. And now you have ruined my fine dress. Just you wait til I get to you!!!"

As Gnash listened to Bula's voice he gave out a sigh between his moans. A rather huge rock had hit him on his head, he reached up and felt a bump the size of a melon forming. There was one good thing, the rock that his belt was caught on had fallen with the rest, he was lose. He now tried crawling backwards towards he mate's jarring voice. He had a lot of bruises all over his body, but that wouldn't stop him from getting to her and hugging her.

After about 20 minutes of crawling in the dark, Gnash stuck his huge foot into Bula's face, she returned the favor by biting his not so little toe. He roared and turned around as fast as he could. They lay on their stomaches face to face, he grinning, she snarling! After a few seconds he grabbed her trying to sit up. Something he had been avoiding so as not to bump that lump on his head.

They were in a relatively open area now, so were able to sit up straight. He hugged her first then tried to kiss her. She slapped him then asked,'

"Not now you Oaf, I want to know how bad your hurt, take my hand and show me where it hurts."

He sort of got the gist of what she said, taking her hand putting it on his crotch, (while grinning to himself). She felt him, wondering ...then realized as it grew what her hand was on, (Well at least that part of him still is in good working order.) she smirked to herself. She then pinched him,

"Noooo not now, show me where your hurt!"

He did, making her cry out for the lump was enormous! She sighed and tried to think, they needed some light. That is when she remembered the small box of matches she always kept in the pocket of her dress. Taking them out, she realized she would have to rip a part of her dress to make a small torch. The dress was ruined anyways, she sighed as she ripped a piece and thought about some kind of stick to put it on. Looking at Gnash said,

"Give me your dagger, I need it to use for my torch."

Once she had the dagger she wound the strip of cloth around it and in short time had a small torch going. It gave enough light for them to look around and see a small opening at the side of the wall. She got up motioned Gnash to follow as she moved into the tunnel. Hoping with all she had that it would lead them out of that accursed cave.

Gnash followed closely trying hard keep his bump from hitting the low ceiling of the tunnel. Every time he hit it, it would practically glow in the dark and throb with a life of it's own. He moaned a lot as they made their way along the tunnel.

Finally after what seemed like hours, cause it was, Bula had to use up most of her ragged dress to keep the torch going, she saw a "Light at the End of the Tunnel"....lol Bula quickly reached it and squeezed her body out. She stood up and took a deep breath of fresh air. She also stood in just her panties and bra. (she had put the box of matches in her bra a while back)

Gnash gingerly stuck his big head out of the opening and looked up at his wife. He forgot about his tragically aching head as his cock woke up. He pushed his body through the opening without too much trouble. Ending up amid the rubble and dirt, he reached for Bula's ankle. She screamed as she felt him pull her to the ground. In no time at all they were celebrating the fact that they had escaped the cave.

That is when Ella and Tre heard the sounds of two orcs doing it again. Ella couldn't help but laugh with relief. She looked at Tre,

"Looks like we found our orcs!"
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Noric stood in a tree, he was glad the orcs had found a way out after he had been cut off. Tre and Ella weren't out yet, but they were close, and there was no sine of any spiders.

Unfortunately Noric couldn't sense Thorn either. Had she been able to get out of the caves?

He was trying not to listen to the Orcs, concentrating on his elf sense. He didn't know how long they had been underground, but he was very glad to be outside with the sun shining in him. He had seen the sunrise, it had been beautiful. He hadn't watched a sun rise since he and Ella had been together.

He could sense her, she was close. How he had missed her, he had been a fool to blindly follow orders rather than his heart, but he had made his choice, would he have a second chance? he had seen her watching him, little looks when she believed he wasn't looking.

Noric smiled, thinking about the young woman, but suddenly the smile faded, he could sense something else some one else was in the caves.

He would stay here and watch over his colleagues, what ever it was it was close.
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Both Ella and Tre stood by the cave entrance and waited until the orcs were done with their love making. Sighing Ella glanced around til she spied the small opening that Bula and Gnash had opened up enough to squeeze their bodies out of. It was only fifteen feet from where they stood. She paused thinking,

"There must be many large and small tunnels in this cave, like an ant hill above ground. I wonder if Noric and Thorn have found their way out? We will have to hang around until they find their way out yet."

She could see that Tre was worried about Thorn, she would have liked to reassure him that she was going to be alright. But they both knew that it was going to take a miracle to get her out of the complicated situation that she was in. Somehow they had to help her.

Tre gave Ella a small smile as he went back to gazing into the distance. He knew the odds were against having a happy outcome.

Finally the orcs were done with their love making. Bula sat up trying to put her panties and bra back into place. She realized she was now in a pickle, how was she supposed to run around the forest in just her underwear? She eyed the rough skin that Gnash was adjusting on his hips, thinking if she were to cut it in half, she would at least have enough to cover her boobs and bottom. He would still have enough to hide his essentials. Anyways it would have to do. She smiled at him before ordering,

" Gnash hand me your knife and that skin of yours."

As usual the big orc did as he was asked, thinking he would like to take a well earned nap. He pulled his knife from out of the thick leather belt and placed it into her smaller hand. Then he unbuckled it causing the long skin to slide down his thick hairy legs. Handing that to her as well he yawned glancing around before he said,

"Hoomppp bewww"

He had found the perfect place for his nap. Walking over to a large nearby oak tree where he lay down on a nice bed of soft moss at the base of the tree and promptly feel asleep. Bula sighed as she watched him for a few minutes, then got busy cutting his garment in half and fashioning it so as it covered all the bits she felt needed covering. Once done with her task, she too felt the need for a nap, she moved over to lay down spoon fashion in front of Gnash and was soon snoring softly.

Ella had waved at Bula to let her know that she and Tre were nearby, then she decided to make some tea as they waited to hear from the others.
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Tre, was watching Ella making tea, all he could think about was Thorn. He retreated into himself allowing his sense to flow through the forest. There was nothing there, then suddenly he heard her voice, "Help me."

Tre jumped up knocking the tea out of Ella's hand that she had been offering to him.

"If you didn't want it, you could of just said," Ella shouted angrily, shaking her scolded fingers.

"Thorns in trouble! We have to go!"

Tre grabbed Ella's hands making her begrudgingly stand up.

Ella was about to make the point of waiting for the others, when Bulla and Gnash returned

Both of the Elves stared at the Orcs, in there new outfits. Gnash's loincloth was now only gust big enough to hid his privets... from the front, but as he walked you could clearly see it from the side. Bulla had the other half raped around her boobs and bum, but although you couldn't see much, it left very little to the imagination.

Gnash saw Tre staring at Bula and suddenly felt jealous, he moved in between his wife and the elves, towering over them.

Tre refocused, "We have to go! Thorn is in trouble!"

Bula pushed past Gnash and quickly agreed. they packed up camp quickly and started the long walk towards Thorn. Both elves looking up to where Noric was hiding, they knew he would follow, keeping out of sight for now.
Shark smiled at his new toy. She was a day walker, well at least until she turned. She was hissing and pulling on the chains, which attached her to the cave wall.

He had sent his scouts out, although they would die in direct sunlight, keeping to the trees, he knew his spiders would be fine. He aloud himself to chuckle, would Malfurian be stupid enough and desperate enough to travel in the day. He knew he could see through Thorns eyes and even have some measure of control over her but it wouldn't last.

Shark had decided only he and a few of his closest followers would drink the girls blood during the alignment, and then he would turn her. She was powerful and would make a strong servant of the spider

"It wont be long now little girl, Just two more nights and your suffering will be over. You will make an amazing spider bride."
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Tre walked ahead of Ella stopping every once in a while, to make sure he was still on the right track. His sense of Thorn, wasn't very strong and to make things harder, it was intermittent at best. He concentrated, as he stalked through the forest. Looking up at the sky he noted that the sun would be going down in a few hours, he hoped to find her before it set.

As time went on Ella patiently followed Tre's lead, looking back every once in a while to signal the orcs to be as quiet as possible. It wouldn't do to alert any nearby enemies of their presence. She checked for the position of the sun realizing that it would be setting within the hour. Tapping Tre on the shoulder she quietly spoke,

"Listen Tre, I think we should start to look for a safe place to make camp. Somewhere that would be easy to defend if needed.I have a nasty feeling about this area, and its been growing stronger as we go on."

Tre nodded his head as he replied,

"I agree with you, but lets keep going and as soon as we come across a good place we make camp. I want to get as close to where Thorn is as possible. My sense of her is much stronger now, which must mean we are getting close. I was hoping to find her before dark, but at this rate, I am beginning to doubt that."

Ella let Tre move forward again while she waited for the orcs to come beside her.

"Bula, you and Gnash keep a eye out for a camp site that we can defend if attacked. We need to find it before dark."

Once the orcs understood, Ella moved quickly to catch up to the fast disappearing Tre. She could just make out his form as he moved through the foliage of the forest. The orcs followed with Bula trying to explain about finding a camp.

About 30 minutes later they came across an area that they all agreed probably as good for defense as they were going to find. There was some large trees with rocks that Gnash could move into better positions. With a little work they could make do. Ella called Tre back, as he had kept on following Thorn.

"Tre I think we better stop for the night, with Gnash and Bula we can make this place safe if attacked.
I am thinking we need to rest, for whatever lays ahead of us. Bula can you start getting some food ready? I need a few moments alone to think now, but will join you shortly."

They all agreed with Ella, she smiled her thanks before walking away. Once she was alone she sat done on a rock and waited for Noric to come near enough to talk.
Noric looked around in the dyeing light, "At least they arnt stupid enough to keep moving at night." He looked up to the sky the moon looked almost full. "Just one more night and the moon will be full and plaints will a line."

He sighed there was no time left "Tomorrow night Thorn will die or turn, and theres nothing we can do about it."

Tre took the blood stone out of his bag, they had worked so hard to get it, almost dyeing in a cave but now it seamed like it was a waist. He had fallen for Thorn, he hoped to see her one more time.

He suddenly jumped up "We are surrounded!" he shouted.

"Tre the sun hasn't even set yet" Ella replied. but suddenly there was a clicking from all around them. Ella drew her Dagger and the four of them stood back to back.

Tre looked at the sun as its final rays of light faded from view.
The suns rays vanished, and suddenly the group of four could see 100's of eyes staring at them. "Dam bardar," Gnash said glancing around.

"Yes this looks bad," Ella replied.

Tre wished Thorn was here and he wished Noric didn't have his sword.

Suddenly there was laughter echoing all around, and the spiders were silent.

The laughter stopped and Dumar landed in the clearing. "Well my old friends looks like there will be no escape this time."

Bula's eyes opened wide. "I ... I ... I saw you. You were dead."

"A transformation to a spider vampire isn't a pleasant experience, as you four will soon find out. No where is my old friend Noric?" Dumar looked up and narrowed his eyes. "There you are my friend why don't you come down and join us?"

Noric watched, unsure what to do, his senses were telling him spiders were climbing the tree. He lunched him self to the next tree but Dumar hit him in the gut while he was in mid jump. Noric tried to hit him with the sword, but Dumar had his wrist.

Dumar opened his mouth his fangs growing longer. Noric couldn't break free he tried to back his head away but only succeeded in exposing his neck.

Dumar smiled as he went to bit him, his first kill would be his old friend, the man who had betrayed him for that stupid woman.

Suddenly Lightning struck Dumar in the back. Ella stood there arm out stretched magic flowing through the air. Dumar span around using Noric as a shield. But the lightning stopped, and Noric hit Dumar in the face, braking his nose.

They landed in the clearing, Tre's sword sliding out of reach as the 100's of spiders charged.

Ella switched tactic and "I need the full force of the storm!" she shouted pointing her hand at the fire, and the fire exploded outwards.

"The flams were hot," Tre thought, as the flames flowed over him and the others, they weren't burning them unlike the spiders that were all in full retreat the fire burning out there lives.

Gnash joined in stamping on any larger spider still in the clearing, the spiders made a nice squelching sound under his feet, he thought. Bella copied Gnash, while Ella kept the lightning focused on the fire.

Dumar cried out in pain, the fire was burning him, but it wasn't going to stop him, Noric was stunned, hurt, he opened his mouth again, plunging his head forward.

He suddenly stopped, and looked down at his chest. He saw Tre's sword sticking through him.
Tre stood behind him his sword finding its mark and Dumar turned to dust, ending his afterlife.

Ella stopped the fire, and Tre helped Noric up. "Thank you, " Noric said quietly.

Ella Rushed over and kissed Noirc, before embracing him.

Gnash nudged Bula "Me ninny pic."

"Yes Gnash its about time." Bulla said smiling at the two elves.

"Gnree ban ban?" Gnash asked.

Bulla sighed "Can't you go 1 night with out..." she paused as she looked at his large swollen organ, and smiled and pointed over to a large bush "Gnree ban ban!" She said. Gnash picked her up and carried her behind the bush. With in moments the two orcs were making enough noise that everyone knew what they were doing.

Ella didn't care she kissed Noric again, and he kissed her back, how she had missed this part of him.

Tre looked into the dark jungle not knowing whether to look away from Ella and Noric or cover his ears from the moans and gasps Bulla was making, when something stirred in his mind. He looked at his shield the runes were glowing. "Thorn?" he whispered, before he vanished from the clearing.
After a very long time, Ella came up for air. She looked up at Noric with a soft smile.

"It's been a very long while hasn't it? But you didn't forget how to kiss!"

Suddenly there was silence from the bush where the two orcs frolicked followed by,


Ella put her hand to her mouth and started to laugh, soon joined by Noric,

"You know those two really know what is important in life and go for it with gusto! Maybe we more
serious types could learn a thing or two from them."

She sighed adding,

"Unfortunately I don't think this is the right time to explore my theory."

She then looked around the clearing,

"Noric? Where is Tre? TRE! TRE! "

She called out. They both started to look for the elf soon joined by the satisfied orcs.
Tre found himself in a cave, he glanced around, Thorn was tied to a wall a dozen vampires lay stiff motionless against the far wall and there was a tall man siting on a chair with his back to Tre.

Thorn looked up slowly and smiled at him, before looking at the sitting Vampire. Tre silently moved closer, using his sword he slowly cut the first rope freeing her left wrist.

"I don't know how you got past me and my men," Shark said as his head turned around, "But you my boy are dead." Two vampires lunched themselves across the cave, Tre swung his sword and both bust into flames at the touch of his sword.

Sharks eyes opened wide, Tre stood ready standing between Thorn and the Vampires. "Grab the knife, free your self." Tre said as a third vampire charged, it grabbed Tre's wrists, but he managed to tap the edge of the sword against it. The creature hissed in pain. Tre freed his hand and with a quick thrust the Vampire turned to dust.

Thorn grabbed the dagger in Tre's belt and freed herself, Hissing as Shark.

100's of spiders charged across the floor, but Tre scraped the sword along the ground, any spider it touched turned to ash, and the spiders stopped, unsure what to do.

"You dear defy me!" Shark shouted, "I am the king..."

"Oh shut up!" Thorn shouted interrupting Sharks blustering. With out warning Thorn lunched herself at him, the dagger cutting two of his fingers off.

"You D..." Shark started to say before Thorns Dagger flew threw the air striking him in the face, blinding one of his eyes. Shark screamed blood flowing down his face. He pulled the dagger out before, hissing re-focusing on Thorn and Tre, but all he saw was a blur, the Vampires turning to dust before his one good eye. This boy was dangerous. Shark lunched himself into the night, diapering into the darkness, thinking "Let Malfurian deal with them. If he succeeded, he would still get the gift of day walking, and if not the boy would kill him, either way he would win.

Tre breathed heavy as the last remaining spiders ran for there lives. Thorn suddenly kissed him, pressing her body against his. "Thank you," she whispered, before allowing him to move.

She walked over and picked up the fingers, "that's three," she said with a smile, "and Malfurian is close. I need the blood stone Tre."

Tre passed the stone and Thorn placed it in her mouth and crunched it in-between her teeth, her eyes glowed, Tre could only watch as she fluted in the air, her whole body erupting in magic. After a few moments she fell back to the ground and Tre rushed to her side. " He cant control me any more, and I can still sense him."

Tre smiled and held her close, "We should go and find the others."

"No stay here with me, it may be our last night and I want you Tre, I Love you."

They kissed knowing they were safe at least for now.
Next morning Ella led Bula and Gnash to find Tre, she could just sense him far off in the distance and knew it was going to be a long walk.

Noric had diapered at sun rise and Ella couldn't sense him, she hoped he was alright but with this being Thorns last day, she had decided Tre, was her priority. If she could find Thorn, she and Noric had decided to end her life for the good of the world.

"Gre patpoo," Gnash shouted. "Tre"

"Yes husband we are going to find Treborin," Bulla replied.

Ella though about what he had said before she asked "Did he say Tre as in Treborin, or is Tre a word in Orc?"

"No he said Tre as in Tre. he knows all our names, though he calls Noric No-ic for some reason."

Ella smiled Gnash had become part of the group, and had excepted everyone.

"Ella, ee find Thornn nd Tre?" Gnash said after a few minutes.

"Yes Gnash, we are looking for Thorn and Tre."

Gnash nodded then sniffed the air, "Thorn nd Tee omber" he replied pointing.

"He said that way." Bulla said but Ella had worked that out.

The smile faided from her face "They are together," she said to her self, as she griped her dagger tightly. Would she have to kill Thorn, or was there another option?