Most Romanitc Name?

I've always been partial to Deirdre but most of that is because of the myth, I suspect.
For me, flowing, legato names like Evangeline sound romantic. For men, Fernando, Jonathan, etc. I guess names based in the Romance languages like French, Spanish and Italian just hit my ear that way.

Hans and Gladys, not so much.
For me, flowing, legato names like Evangeline sound romantic. For men, Fernando, Jonathan, etc. I guess names based in the Romance languages like French, Spanish and Italian just hit my ear that way.

Hans and Gladys, not so much.
Yes, the lyrical flow of a name off the tongue - I'd not noticed that in my characters before, till you mentioned it, but it's there with my more gentle leading ladies: Amanda, Amelia, Gabriela, Juliette, Nymue.

I tend to use slightly harder sounding names for tougher, darker characters, but still with a classical feel: Grace, Morgayne, Madelyn, Lilith, Alexandra.

Names evoke character, definitely.
I have known an a lot of women whose names are Michelle, they were all sexy and beautiful.

Men, I really have no opinion. I do use John a lot, but I also use Mark and George and Don and Jeff, maybe if I spelled it Geoff it might be sexy, but don't ask me.
I really like names that have harsh sounds for men. Titus, Victor, Asher. The gruffness of them.

For women, a lot of Irish names really sound the best to me.