Dear X:

Dear Council Officer X,

When devising a notice to show opening times of a Council Facility, please do not use 'Good Friday' as a date on which the opening times change. Not everyone knows when Good Friday is, and it changes from year to year.

As the opening times are affected by the length of daylight hours, it isn't sensible to use Good Friday, which changes its date with no reference to length of daylight.

And if you are going to put up a notice showing the times for a whole year, please make sure it covers the WHOLE year, instead of leaving several months blank.


PS. The notice reads:

1 January to Good Friday: 8am to 4pm
1 July to 30 September: 8am to 6pm
1 October to 31 December: 8am to 4pm

What about Easter Saturday to 30 June? Dunno.
Dear Registrar (as this is at whose door they are laying blame),

The new policy of no longer allowing professors to directly post final grades to students, but holding all grades for one to two weeks before releasing them, is moronic and causes unnecessary stress among the student population.

Please reconsider this power-play move on your part. (And don't use the under-funded computer department as an excuse.)

Thank you. :mad:
Dear Federal Aid,

Please be awarded to me by the end of the day. I would really like to spend you on books and supplies before classes start.

Dear X:

I had a dream where I was watching you sleep. That's all. Just sitting quietly on the foot of the bed, watching you sleep in the filtered half light coming through the window.

The train rolled past, and woke me up. I was crying.

How very, very strange life is.

It's an unfortunate thing to realize that you wanted me to change, worked so hard to change me, and you got your wish. I'm more submissive, more yielding, more patient, less outgoing- so much so that people have started to comment on how anti-social I am. I'm not angry, or cruel, or spiteful. Just quiet, and cold, and aching.

And now that I'm everything you wanted- I'm not.

What a funny old world we live in, eh?
Dear X:

I should feel vindicated. You're getting what you deserve and having to face your morality. Instead, I can't get that memory out of my head. You know the one I'm talking about... No wait, no you don't. You were to busy snorting things made of paint thinner and anti-freeze, or some shit to notice a 4 year old.

I should feel strong right now, that I survived despite you. But I don't. I want to dive under the covers and sob. This should be giving me some sort of release right? I should be free because you're getting what you're earned...

My Bad I guess...

Dear eX:

Stop texting me. Go to Jamaica. Loose yourself in beer and music and...well, you know. Go find your happiness. I can't be responsible for it anymore.

Wishing you peace in your heart,
Dear Magic Beam,
Please kill this tumour with little damage to my throat.
I'd like to continue eating and drinking normally for the next 20-odd years.
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Don't let him lose his wonderful voice.

A fan of the iterate triangle player
Dear X,

This isn't the first time I've come here to talk about you. The simple fact is, I can't really talk about you at the place where I normally unburden myself, because you can read that web location... and there are things I need to keep to myself for now.

For instance, the fact that I've had a thing for you since I was a senior in high school. And yes, I'm aware that that was some 10 years ago. But, basically, we've never been single at the same time since then. I was involved with my very first girlfriend... and then you got involved with your first boyfriend. Your, so far, only boyfriend. Whom you've been with for a good seven years.

With that in mind, you'll perhaps understand if I was of two minds when you told me that you and him might be over by Thursday.

I'm in no position to say anything either way, really. In my opinion, he's not ready; I think that, with seven years to show his willingness to move on (and move in), to have a job and a place of his own, to begin that journey towards adulthood, he would've shown some sign by now of being ready for you. And, believe me, I have more sympathy for his viewpoint than you might realize, because I'm in kind of the same place. (Christ, I mean, look at my job--I'm a glorified babysitter!) But, simply put, a man has a choice: to change to be better for his woman, or to not--and, inevitably, changing himself to be better towards his woman involves changing himself away from the direction he'd rather take. We of the testicular persuasion value our time; we feel like there are a lot of things attempting to own our lives, and we're careful about letting women be one of those things, because we know that once a woman gets involved, she'll take over everything. Obviously, there are potential benefits, but--simply put--I hope you'll understand why we can be skeptical about it.

But the point is, I can tell you firsthand that he's not ready because I've been him, been in the place where my fiancee asks me to become, for her sake, someone I don't really want to become... and I too backed out. This was for the best, because a woman who asks me to become someone I don't want to be is probably not the woman for me. But that's exactly what you're going to do... and exactly the decision he'll have to make.

And, speaking only for myself, I'm worried about what he might say. If he says, Okay, I'll go for it, then there goes my chance with you; you've made it clear that you want to wed him (and so, for that matter, has he!), and if he makes this turn, I think you'll be settled for life, while he... well, we'll see what happens. I'm not sure he can find it in his heart to be happy with the life you want from him; if he could, he'd have done so already. But--with no malice intended--that's kind of his problem; there's nothing I (or you!) can do about it. If he backs down, well, that's good for me... but not for you. No matter what he says, someone I care about gets hurt.

So I'm not going to tell you what you should say. I'm not going to express any opinion one way or the other, because there is no choice that makes everyone happy. I'm just going to say that I hope the both of you go with what's in your hearts, and follow your paths to happiness. If that involves being together, then you should do so. And if it doesn't... Well, then it's my turn to be careful and anxious. I get to bide my time and not make a move until you're ready. I get to be a mercenary jerk about it. I'm not looking forward to it.

It'll get worse before it gets better. But it'll get better.
I can't believe you right now.

You have "so many important things to do" so that you need to stay up at your parents' for 3 weeks, instead of coming home and doing other important things, like getting our propane tank filled, and getting your school registration in order BEFORE school starts.

But every time you call me, you're going out with your friends, watching football with your grandpa, or, this time, you were at the Cracker Barrel with your mom and dad. You want to "spend time with them, because I'm not going to see them for awhile once school starts."

You're acting like you're never going to see these people again! They live only 2 hours away.

I am so angry, I don't even know what to do.

Your family is always going to be more important to you than I am.

Also, you have no sense of priority. Is your family your #1 priority? You say school is, but you don't act like it. That means you would have to put school first, before all the things you WANT and LIKE to do.

Like I do. School IS first for me. I put it before everything, which is why I have a 4.0 and am getting recommended for a graduate fellowship. They might want to PAY me to go to graduate school! Do you understand that? Do you even see what you could do, too, if you really made it a priority?

Do you think I am going to get an awesome job after school and support you, so you can putter around on a tractor and grow heirloom vegetables? Boy, that would work out great for you.
Dear X,

Twist that Knife a bit to the left, you missed my heart....wait, now you've got it. Good job!

Dear X

I love you so very much. I love you enough to tell you that I know it isn't your fault you lost your job. I know it was a shock after so many years of success and devotion to that horrid place. I know I said I'd be here for you through it all and I will. But as your partner, your helpmate and your friend, I have to tell you to move on.

It's been nearly four months. It's time to put away the grief and the self doubt and step back into yourself. You're an amazing man with so much talent and the wisdom to take your failures and hold them up as guideposts for the future.

I'll be here to cheer you along, but I can't babysit you or hold your hand every moment. If I continue enabling your inaction, neither of us will achieve our goals. So starting tomorrow, I'm going back to structured workdays that don't allow for you to work your way through your video game collection or spend all day watching sports center. I can't have that distraction anymore. We don't need my business to fail before it really begins.

You will have to find something constructive to do with the time you aren't job searching. Know that this is because I love you and I can't watch you become something less than you are.
Dear X:
You're an idiot and you're so fucking lucky I got up there when I did. She would have killed you. You know what? I almost let her. But I knew it would hurt her more than it would ever hurt you.
It's like a pot boiling over. It's quick, but it can be dangerous. Today. The way you talked to her. The way she stood there and took it, I'd have given anything to see her go toe to toe with you again. I wish I'd let her hit you. I wish I'd just watched. You're a worthless fuck and you don't deserve a daughter like that.
-Regretfully TMNT
Dear X,
You have got to be fucking kidding me. I don't want you as a friend or to have any contact with you at all. You decided a long time ago that you didn't want to have a brother and I'm holding you to that.
Piss off, cocksucker