What's in your Little Box?

I haven't felt little in a long while. Been 'drop-kicked in the heart.' too many times, and now there's some safety valve that's been installed that just won't let me be that vulnerable anymore.

But i was cleaning out the storage on my phone today, and found some old, old voice messages that reminded me how amazing it was to feel that somebody had my back.

Someone's pet name for me was 'butterfly'
Someone said they were proud of me
Someone sent me a voice message because they knew that hearing their voice would please me
Someone said they missed me
Someone said they'd be thinking of me all day
Someone said they adored me :heart:

Bittersweet, remembering these moments in the past. But sometimes it's good to be reminded of what a glorious feeling it was, even if it's gone now.
Oops! I totally misinterpreted the meaning of the OP. I thought they were talking about a whole 'nother thing. Sorry. (Quietly backs out of the room blushing.)