
Hidden injury
Privacy led to mislead
Truth really scary

Worry for my friend
Personal experience
Says present danger

If I could I'd pray
Unbelieving here hinders
Be brave and be well
Life is a journey
Tao says just go with the flow
etheric loving arms
Sitting silently
Waiting on a car repair
Writing a haiku

Must keep it very clean
Do not want to have a bulge
Showing in my pants
count five seven five
it's the american way
s'all pooh just faux ku
Something old that amused me:-

Windows has crashed.
I am the Blue Screen of Death.
No one hears your screams. .

Yesterday it worked.
Today it is not working.
Windows is like that
mists obscure mornings
sweet veils tantalize us spring

fog: each soul's forecast
she smoked to the butt
behind her, a pot whistled
cold tea and comey
rosebud and petals
sandwiched thus between lovers
I get little sleep
tousled hair at brow
bagpipes ripped at her stillness
the tears - long since spent