I Have a Confession


Oct 15, 2018
I have a confession. Its not really something I like to admit because, well, a strapping man such as myself is not supposed to enjoy things like this. Yet, I find myself inexplicably drawn to it like the proverbial moth to the flame.

What is it that shames me so much that its illicit charms draws me in every time? What is it that keeps me awake at night churning in the waves of a stormy sea of regret and self-loathing?

Trashy reality television.

There, I said it. Please don't judge me harshly. I just can't help it. I see a flash of skin or hear a snarky comment and I'm hooked. I just can't seem to look away. Its as if the remote to the the TV just won't work anymore.

Oh, it gets worse. I like to imagine that I have a reality show of my own. That I would be the central focus of the show and it would follow my exploits in the world of sexuality. Follow me into my exploration of the velvet underbelly of beauty, lust, love, and credit cards.

If you had your own reality show focusing on the your sexual journey where would it take your viewers? What truths would it reveal about your true self? How would it shock your family and friends?

Do tell.