Western Trails (closed)

"Well, cowboy, we'll just have to see what the future holds for the two of us." Penny said, trying to sound coy and confident but really quivering with joy on the inside. "What makes you think that I won't say no?"
Their drinks arrived, beads of sweat on the outside promised a cool beverage, the woman returned to her duties and John gave Penny a small smile, "You of course have a say in this matter, so if you decide to say no, then it will be your choice." He took a sip of the cold drink, it was perfect, a hint of sweetness and a hint of bitterness and cool. "But then again, with that look in your eye when I introduced you as my fiancee...I doubt it very much that you will say no."
Penny leveled a look at John as he talked about knowing the look in her eyes. She stubbornly crossed her arms across her chest, an eyebrow raising his direction. The smug smile of his made her belly clench in a happy way.

"I guess we'll just have to see. I just hope that you don't get cold feet when the moment comes, cowboy." She challenged him with a smile as she picked up her own drink and took a long draw from it.
"Actually I am now a cowpoke and not a cowboy, most people would like to refer to me as a gunslinger instead." He looked through the window behind her and gave a soft sigh, "And if I have not gone old and senile, there is a cowboy out there looking in here with that look that says he aim to kill somebody to become a somebody." His words was hardly cold when the door got shouldered open roughly by a medium length youth, he wore his pistol on his left hip, the pants and shirt knew better times, the boots was new as was the belt and the hat had felt it's share of rain and sun, the cowboy's eyes was locked on John where he sat relaxed in his chair, both hands on the table.

"Well well if it isn't Muerte himself, I have a bone to pick with you." John sighed and shook his head slowly, "Everybody seems to get that idea every now and then, why don't you just turn away and say that you made me back down from a challenge?" The cowboy sneered and then replied in a mocking tone, "Because I'm faster than you and its time for somebody to put you down like the wild dog you are."
"What?" Penny asked, turning to look out the window at the man who had captured John's attention.

She watched as the man entered and approached them, John's demeanor telling her that this was a serious situation. The cowboy seemed intent on picking a fight and she didn't want this to dissolve into a deadly situation.

"Sir, we don't want any trouble here. We're just trying to enjoy a meal before we hit the trail again." Penny murmured.
Not sure if it was the shove, the words or a combination of both, the cowboy shoved Penny hard against the table, snarling, "Stay out of this bitch!" John rose to his feet, the cowboy went for his gun and John's hand moved...but it wasn't his pistol which appeared, he had grabbed the salt shaker and threw it with the practiced ease and accuracy he brought to the table as gunslinger. The pistol had just cleared the holster when the salt shaker hit the cowboy on the mouth.

In that few moments of shock, John drew his own pistol rather casually and pointed it at the young man, thumbing the action back. That cold rage was in his eyes, the same look many men had seen before their death, "BANG!" The cowboy and few of the patrons flinched at John's yell, he continued in a softer tone, "You're dead. Now you will appologize to the lady, holster that pistol and walk out. Like the lady said, we just want to eat before we leave." Only on closer inspection the slight quiver in the barrel of the pistol displayed John's weakness, he just couldn't keep the pistol trained at arm's length for too long.
Penny let out a startled gasp as she was shoved back against the table by the angered cowboy. The edge of the table dug into her belly and she just knew that there was about to be a gunfight. She was shocked as John threw the salt shaker at the man, the hard glass vessel hitting him hard with a smack. She then saw John level his gun and she wanted to reach out to him and tell him to stop. It wasn't worth it.

Everything was deathly quiet as he told the man to apologize and leave. She didn't know if he would and if a gunfight broke out, she would be caught in the middle.
The silence of the tomb enveloped the room, only in the kitchen all went on as normal, then the scrape of metal on leather broke the silence as the drawn pistol fell into it's holster. Clearly cowed by how fast John had moved without going for his pistol and staring down the barrel of a .45, clearly had brought sense to the young man.

"I am sorry ma'am, I fear that my lust for killing had over ridden my common sense." A slight nod from John indicated that it was enough, the young man turned and walked out of the establishment. John let out his breath and lowered his pistol, slipping it into the holster on his hip. He knelt down next to Penny first, "Are you allright?"
"I'm fine." Penny said, her voice trembling slightly as she took his hand and stood finally.

She glanced around the place, embarrassed by what had happened and well aware of the fact that all eyes were on them in that very moment. "Maybe we should go..." She said softly, not wanting to cause any more of a scene.
"To heck with that, you had me all riled up for the best steak in town, I'm gonna sit my butt down in that there chair and have a nice steak." He placed his arm around her and gave her brow a soft kiss, whispering, "And give that young fool time to cool down and go back home. Walking out after him so soon after putting him down might just put that foolish notion back in his head."
Even the kiss that was placed on her brow didn't stop her trembling, but Penny nodded as John declared that he was going to sit and eat. She sat back in her chair and watched John sink back down into his own. She knew his reputation and she knew that he had once been a killer, but she never would have thought that she would see all of that first hand.
He reached out and took her hand in his own, there wasn't anything he could say which could ease her tension, he just had that feeling that something was going to happen before the day was out, what it was, that would be anybody's guess. The idle breakfast sounds started up again, John knew that they were still under scrutiny, especially him, they had heard the name, most likely some dime novel collector would alert the town and they might have to answer a few more questions.

"The curse of gunslingers." He took a deep breath and looked at her, "I wasn't going to shoot him you know." He ran his thumb over her knuckles, "But I fear now that people know I'm here and who I am, we will either have to get out fast or you will see more gunplay." He studied her face, "I will need your heart and brains before this day is out."
"I know you weren't going to shoot him." Penny said quickly, needing him to know that she trusted him. "You know that I'm always going to be right there by your side no matter what."

She squeezed his hand tightly as the sounds of talking slowly started to build around them again, the incident fading into the background of their lives. She let out a long breath, looking John in the eye as he did his best to reassure her.

"We shouldn't run. We've got our hotel room for another night and you need the time to rest and heal." She murmured softly. "I'm not going to have you get sick out there on the trail."
He gave her a soft smile and squeezed her hand, "Let's just hope that you're right and that we will get that time. I might be able to give you a proper hug before we get on the trail again."

It was at that moment that their food arrived, the day's special, baked potatoes, fried steak, grilled onions and sliced tomatoes, "Wow, you really know how to make a meal madam." The woman smiled and refilled their glasses with a pitcher, John gave Penny a grin, "Now if that doesn't put some color on your cheeks, I doubt anything else would."
The smell of the food placed in front of her made her mouth water. It looked amazing and smelled amazing. She grinned back at John, actually feeling her cheeks coloring at his comment as she picked up her knife and fork.

"I'll put some color in your cheeks later. Promise." She murmured, cutting into her steak and bringing it to her lips like a person dying from starvation.
He watched her and gave a slight grin,"I am curious as to how you'd like to do that." He heaped the onions on to the steak, took a bite from the potatoes, decided it was good, sliced a piece from the steak and decided that it was great. The rest of their meal went by in the silent consuming of the food. He was quite surprised at the amount of food Penny put away before she pushed away her plate, he chuckled.

"Seems like I've been starving you. Where do you put all that food? Definitely not in that tummy of yours."
"I'm not some simpering woman from a big city. I grew up on a farm and I know how to eat as well as any man." Penny said with a grin as he teased her about how much she could eat. "Especially if the food is as good as this. That steak was absolutely delicious."
"Well you have an advantage then, knowing big city people, I have limited knowledge of them." He leaned back into his chair, "It sure was, I believe that I need a bed after that very heavenly smelling coffee. I don't know who pointed you in this direction, but they sure got good taste." He rested his hands on the table top, looking at her. "You do realize that we are bound to run into more idiots like that young fool earlier. I did warn you that my reputation seems to attract attention. Mostly unwanted attention."
"I know." Penny said softly as his conversation turned towards what had happened just a few moments ago. "And I want you to know that it's not going to scare me off. John, I love you. That's not going to change just because some young gun thinks he can take you out."

She reached across the table and took his hand, giving him a smile as she squeezed it tightly. "Now, let's pay our tab and get you back in bed."
He squeezed her hand, "Not my intension to scare you off, just want you to know that a time might come where you will be forced to see the real thing." He raised her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles, "Let's pay then." He got out of the chair and produced the money for the food. At the door he paused, looking outside and satisfied that all seemed well, he led the way outside and provided her with an arm to hook in with as they made their way to the Hotel.

John was weary all the time, he knew that the young man was set to have friends and that would not bode well for him. In the past it would have not daunted him, but now there was Penny to think about.
Penny smiled as he paid their bill and she took his arm, letting him lead the way back to the hotel. She was aware that he was looking all around them, keeping his eye out for danger. She was keenly aware that not only did he have to protect himself, but her as well now.

"Maybe I should get a gun before we get back on the trail. For extra protection." She offered him, glancing up into his eyes.

He shook his head, "Never fight, stay away from trouble as much as possible. That is the only way to really survive on the trail. A gun gives you false confidence and makes you cocky. Makes you believe that you have the right and power in your hands." He looked down at her, "And I don't want you to know how it feels to kill a person, even in self-defense. It is something that will haunt you for all your days."

He knew, even his first kill, so many years ago, was still with him to this day, he was able to keep it well-hidden, but at times when the night was dark and all was quiet, he still saw and heard it all...and there was many, many deaths on his hands.
Penny didn't say anything as he instantly told her no on the gun. She knew that he had his reasons and if he didn't want her carrying one, she wouldn't argue. She simply squeezed his hand as they walked, knowing that a man like John was probably haunted by a lot of demons.

"I'll leave it all in your hands then." She finally said softly. "And I'll trust that you'll keep us both safe."
"Then let us hope that your trust is well-placed."

He gave her a slight smile and squeezed her hand, then ushered her into the Hotel door, making certain that nobody was watching, before entering after her. It was the one thing he hated about towns, having to always look over your shoulder, always have to guard against somebody out to make a quick name for themselves.

"I think some rest would be in order now. Perhaps tomorrow we should get some provisions for the journey?"
I think a rest would be good for the both of us." Penny said, waiting until he was inside the hotel before she took his hand again and squeezed it. "And then you can make me a list and I can go and get what we need tomorrow. I'm sure Sudden will be excited to see you."