Hi Ku Cat

a close encounter
words tumbled and shone
who wants to be a millionaire? i don't
i'm rich enough
knowing you
knowing friends
and i have a metal detector!

wish I had
a mental detector
to avoid minefields
of words I don't hear
Nine miles later they backed off full throttles, whispering into the welcome station and parking in the shade of the trees; the bikes cooled and they watered, laughed, forgot about all else and just enjoyed themselves. The pack caught up and passed; they slipped in behind and rode drag to the campground.

The camp was gathered, members in a circle, prospects filling one end, and old ladies off in the background. Around all was the glitter of chrome from the fire as the bikes encircled them. Lizzie was unsure where to stand
Journeys end
paths turn
Zen like
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Ku comes strolling in
tail twisting, kitty grin
waits to be retrieved
brought close with strokes n placed
laid sprawled on chest, rumbles
a two tone greeting n
moggy kiss as paws
play push pull on my shoulders
sans claws interested only in stitchery
no surgery or ink deprived tattoo
The night is late, but this film has plot
I know every line so the watching could stop
I'll stick it to the end, there will be no surprise
In Sexy Beast under the pool, Gandhi lies.
ink on the back of my hand
never made it to my phone
never made it to the bed
didn't have a chance at all
yeah, right.
bored and entertaining romantic notions
these thoughts should quit me
for I cannot quit them
Our hearts run wild, late at night
As strong feelings seek to find their goal
They're part of what makes us human.
The canvas formed when hot breath meets cold glass
Transient and personal, carries the message with it.
silk cords, strands of pearls
useless, collecting dust
purposeless precious metals
crumbling in disuse
reading, reading, reading
and then some more
why can't i stretch time except in my dreams?
is not hemmed in by
time's insistent barriers

erect walls
dig ditches
float green weed in broad, deep moats
fold earth's rocky mantle
thrust magnificent mountains rudely into a fair sky
and flood low valleys
love will not be drowned
nor sink nor fail to climb nor
slip from the cold rock's face
or bail from this world's pull
spill endlessly in frozen space
but will dismiss all obstacles with a smile

for in love's reality
obstacles are but thin illusions
the heart's capacity - boundless
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