Love's Leverage (closed)


Jun 9, 2003

She smirked staring into Ford's eyes the knife sealed against his throat as she stood with him in between her and his team no clear shot from any of them in the statue displays at the museum.

Always with a little pack of minions Ford. Hello Sophie...


Sophie nodded.

Let him go... We are all on the same side here... Making this pig of a trafficker pay... We are not the enemy... Let's work together.

Ford just stood there with her not moving to attempt escape in fact he was also gesturing for Eliot and the others to stand down.

So Ford is Sophie calling the shots or are you? Yes Sophie the pig will be ended but... I'm afraid I can't let you all get him arrested... This slime dies.



Weeks later when the assignment was over Ford had a private meeting with Eliot

Eliot I know you have gotten close to her. I can see the change in you both... For the better I might add. All I am asking is help me help an old friend... Convince her to join the team. She is damn good but...

But she is reckless and with the jobs she takes working solo and reckless can be a deadly combination... I know but you know she is not exactly a team player by her very nature but I will see what I can do.

Ford nodded

That's all I ask.

Ford sat by Sophie and the team talking to the elderly Tibetan couple about getting back at the men who promised to get their granddaughter out of Tibet and safely to them now saying she has to work off the nearly tripled price and immediately Ford recognized the con as a potential human trafficking ring.

We will help your granddaughter and get your money back don't worry.

They thanked him and slowly left.

Sophie.... Why does this reek of Service Grinok and human trafficking?

Ford sat back upstairs in the office as everyone milled around researching.

Well it can't be Service he was killed in Germany two years ago according to this but his entire operation transferred shortly there after to.... Beijing...

Then due to political heat there the main people went mobile... No go entry of origin no real way to try k a home base to attack.

Hardisan chimed in.

Last known member of their command structure being a Chin Zhang.

Elliot perked up at that.

Former Communist Chinese special forces commander. Drummed out for being too violent even for them. Wanted in several countries for assassinations blatent murders and abduction weapons trafficking... A real piece of work.

It says here that there is going to be a celebration at the new Tibetan Buddhist museum tomorrow to celebrate survivors of the occupation and refugees who have become citizens. What better place to catch a human trafficking vermin like these people than a party celebrating those who they exploit.

Well then...

Ford smiled

Let's steal a Gala.
-Hardison smiled.-"This is going to be hell of a security but we got this every one pick up your portfolios nate and Sophie art coordinators Parker waitress Elliot security and me Sculpter some 3-D Models to get Exibit entrance no problems."-Nate looked.-"Except its The Museum of Humanity new Tibetan exhibit."-Hardison sighed.-"Nate you just can't let it go." "Nope appreciate your work but your a waiter with Parker lets prep."-They began to get together ready to take this job.-"If nessicary Sophie get the info for the extortion."-Elliot said.-"He is nasty he likes women of power so Nate she may have to boss you around."-He mentions in the com as they each began driving in different vehicles to get there.-"Now challanging him one against another is perfect he loves someone to be fearless but careful if he hints at fear he can bite back and i may mention he is a bit of a Pervert roll with it it will lower his guard amd it losens his lips oh amd Zen Bi Gaw a sale served at the event give him 4 glasses and he is toast he is loser then a big pocket book."-Elliot mentions as they all get there in there proper attire Hardison edited the guest lists and staff this would be brilliant. Nate looked as they approached the doors.-"Ok Guys show time"-He approached the door with a friendly smirk.-"Oh i hope were on there Dick and Dora Chilistien from the Art south critic Asembaly"-Nate rolled his eyes looking away some times Hardison pulled names from odd places.-

-Elliot made his way in but noticed two guards out.-"Nate we may have a problem two guards out"-Nate whispered his head turned.-"Keep a eye out and we will to."-Elliot growled a moment givng a scoul as he roamed inside as he called on talkie to get a fuard down there for medical and walked off.-
Daniella... Lady DaVeaga. Mingling perfectly through the crowd. Her eyes however did not fail to see Liu the Honorable face of the Zhang family. Chin's baby brother...


Danni was comfortable here or within the deep jungle waist deep in combat. She had been trained well between her father and her adoptive family. She had also spotted Ford and Sophie and a few out of place people she suspected were his new team. He better not try to stop her from killing these human trafficking vermin.

Sophie's brow raised as she slipped from Ford and excused herself. Speaking to the team once she was alone following her new target.

Hardison... Check the guest register I would love to know the name of the lovely blonde in the southwest corridor heading towards the monks private dwellings following two Chinese shaved gorillas.

Ford paused briefly thinking it can't be.

Parker replied.

There was a Lady DaVeaga sent that way to be in a cooler area for a moment feeling ill. A Liu Zhang offered to send his two associates to look in on her.

Ford popped up.

I will handle that you all keep working I will let you know if I need your help. Stay in the main room that's an order.
-Hardison nods as he went to a Corner to check his cell phone taking feed from the cameras he saw her name and repeated it.-"Lady De Veaga But she is coming up with the Name Danielle from the Dna Match of Facial Recognition. "

-Elliot was walking as the Guards passed by.-"Nate is she doing what i think she is." -Nate talked back.- "No Assuming but we need to keep the mark going um Hardison if possible lets clear the place out some how." -Hardison shakes his head.-"You out of your...Nate i don't have the ......I will figure something out but no promises."
Be careful Hardison.

Parker spoke up.

I just heard the Gala hostess tell someone that she was very lucky to get NightShadow security to install the newest system.

Hearing Hardison clearly gulped.

Ugh guys that is either heavy duty connections or there is more money in this place than the government. Even they can't afford NightShadow security.

Find fine just stay on the main floor till I call for you.

With that Ford took off to the statue room.

Sophie sighed.

I will freshen our drinks and wait here for you.

Parker knew that meant round the other two up and stay close. She had to be wrong about who the blonde was she had to be. However with the shift in Ford she suspected she was right but why use her real name... What was Danni up to?
-Elliot ran in to parker.-"come on."-she mouthed as they made there way back. Elliot kept his eyes out and shook his head spotting Chin again he just wanted to ruin him right now but Elliot had a lot more control then that.-"We only have so much time something is going on just need to make it to him quickly nate."-He mentioned in the headset.-
There was no answer to Eliot from Nate. However they could hear him talking

Its been a long time Danni. Interesting choice... Using your real name on the guest registry.

Sophie hearing Nate began running towards the statue room. Parker following quickly behind as Hardison tried to pull up the layout of the statue room and run at the same time. By the time they reached the door Nate had finally come face to face with Danni as he felt the knife tip at his throat.

I see you carry Red's knife now.

Danni looked as stunning and lethal as Nate remembered.

Don't you dare utter his name Ford...
-Elliot followed he knew from the sound it was not good once they got in Elliot saw her.-"Nate whats going?"-Elliot asked as they watched her movements a moment.-
Catching up with an old friend Eliot. Stay there.

Sophie slowly moved closer.

Danni... Its good to see you. We are on the same side. Stopping the human trafficking. Work with us Danni?

Danni looked past Nate to the team.

More expendable little rats to do your dirty work Nate? Sophie I am afraid I can't do that you see. You all would just see them arrested and I have far more permanent plans for them than that.

Nate expected that answer.

So they knocked out the guards and the two bodies in the corner are Chin's and I bet they are both dead?
-Elliot looked to her.-"Look i don't know you but if you used to work for Nate you know that there Is no point in death all it does it cause a lot more trouble for people. Chin is a bad man but even he has a family...Killing some one changes them don't do what i did its horrible It sounds like you couldn't do it either...I hear it in your voice you want to put these guys out off commission but doing that will kill more then just them....You will lose your self as well."-Elliot watched he reached in his pocket and he didn't have a pocket knife today great he could of made a shot and made her drop the knife but that was not happening.-
Already been there haven't I Ford? Don't worry long hair there is no money in Fords death but Chin...

Sophie spoke up again.

So many bodies let's go to the bar we can talk there. Danni... Nate isn't the same man he was then. Please let's all go catch up and help each other.

Danni nodded.

Fine. Chin won't try any more tonight. Let's go
-Elliot sighed a breath of relief once he turned around They walked out and to the cars they came in. Elliot drove with Parker Again as they drove around.They headed back to the bar and Elliot walked to the couch and leaned back waiting to see how this would play out.-
Danni followed Nate and Sophie. Walking in to the bar she raised a brow as Ford seemed to remember her usual and handed her a bourbon straight.

So... Official introduction time. Danni meet the team. Parker, Eliot, Hardisan, and you already know Sophie and myself. Team meet Lady Daniella DaVeaga or better known tonight as Danni.

Danni nodded to them till Parker shot up like a bolt.

DaVeaga... As in Sir Alistair DaVeaga antiquities hunter and thief?

That was my father Parker yes.

Danni nodded. Nate motioned to Hardisan to pull up what they have on the people they are up against.

Care to see if you can add anything unless anyone else has grand revelations or questions for Danni?
-No one interjects as Elliot looked and they brought the info on the screen.-"So Chin has three big known area he hides out in for his human Trafficking one is in japan one in Portland and one in New York They all have the same layouts. I worked for him under Monroe once when they had a partnership but even Monroe thought he was dirt that tells ya something when the pot calls the kettle black."-Elliot looked over to Danni a few times as he talked and the others. Elliot couldn't help it.-"Now Killing him will cause a lot more trouble then it's worth he has Family who will be all over willing to kill but if he gets arrested for what he is doing because his family doesn't like what he is doing they just don't know it will be dishonor and they will let him sit in jail."
Danni listened.

Not exactly true on the family at least as far as honorable face babay brother Liu. He will do everything possible to keep big brother free and in business all while he manages to appear spotless.

Nate watched her. He knew that look buried deep in the back of her eyes. She has seen how the brother's operate possibly first hand somehow. Nate had a plan...

Sophie the question now is

Sophie finished Nate's thought

How he stays so clean and honorable while protecting that slime?

He nodded to her with a smile.
-Hardison began digging the dirt on all he could from Elliot info and Elliot looked.-"So...What past do you have with Nate and who hired you for this job now?"-He watched her as the The Room slightly tensed up and was curious in and of him self she was interesting.-
The gala hostess was the one who approached me but she is backed by some government entities who frankly don't care if he or whoever goes after him lives or dies. Plausible deniability. Sound familiar Nate?

Sophie quickly started to speak up but Nate stopped her.

I was so sure a plan would work that...

He grabbed a bottle pouring a drink.

Parker looked from him to Sophie.

Well clearly something went wrong you bailed on Nate and now the prodigal daughter has returned. We have a case so whatever happened is absolutely pointless to the case got it. Let's take these guys down
"Look the plan now is to just bring the guy in its getting late i think we need the night to mull over all we can do Hardison is doing his think Nate you need to be in top condition to pull this off we been through hell man we know the stakes."-Elliot spoke high of nate they all trusted him what ever there past something went sour.-"Nate will get it done we know that."-Elliot looked over the room.-
Danni went silent drinking her whiskey. Nate walked out of the room knowing only his team had earpieces and spoke.

Don't be too short with her... I deserve every drop of hate she holds. I don't talk about her team because they all died. She nearly died too. 8 months in a hospital hanging by a thread because I knew I couldn't be wrong. The guy Red I mentioned to her. He was the brawler just like you Eliot. She does not know I know this but Red had proposed to her the night before he got killed. Less than 24 hours after she said yes he was dead.

Clearly Nate taking a swig from his flask

So Parker back off of her. Between her father and her adoptive family she has all the skills of a team and a short enough fuse to go rogue on this if she feels pushed. I already have a bad feeling she has been closer on this case than she is saying like knowing her perhaps at one time arm candy of one of them. Probably Chin. We tread lightly with her. Eliot... Help she might respond best to you.
-Elliot nods as he walked a bit towards her.-"So um..Where did you get your training care to spar i need to blow of some steam after that."-He smiled politely. Elliot needed that release he winds up so tightly for these missions and always needs that release.-"I got a lot of pent up rage from today if i don't unwind i put my fist through a wall."-He chuckled.-"What do you say want to beat up each other or punch a few sand bags around."
My older adoptive sister taught me to fight... A few different styles of fighting. Sand bags will work because I highly doubt Nate would want me to accidentally sideline the team muscle.

Parker sighed and laid her head back on the couch thinking.

Sophie moved over to Hardisan to help him and get ideas about how to get inside this den of slime they were taking on.
"Nah not at all but lets go."-They begin walking to the Work out room as he put on a white shirt and put on some gloves for now.-"So whats going on now what else do you know about the case im curious i worked secretly under Damion Monroe with Chin before he is...not exactly amazing for anyone to stare at and yet people seem to trust the scum bag."-He laughed.-"Then again that charisma."-He said sarcastically.-
She raised a brow and went to work bare handed on the wooden martial arts strike dummy.

Chin can be very... Surprising.

She fell silent as she fell into the rhythm and focused for a bit.

So what all has Nate told you. I noticed the ear pieces. Classic Nate.
"Nothing important i just forgot to take it off."-He began to pound the crap out of the dummy as he does some basic hits just enough.-"Honestly Nate is a good guy we have had out moments but...we all carry each other things happen but....We work and communicate....Its hard the last team i was a part of well communication didn't exist."
She continued her training as she nodded.

Our team he was always determined his plans would work no matter what.

She shrugged pausing for a moment and looked to him.

Red was the team muscle too. I think be would have gotten along with you.