The Last Thing You Thought...

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Confident in your abilities are you my dear?

Or out of it. ;)

Damn straight I am!

you know I can lure you anywhere.

Watches this all

Dream. Put your Daddy in a white short dress. My Daddy will follow. These two are inseparable already.


Ahhh... I see.

Hmm... I might be able to get him into a white short dress..
Yay! I get to see that bar!

I wanna see this... nurse I mean.

*hangs head* Damn it.

I was.... just.... *sigh* I was just hoping...


Oh that is just the tip...

Watches this all

Dream. Put your Daddy in a white short dress. My Daddy will follow. These two are inseparable already.


Good fucking luck with that!

Psh. You know I don't like you taking it off.

Unless I make it fall off, I mean.

Hahaha. Why did 'Bang a Gong' just pop into my head?
True story!
You'd be the wacky next door neighbor.

Fr33k would be an awesome Mr. Roper.

Damn straight I am!

you know I can lure you anywhere.

Ahhh... I see.

Hmm... I might be able to get him into a white short dress..

Totally true, but if said place isn't fun then you better make sure I stay there and you know that.

Or to save on time, expense and the invariable "But baby girl.." let's just ditch them and find a room.


Just more fun for me!
Last Thought

I do NOT wanna be at work, right now.
I would much rather be in bed...

Fr33k would be an awesome Mr. Roper.

Totally true, but if said place isn't fun then you better make sure I stay there and you know that.


Just more fun for me!

It'd be fun I promise!

Of course, instead of tricking you I could always just ask very nicely.

That normally works for me.
I don't think it'll be a "but baby doll..." more of a "hell fucking no!"

Good plan. Let's get lost so they can't find us!

Grabs her hand and drags her off.

Go ahead!

We already did.

It smells like Old Spice and sawdust in there.

Makes a face

Daddy. Ew.
Yes.. FD/Bubble kisses hot.
But Old Spice and Sawdust does not make for hot images.

Fun ruiner.
Grabs her hand and drags her off.

Makes a face

Daddy. Ew.
Yes.. FD/Bubble kisses hot.
But Old Spice and Sawdust does not make for hot images.

Fun ruiner.

I agree... then again, I hate the smell of Old Spice.

*is dragged with a giggle*
Last Thought

I do NOT wanna be at work, right now.
I would much rather be in bed...


mmmmm bed with Luna.

Forgets everything else and heads toward Luna's bed

It'd be fun I promise!

Of course, instead of tricking you I could always just ask very nicely.

That normally works for me.

Blinks. Snaps out of it

Better be....


I do enjoy the way you ask!

Grabs her hand and drags her off.

Makes a face

Daddy. Ew.
Yes.. FD/Bubble kisses hot.
But Old Spice and Sawdust does not make for hot images.

Fun ruiner.

Mwahaha. Delicious tears.

I agree... then again, I hate the smell of Old Spice.

*is dragged with a giggle*


Trails off singing 'Men in Tights'
Makes a face

Daddy. Ew.
Yes.. FD/Bubble kisses hot.
But Old Spice and Sawdust does not make for hot images.

Fun ruiner.

*shrugs* We can't help it. That's just how men smell.

We also spend out free time lifting heavy things, driving nails into walls with big hammers, and splitting wood. We're going to dig a hole once it warms up some.
LT: You have strayed away from doing what you know you must do to become and stay a better person. Bitch get back on your shit!!!
*shrugs* We can't help it. That's just how men smell.

We also spend out free time lifting heavy things, driving nails into walls with big hammers, and splitting wood. We're going to dig a hole once it warms up some.

It was 70 degrees today. If it gets much warmer I'ma die of heat stroke.

You should probably take something for that...


Must suck to have so many different trains of thought to follow.

grins and poofs

Laughs deeply

The voices in my head are very inconsistent!
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