Herman's Hed Job (Premise, Interest, Cast of Characters)


Dec 31, 2009
See this thread: http://forum.literotica.com/showthread.php?t=1468479

The original SitCom information including the premise, and Cast of Characters, inside and outside of Herman' Head is here:


More can be found at IMDB and other sites.

Angel. Same as the original, but a 'hot' girl who also has a devilish side, Jekyll and Hyde sort of.

Animal. Same as the original

Wimp Same as the original, but a 'hot' guy who doesn't realize it.

Genius Same as the original, more or less, but I see this as another female.

Jealousy. Same as the original, also another female, but in a bitchier way.


The external characters could follow along from the original, but I'd add a couple of family members somehow.


Participation is 'Open' for now until we see how it goes. Pick a character and take on the role.


Out of Character questions and suggestions should go here also.

Role Play thread is here: http://forum.literotica.com/showthread.php?p=88570088#post88570088