One Bomber Feedback

Not sure why they are tolerated by website admins. In my view, they are part of the problem for not cleaning up.
This falls under "sad, but true" because as bad as you made Gary it was a perfect description of the slimy 'real man' of LW
Heeh :)

>> Gary was consumed with hate. His soul was black with seething anger and hatred. His mind, once rational, had been eaten away by the all-consuming vileness of his obsession. Daily, he experienced the intensity of a black hatred that could have only been spawned in the depths of Hell.<<

*giggles * Oh man, this is fun to read. I'm reading it over again right now. :) In my mind's eye, I picture him! Oh, it's very vivid! Bravo!'s a shame the site doesn't have better safeguards, but it is a free site. If it were pay-per, they could hire more mods and such. They are doing the best they can.
I submitted a very similar story about 13 years ago and it was rejected for being too likely to be used as a method to 1 bomb stories.

In mine, the troll was a masturbatory child-man living in a basement with an array of computers running 1 bomb scripts as contest stories were posted. He also 5 bombed all of his stories using his hundreds and thousands of accounts.

Your story is OK. Basic but to the point and funny enough.
I've been one-bombed too. It's real easy for trolls to do, I think they use those internet proxy sites to do it several times over, or use sock accounts.

I eventually had to turn my ratings off cause someone or some people with far too much time on their hands last year was one-bombing me on a daily basis. Such a waste of time. Some people should just get jobs or better yet, go read stories by authors you like!
give up

Or you get to a point where you just give up with the"one bombers" and find another place for your stories. You can't be made to publish your stories and if enough people feel like I do they will go out of business. I for one am sick of it.
LOL, great story, wrong category. Would have loved to see it in LW. The anons would have been frothing! 5*

Just a question though. You ran multiple paragraphs under one set of dialogue tags.

I always use "paragraph" some reason for break "new paragraph."

Strangely I ran into that in a book last night and it had me wondering, then I run into it in your story.

So I looked it up. Multiple paragraphs have different rules. You don't close off the paragraph with tags but you do start the next one with tags. We're both doing it wrong! :D

"Multiple paragraphs of dialogue

Dialogue may stretch across paragraphs without pause. To punctuate, put a terminal punctuation—period, question mark, or exclamation point— at the end of the first paragraph. There is no closing quotation mark at the end of this paragraph.

Begin the next paragraph with an opening quotation mark.
Follow this pattern for as long as the dialogue and paragraphs continue. At the last paragraph, use a closing quotation mark at the end of the dialogue.

“He was my best friend. I told you that, didn’t I? And then he stabbed me in the back. Stole my wife and my future. I hated him for that. Still do. Hate him bad.

“But he’s been punished, yes he has. He went to jail for embezzling thousands. Not even millions. Just thousands. Serves him right, the petty crook. He’s just a petty man.”