Fuck, Marry, Kill

Fuck BCJ4
Marry Ricky
Sorry Rainshine...nothing personal but there's only one left... ;)
Awww... 💔

Fuck - Bcj4

Marry - makemewet

Kill - oldasspussy... fair is fair.
Fuck - lowphat at Home Depot :devil:

Marry - Ricky we've been friends forever

Kill - Twinkle because I don't know her ;)
fuck twinklestars

Marry Kat73

Kill lowphat, but his is resilient he will make it back.
Marry - neakman because he wants it and it will kill him.

Fuck - TwinkleStars and kat. :D
Fuck sks and motorboat her fantastic tits. :p

Marry lowphat ;)

Kill DropBear - sorry newbie. :)
Fuck Suzanne

Marry, haha, yeah right.

kill Dropbear91 ( not sure if you are male or female)
Fuck Suz_anne (if she let me)

Kill DropBear91, cause I don't know him

Marry Lowfat in prison after being convicted of murder.
Fuck Suzanne

Marry Lowphat to a hermaphrodite

Kill Nevyn black for skipping me.:D
Fuck Nevyn in hopes of bringing him back to life following his recent killing

Marry neakman - just because he seems so opposed

Kill lowphat.. I sure hope he has 9 lives. I don't like the kill part.
Fuck - lowphat or the gal in his av

Kill - Neakman dead.

Marry - Giggles and spend the rest of my days making her smile.
Maybe we could say "push aside" instead of kill. Lol

Fuck - neakman

Marry - Ricky

Push aside - giggle :D