Study reports aging liberals have way more sex


Literotica Guru
Sep 25, 2012
Apologies if this has already been posted:

A longitudinal study of a group of Harvard students (granted, not the most representative population) begun in 1938 had some interesting conclusions:

"With regards to sex lives, one of the most fascinating discoveries is that aging liberals have way more sex. Political ideology had no bearing on overall life satisfaction, but the most conservative men on average shut down their sex lives around age 68, while the most liberal men had healthy sex lives well into their 80s. Vaillant writes, “I have consulted urologists about this, they have no idea why it might be so.”
That's because republican women can't stand to be around republican men as it is with much of society.
They should somehow work that into a slogan.

"Liberalism: the Viagra of politcal ideologies. "
Like the rest of us, their women are also tired of getting fucked by them and getting nothing out of it, except unwanted children.. because he wouldn't let her get an abortion and her daddy forced her to marry him so she wouldn't shame the family name.
More active equals more risk.


Does one have anything to do with the other? Perhaps not, then again?

More active equals more risk.


Does one have anything to do with the other? Perhaps not, then again?


Worth it. They are mostly catching shit you can cure anyway and when they don't they are old. . .either way sounds decent. But if old Republican men are just as happy as otherwise it's just a curious statistic that means nothing.
More active equals more risk.


Does one have anything to do with the other? Perhaps not, then again?


“You know, the condom is the glass slipper of our generation. You slip it on when you meet a stranger. You dance all night, then you throw it away. The condom, I mean. Not the stranger.” - Marla Singer

My kinda gal.....
Worth it. They are mostly catching shit you can cure anyway and when they don't they are old. . .either way sounds decent. But if old Republican men are just as happy as otherwise it's just a curious statistic that means nothing.

We can agree on that.

Conservative men are more apt to bald early. Balding is sexy. We wear it out, clearly.
Oh, come on.... Bill only skews the average maybe 8-12%
That doesn't shock me but the title of this thread is misleading. I thought it was "vs their younger self" not "vs people with different ideologies".
Conservative covers a lot of ground and includes (A) the religious who like to stay married and get bored with their partners. But it also includes (B) those more ruggedly individualistic -- who might like to do it even more than the liberals.

Color me (B)

Apologies if this has already been posted:

A longitudinal study of a group of Harvard students (granted, not the most representative population) begun in 1938 had some interesting conclusions:

"With regards to sex lives, one of the most fascinating discoveries is that aging liberals have way more sex. Political ideology had no bearing on overall life satisfaction, but the most conservative men on average shut down their sex lives around age 68, while the most liberal men had healthy sex lives well into their 80s. Vaillant writes, “I have consulted urologists about this, they have no idea why it might be so.”
Since its based on self reported numbers maybe old liberals just lie and exaggerate more...
while the most liberal men had healthy sex lives well into their 80s.
What a relief for one 66!