Seven Letter Post Office X 3 Redux

As well as the concept of gerunds, as in, did she mind them plunging? I tend to think not...

for she faced far more than grammatical dangers: the Inquisition was on her trail, and the Spaniards hoped to surprise her in flagrante delicto.
It was defined later as "Strange".
The Inq. had to file it under "Un-solved".

She was highly angered when she heard they had listed her potential sex crime as "unsolved." She resolved to seduce the Chief Inquisitor himself to show him what her body could do to men.
She was highly angered when she heard they had listed her potential sex crime as "unsolved." She resolved to seduce the Chief Inquisitor himself to show him what her body could do to men.

But upon discovering that the Chief Inquisitor preferred lovers with a bit more penis than she could provide, she offered her best regards and was on her way.
But upon discovering that the Chief Inquisitor preferred lovers with a bit more penis than she could provide, she offered her best regards and was on her way.

On her way to enjoy every perverted pleasure to be found in the gardens of earthly delights
And pity the poor vice cops who trailed her and fell into pathetic lives of voyeurism after watching her antics.

Soon, the local police faced disgrace, branded as 'Peeping Toms', with all the derision that nickname entails.
Staring down at him passed out on the floor with his pants around his ankles, she couldn't help but chuckle.

The church ladies, however, found no humor in the situation, and simply clucked their disapproval of both the loose woman and the drunken man at her feet.
The church ladies, however, found no humor in the situation, and simply clucked their disapproval of both the loose woman and the drunken man at her feet.

One could easily tell by the way their knitting needles clicked at a furious rate.