A Place Of Ones Own (closed)

Annie wasnt really sure what to make of the scene that she found in her home when she returned. She wanted to take everyone and hold them tight. She took Rho first, making no mention of his wound as she settled him close to her side and regarded them all.

"I see No one in this family can make it without me." She joked, trying so hard to lighten their moods.
Brogan smiled gently, knowing she was trying, and Sam and Rho hugged her tightly. They were just as scarred and scared as the other men who'd fought. Brogan kept Kate and Julia beside him whilst Ciaran sat close at Julia's side with his werewolf. "Annie," Brogan finally broke the silence again, and he motioned in Lir's direction. "This is Lir of the Mav Ro, Ciaran's new fiancé."

"I think we may have met," Lir smiled kindly.
"I believe I sold a horse to your cousin. You were with him that day." Annie said with a smile as she gave a hug to her twin brothers, looking down at the little boys that seemed so different from the day that they had left.

"David and I found his mother in Greece." Annie announced, looking over at her husband to encourage him to tell the story.
David half-nodded, "She's been waiting to see if I'd come for all this time. Turns out she's a pirate, but she's a lovely woman."

"... Wouldn' be Ria... would it?" Brogan grunted.

"You remember her?"

"Arrested 'er the night she left ya here... she knocked me a good one upside th'head, said she had t'leave fer your sake, an' ran."

"Why did you arrest her?"

"She's a pirate, David. It's m'job t'arrest criminals. Not t'mention I 'ave an old grudge with 'er an' I wasn't 'appy that she was leavin' you t'save 'er own skin."

"She left to protect me!" David suddenly growled at his father-in-law. Brogan wasn't bothered at all by it

"Maybe, but you were in more danger here than any other land. Not t'mention she was runnin' from the law an' debts."
"Da!" Annie hissed, Julia already moving to take her husband's hand to silence him. "David. It's not the time now to fight about this."
"I'm sorry, lad..." Brogan sighed. "I'm jus' stressed righ' now, I'm sayin' things I shouldn't. But I haven't said anythin' tha's not true, ye've got t'understand. Yer Ma and I never got along. I knew 'er once when I was eighteen an' she'd jus' met 'er husband. She brought me a lot o' trouble in m'first year as King til I finally ran 'er off."

"You ran me off after you spared my life," Ria's voice answered as she stepped in.

Brogan rose to face her and her brows stitched in concern seeing he was clearly blind. "Ria." Brogan nodded to her, and she stepped forward to hug him tightly.

"My old enemy... you haven't changed a bit, you tough old brute..." She reached up to tilt his head down and she kissed his forehead like he was a dear friend. "I suppose... you're practically my brother now, what with our children being married." She then looked to Julia and the children, smiling softly. "You've done incredibly well for yourself, Brogan... A beautiful wife and daughters, handsome sons... I'll admit I'm rather jealous."

Brogan reached out to wrap his arm around Julia's waist. "This is Julia, my daughter's name is Katherine, Kate fer short. M' eldest son there is Ciaran, an' tha's Lir with 'im. Th' twins're Sam an' Rho. Sam's got th'darker eyes if I r'member correctly."

Ria smiled and greeted each of them, and when she came to face Julia, she hugged her rather than a simple handshake. "Thank you for caring for the old bear, Julia. We might've never been friends, but... you find that your worst enemy can sometimes become as close to your heart as your dearest friends..."
Annie was stunned when Ria stepped into the room, talking to her father like they were old friends. Her mother in law certainly surprised her every time. She smiled though to see just how her father was struck speechless by her personality. Annie snuck a peek at her husband, reaching across her brother to take his hand and squeeze it gently.

Julia played the gracious host as always, standing and greeting Ria. She was stunned when the woman wrapped her in a tight hug, thanking her for taking care of Brogan. She didn't know exactly what to say.

"Ria, please say that you'll stay for dinner. We would love to have you as our guest here in Inverness."
"That's very kind of you, dear," Ria touched her cheek with a softer smile and turned to look to Brogan to see his expression and how he felt, though she knew he wouldn't say no.

"C'mon you lot," Brogan said to them all, ushering them along toward the hall. He strayed behind a bit, finding Annie's arm as she passed him. "Hold on there, love." Turning his head to the rest, he said, "We'll be along in a minute." David nearly stayed, but Brogan knew it and beckoned him on too.

"Ann," Brogan muttered, sitting back down with her. "Tell me what's 'appened. Somethin' didn' feel right about you an' David."
Annie wasn't prepared to tell her father about the trouble in her marriage. He had such high hopes for her and David, he had said as much during their wedding feast. She didn't want to hurt him any more then he already was.

"Da." She said softly, taking his hand in both of hers. "David wants to stay with his mother on her ship...even if he won't tell me. I can see it in his eyes. He's so happy."

A long sigh left her lips as she thought about just what that would mean. "And I want him to be happy. Inverness is my home. And my horses mean a lot to me. I'm afraid that we'll have to part."
"Hm... I was afraid tha'd 'appen when he went back to a ship..." Brogan drew her in close and kissed her forehead like he used to when she was tiny. "Yer no' prepared t'let 'im go, though, are you? An' he's not ready to give you up."
"No." Annie said softly. "I want a family, Da. I want that perfect life that you and Julia have. He doesn't though. He doesn't think he'll be a good father."
"He does want a family, love, I know it. But you're right, 'e doesn' think 'e's fit t'be a father. I think 'e is, it's jus' going t'take some time fer him t' get his thoughts in order. Help 'im, love. He's lost between th' life he knows and th' life 'e wishes he'd had a chance t'live. But he loves you too much t'leave you."

Brogan laid his head against her own. "Talk with 'im t'night, find out what's on 'is mind."
"I will. I promise, Da." Annie swore to him, wrapping her dear father in a tight hug. "I'm glad to be home."

She whispered against his ear, telling him her greatest joy just as she had when she was little.
Brogan chuckled softly and kissed her forehead, "Alright, love. Let's go in before your mother thinks we ran off." He rose and took her arm in his own. He'd begun to learn how to rely on his hearing to make his way around, not to mention he'd memorized the halls again.

He let Annie go near David, and he settled beside Julia, taking her hand and kissing her cheek.
Annie returned to her husband's side, taking his hand as she sat down and kissed his cheek. She wanted him to know that she still cared even if they were at a crossroads in their relationship.
David gave Annie a smile, kissing her hand. That smile told her that he hadn't given up on figuring their relationship out yet. Dinner was simple and nearly silent aside from Brogan conversing with Ria in Greek. It seemed to be a serious conversation, but they were calm and both seemed worried.

David glanced over at them, then to Annie. "They're talking about us..." He remembered a fair bit of Greek from his childhood after spending enough time around his mother.
"I would expect so." Annie said softly. "They're worried about us, David. They don't want to see us part."
"Neither do I... I want to stay with you, I want to share a life with you... It's just tough to get over my love of the sea, but... I don't love it nearly as much as you. I just need a little time." Still, he was denying what was in his blood because he was more concerned with his heart and her own.
"David, I can't ask you to give up something that makes you so happy." Annie said softly. "If you were to chose between the lumber camp and the sea, what decision would you make?"
"It's not about the lumber camp, Annie, it's about you and the only home I've ever known." David drew her in closer and kissed her cheek. "Either path I choose, love... I'll miss something I love, but I love you far more than any ship or sea."
Annie gave him a little smile as he pulled her close and kissed her. She let out a little sigh and reached up to touch his cheek gently.

"I would feel better if you gave sailing a try for a month or two. I've got enough work here in Inverness to keep me busy while you'd be gone. And Da would look after things around our farm."
"... Alright," David nodded. "I'll spend some time with Ma, then. But I want a little time with you before we go again."

That evening, Ria retired to her ship and Brogan made it known that her ship and crew was currently off-limits to law enforcement. David headed home with Annie and he fell back on the sofa with a long sigh. He looked to her and outstretched his hand to welcome her to join him.
Annie took his hand and sat down against his side, snuggling with her husband in the comfort of their home. "As much fun as I had, it's good to be home."
"You're telling me..." David drew her down against his chest and kissed her sweetly with a welcoming warmth. It'd been so long since they'd had time alone. "I've missed having you to myself... We haven't had a second of peace since we left Greece."
Annie sighed happily and returned his kiss, enjoying her husband's embrace. He did look happy to be home and that lifted her heart. He always seemed to be able to make her smile, even when things seemed so bleak.

"Take my hair down, David." She murmured, nuzzling against his cheek.