The Elder Dragon (jc199123)

She smiled at him "Sooner the better I have a feeling by this time tomorrow the baby will be here"
"Ok do you have everything together so we can leave?"" Leopold asked wondering if she had everything packed.
She nodded she didn't have much and she had it in a bag she put on her back and hopped right on his back and smiled she patted him showing she was ready.
When his love hopped up onto his back he made his way to the entrance of the cave and took off. He didn't need to look back to know that the rest of the clan was behind him. He kept at a steady pace so that everyone could keep up but fast enough to barely be seen by anyone.
It took about two hours for everyone to get their and to take a head count to make sure everyone was their once they knew for sure, she found a place for the two of them but as she finished getting her things out she heard a splash, she felt a pain she had never felt.

"Leo!" she cried out as she collapsed onto the floor., she knew she was in labor.
Leopold heard his lover's cries of pain and anguish so he hurried to her. He didn't know what was going on so he asked "what's wrong my queen?"
She panted trying to slow her breathing, she was on her back legs spread "I need you Leo, to take human form...our baby is coming" She cried out.
Leopold done as his lover wanted and transformed into his human form. "What do you want me to do my love?" He asked not having a clue what to do in this situation.
She had been a midwife once a few years ago and cried out again as she pushed "Don't....let....the baby....fall, when you see it" She leaned her head back felt like it was going to tare her in half. Then looked at him again "When you see it, slowly and very carefully grab on, support the neck and head or the baby will die'" Tears fell down her face as she kept pushing,
Leopold done as he was told and supported the baby as his lover pushed crying out in pain with each push. He wished that he could help with the pain but there wasn't anything that he could do about it. He continued to support the head and neck of the child until the body started to appear then he supported the child as best as he could. When the final push was made the baby had finally came and he gave the child to Tris to hold so that hee could do anything else she needed him to do with both hands.
The pain was almost impossible to bare, but she kept pushing when she knew she had to. And when she felt the baby leave her body, she watched him give her there bloody baby, she looked down at him, he was beautiful. instead of skin there were scales his fathers color, and his eyes were that of a dragon but her eye color. Pitch black hair, she had tears in her eyes, she pointed to where a blanket for the baby. A lot of the baby had dragon attributes but she knew what the baby wanted milk so she helped the baby and smiled as there baby began to drink from her.
Leopold laid on his side as he watched his love feed their child and he ran his fingers through the child's hair before he asked "what are you going to name the him my queen?" He couldn't help but to smile as he watched his son constantly move as he drank the milk from Tris. "Do you want anything my dear??" He asked knowing that she had to be extremely tired from giving birth.
Since there baby was wrapped in a blanket and she smiled at him, shaking her head "No it's fine I am just tired, perhaps when he is done feeding you can take him for a while? I need rest" he smiled weakly.
Leopold waited until the baby was finished with eating and he took his son from his love. He walked around letting the other see the child as his love rested. He walked back to his love with a line of the little ones following behind him wanting to make sure that Tris was alright.
She smiled at him and couldn't help but smile she was grateful and sighed softly, it was kinda hard about who was around. She slept and was sore when she woke up it was a lot for her she slowly got up grunting from the pain but she would deal sighed softly she couldn't help but smile seeing Leo "How is he, any bigger he would have killed me"
"He is fine my love. I think you underestimate yourself my dear seeing how much you have went through in your life." Leopold said to his love. "You have some company here to check on you my love." He said as the little ones stood around her a little scared not wanting to hurt her. "Have you picked a name out for him my love?" He asked as he stood beside of his love waiting for her to tell him when she was ready to take the child.
She smiled and saw the little ones, she knelt down and opened up her arms for them "Not full speed little ones if you can just walk over?" She said softly. Then she looked up at him and chuckle a bit "I dunno about that im only human and humans break easy, as for a name was thinking Alistar, means defender of man, or dragons in this case"" She chuckled.
Leopold chuckled setting beside of her on the ground while his love spent some time with the other little dragons. "My dear after you are done with the little ones could you take Alistar for a bit so I can stretch out in my dragon form?" he asked his love as he watched his son wiggle around
She smiled at the little ones and nodded to him "Sure bring him in Leo " She said happily she knew all to well what happened. Sighing softly she couldn't help but just relax and she slowly stood up and waited for there son she knew this was going to be hard on her since he needed to be a dragon more then human.
Leopold handed their son over to his lover then went far enough away that she wouldn't hurt them when he changed. When he changed he went back to his love and said "I am sorry I will try to change every day so that the time I can stay in human form will increase."
She smiled up at Leo kissing him before he reverted "your meant to be a dragon Leo it's fine" She said softly and moved so he could change. She looked down at there baby, he was so very much his father with eyes, scales everything that made him a dragon. Yet in the form of a human it was incredible.
Leopold knew that raising their child was going to be hard enough and doing it almost alone was going to be hard on his love. He nestled beside his love as he watched their son move and coo. Leopold went to caress his child's cheek with his finger but before he could actually get his finger close Alistar the child latched on to his finger. "My love I think he is hungry again." Leopold said as his son continued to try to nurse on Leopold's claw.