Christian writers and readers meet here!

rhinoguy said:
buncha twits if you ask me.

So these are "Christians" who are on LIT..READING porn...and THEN condemning the writers?

Now it is true that Christ ministered to Prostitutes and tax eto save the lost....BUT..HE did so in a loving way.

I am not impressed with their methods. *TWEEEET!!!* "PENALTY call illegal use of witnessing...20 yards!"

Think they would refuse to submit to the penalty.. they read the same book as we do.. but they THINK THEY MAKE THE RULES.

Somehow I think intolerance should be one of the 10 commandments.... but then they read those any way they want too!!!
Hey cookijar...ooh if you remember the name of the book i'd be interested in it :)'re a nut *chuckles* but a yummy nut at that.

It does stun me that Christians come over here to save us. I wonder what they'd make of this thread eh? *L*

And Rhino OH GOD YES! We all should be praising God for our orgasms. definitely.
dreampilot... you're not telling me that you don' orgasm when your desk is so often raised in the air are you? ;)
Lets just say I get to church MUCH more often .... lol

Not a matter of function.. but of oportunity.

Is it un christian to pray for pussy?
Hmm...I suppose it depends on the circumstances as o wether you'll get a "yes" but I reckon it's ok to pray for/about anything. God can always say no and it's all about communication really...
English Lady said:
Hmm...I suppose it depends on the circumstances as o wether you'll get a "yes" but I reckon it's ok to pray for/about anything. God can always say no and it's all about communication really...

Ohhhhhhh.. krap.. I'm gonna wind up being serious...

Actually the answer to my question (to my intrepretation) is that it depends on how....

To pray for sex... well sex is not a bad thing...

to pray for abusive sex.. is a bad thing...

to pray for acceptance (as demonstrated by sex) is a human thing and not necessarily ungodly.

so the answer is sometimes
I think you can happily pray for anything. i think you have to be prepared to listen to the answer though and accept it gracefully if its a no *L*
yeah, I know that feeling. I think we humans think we want alot more than we actually do *L*

Or something like that *L*
I think you meant we need a lot less than we want....

but as for me.. I'll go back to my diligent prayers
dreampilot79 said:
goes back to praying for......... world peace???? or was that piece?

Both would be nice.... particulaly the first right now for personal reasons

However the second comes to mind whenever I look at EL's pic...*sigh*
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Peace is osmething we should always pray for. Peace is something that is sadly lacking in many lifes right now.
English Lady said:
Peace is osmething we should always pray for. Peace is something that is sadly lacking in many lifes right now.

Amen. I do have peace. I have let my heart's truth be heard. I know where I am at is not where I am meant to be. God has plans for me, and I only pray that He show me.

The only prayer I make everyday is, God, just let me do your will.

That's it. I only want to please God, and if what I am going through right now leads to where He wants and needs me to be, then I trust it. I'm sure by now everyone knows my struggle.

This is tough because I am married. I always felt that when God brings two people together in marriage, they should never be seperated. Well, what if God didn't do it? What if I simply did it? Then that is different. All I ask right now is that what God knows is best for me be done. That's it.

God knows my heart. I have shown him all of me. I have and will make mistakes and sin. I pray to God to forgive me.

With praise and thanksgiving enter His gates and present your request in prayer and petition.

God, with everyone here as my witness, I simply ask that you forgive me now of my sins so that I may be pure to come to you.

Lord, you have given me my life and very breath. Without you I would not live. You have protected me every single day of my life. You told me about a car accident to help me avoid it. Even though I didn't listen, you protected me from the physical pain and even the court battle that insued. Lord, for that I am thankful. Lord for you I am thankful. I am thankful that you sacrificed yourself for me, so that I may live. Lord, I am thankful that you have given me hope and a future far beyond this world.

Lord I praise you for your greatness and for everything you do. Every step in my life is guided by you. And when I can not walk the tough steps, it is you that carries me.

Lord I simply pray that I be a Godly man. Lord, I simply pray that I do your will and please you.

Lord, I pray that you provide me with my wife, whom ever she may be. Lord, the woman you have created for me, I pray that you give her to me. I accept her Lord. I accept all of your blessings. I know you want to give them to me, for you say so in your good book. I will not limit you. You are limitless. Bless me with abundance Lord, for I accpet it.

My thoughts to you first and always my Lord Jesus Christ and father God.

With much love I leave this place for now. I do hope to return when peace finds me and fills me....

rikaaim - kudos 2 u. At least u voice the inner turmoil of everyone. I cant go with you on the god thing (and please dont try to take me there) but if that is significant 4 u then xlnt.

my view - we all have 2 accept who we are, warts an all. But warts r ok
haldir said:
rikaaim - kudos 2 u. At least u voice the inner turmoil of everyone. I cant go with you on the god thing (and please dont try to take me there) but if that is significant 4 u then xlnt.

my view - we all have 2 accept who we are, warts an all. But warts r ok

well said,haldir.

rikaam, I will pray for you to find your path and peace within.

English Lady, it seems this thread is needed, well done and God be with you.