A youtube for nearly everything!

My grandmother just discovered Youtube and it's completely adorable. She looks for all of the old songs she listened to when she was young and in love.
Tow Truck and a Semi-Trailer- Falls off snow cliff in Norway (100 m high)


A truck driver in Norway considered himself lucky Sunday, after a trailer and his tow truck were pulled off of a steep snow-covered cliff.
Eyewitness Gunn Iren Johnsrud watched as the tow truck and its load were pulled from County Road 78 in Leirosen, Norway.
Deadly Animals (Come to Australia)


{I liked the comment blurt, after the song.)-

Come to Sweden, you may well get killed, brown bears, wolverines, wolf, adder, a perfect place for a winter holiday,
golden eagle, polar bear. orca, walrus, narwhal, moose, lynx, some of these are from Norway,
go into the snow, start an avalanche and get buried and then choke and freeze to death while in summer
get eaten alive by mosquitoes, perfect place for a winter holiday...
yeah, that what a Swedish version of this song, i (Ironically) an auzzie myself.
Darth Vader In Love Part 1


A pink ship arrives at the Death Star-
A slim and sexy female version of Darth Vader, walks into the conference room. She is dressed in shades of pink.

The lovely,yet frightening woman in pink ( Commander Ada Larkin) is introduced to all the men present at the meeting by the Admiral.

Commander Ada Larkin: "I look forward to working with you, Lord Vader."
Darth Vader: You are beautiful!
Admiral : Vader?
Darth Vader: "What? Um, I mean, Um, Destroying the Rebel base will be a Beautiful Victory."
Admiral:"Quite, Lord Vader. Please continue."
Vader:"What!? Um....
Admiral: "Vader?"

{"If we got married, she would be Ada Vader!"} :snerk icon:


WindMills, c'est un film de fin d'étude réalisé à l'école Georges Méliès par :
WindMills, a graduation movie made at Georges Méliès school, directed by :

Guillaume Bergère, Guillaume Coudert, Maria Glinyanova, Bruno Guerra, Charlotte Jammet.

Special thanks to Peregrinator! I would have never knocked into this beautiful film, without his question.
Killer Cassowary Bird Attacks


Cassowary kickboxing tree (and making aggressive sounds)


Remember how the Velociraptors in Jurassic Park hunted the people ?

The Cassowary will hunt people in their territory, with their pals, just like the Velociraptors do.
They communicate with each other, and cooperate to surround, chase, and outsmart and kill.

But, not to eat. They just want to remove a threat, to their group, and their babies.

"The Cassowary has a three toes on each of its two feet and these toes have very long and sharp talons protruding from them.
The Cassowary uses its feet like a black belt Karate expert and can deliver very fast, powerful and accurate kicks to its enemy,
in many cases the sharp claws can rip open any quarry just as a thrust from a dagger could do."

(that figures. I was always warned to stay the heck away from the Ostriches. Tall birds with big talons= one kick and you will get hurt.)
Zombies Protest Phelps Hate Church In Front Of U.S. Military Base


Did the pretend Zombies approach the Westboro nutcases, and cry for brains- only to groan in disappointment, afterwards ?

Maybe the deranged Westboro gang should be more careful. Replacing chewed faces can be expensive.

(No sympathy and no empathy equals no medical freebies.)