School harem


Mar 29, 2017
So I think it'd be interesting to see a harem story. There can be more than 1 guy, but ideally the girls would outnumber them.

Here's what it is: A senior class has decided to take a class trip to Europe. Though, they won't just be there for a week, they'll be there for at least 2, If not 3 weeks or more.

Now, here's where it kinda branches off. Depending on who is interested in what, I was thinking of a couple of possibilities.

1: A disease quickly spreads across Europe sending it into disarray and our characters have no way to get home since all airports going home are shut down.

2: A generic zombie apocalypse occurs and our characters are forced to travel across Europe trying to survive.

3: It could go completely as planned with no interruptions, but on their way back, the plane could crash and our characters would be stranded on an island.

4: A rebellion/conflict/war ends up happening/spreading in Europe and our characters are caught in the middle of it. They can either pick a side, or sit the fence and try and survive for the time being.

5: Our characters end up getting involved with, or seeing something they shouldn't have and are now either on the run from the police, or on the run from the mafia/gangs/organizations/etc.

6: Alien invasion!

7: Alien Abduction!

8: The trip goes completely as planned, with no interruptions there, or on the way back.

9: You're own idea!

Ideally, there'd be at least 1 teacher and 2 chaperones. The number of students I had in mind ranged from 10 to 20, or even 30 if you can handle it. For the chaperones and teacher(s), I was hoping they could all be MILF's or young and good looking women, but I'd settle for a couple of guy chaperone(s) and/or teacher.

This doesn't have to be written by just one author either. Several authors could write it together, or tell the tales of different people (though I think trying to fit together would be kinda hard.)

Ideally too, it'd start about a week or two before they even leave for the trip. Of course, I'll leave the starting point up to the author or authors who take this on.
I believe high school characters are off limits on this site. Can you make them a college class that's going on the trip?
Yea as long as all characters are 18+ it should be fine the thing is to kind of pick a direction and go with it and make it interesting enough for a broad audience. I mean there are good harem stories and absolutely terrible harem stories. One of the good ones i can immediately think of is Telfer's "Three Square Meals." Though admittedly one of the differences is the girls co-exist rather than have any level of rivalry. I figure the worst thing to do is continously add women and not be detailed. THough i'd admit there are some pretty good harem anime series out there
The ones that come to mind are:
Everyday life with monster girls
High school of the dead

Those you may want to look at if you can.
Honestly, I left the options because I don't really want to restrict the authors who write this by too much.

And as for the shows, I've seen highschool of the Dead and I really liked it. Both for the girls and the kind of tone it had to it.
Somehow this piqued my curiosity? What are some of the characteristics of harem stories?
Harem Genre tropes include many variants, but when I saw the OP's list, I thought, "Disaster Harem!" Facing adversity/calamity, the mixed group teams-off into clans where one or two must satisfy and protect their 'harem'.

How does a harem form? The master (or mistress) chooses/takes their harem, or maybe the harem decides, or maybe it just happens. I don't think of "harem characteristics" when I read or write harem stories -- but maybe I should study the tropes listed in the link above.
Oh, the harem genre...we thought to love ru would be the last big push but we were wrong, it will never will never die.

Sorry, went off to my anime fandom for a bit, where the genre appears to fester and pander like no one's business. It answer's the question of "will they won't they" with "as long as we can keep selling you crap we will never settle on an answer."

Sorry...fuck Infinite Stratos...and Sword Art Online.

Sorry. Since we're going with a more disaster themed one, I suppose we're looking more at a high school of the dead situation...or that weird visual novel series where there's a lust virus that spreads from person to person and makes them engage in sex until they die.

If you're going with a harem genre, really there should only be one male lead. You can have a secondary guy but he should either be sacrificed at some point or be a non sexual or monogamous character. He can get in a relationship but it should always be in the background.

Main thing is to make sure the women are distinct. You don't want the reader ever getting confused or mistaking them. It also adds to the drama when their personalities clash. Also, don't make the mistake of giving one woman a preferred status. Readers like the idea of the women all getting equal coverage and hate it when the author has a preferred couple but still treats things as a harem.

In fact, main rule: the women should ALWAYS be more interesting than the male lead. Not saying he should be a complete waste of space but the female characters are what sell the story, not the male lead. Or benefit of having an extreme circumstance is that the attraction can be more believeable even if the male lead isn't exceptional (so it's "I'm stressed and need to fuck somebody, anybody," as opposed to "you were nice to me when I was in preschool...give me your babies" ...fuck you "shuffle!"
Somehow this piqued my curiosity? What are some of the characteristics of harem stories?

Oh, the harem genre...we thought to love ru would be the last big push but we were wrong, it will never will never die.

Sorry, went off to my anime fandom for a bit, where the genre appears to fester and pander like no one's business. It answer's the question of "will they won't they" with "as long as we can keep selling you crap we will never settle on an answer."

Sorry...fuck Infinite Stratos...and Sword Art Online.

Sorry. Since we're going with a more disaster themed one, I suppose we're looking more at a high school of the dead situation...or that weird visual novel series where there's a lust virus that spreads from person to person and makes them engage in sex until they die.

If you're going with a harem genre, really there should only be one male lead. You can have a secondary guy but he should either be sacrificed at some point or be a non sexual or monogamous character. He can get in a relationship but it should always be in the background.

Main thing is to make sure the women are distinct. You don't want the reader ever getting confused or mistaking them. It also adds to the drama when their personalities clash. Also, don't make the mistake of giving one woman a preferred status. Readers like the idea of the women all getting equal coverage and hate it when the author has a preferred couple but still treats things as a harem.

In fact, main rule: the women should ALWAYS be more interesting than the male lead. Not saying he should be a complete waste of space but the female characters are what sell the story, not the male lead. Or benefit of having an extreme circumstance is that the attraction can be more believeable even if the male lead isn't exceptional (so it's "I'm stressed and need to fuck somebody, anybody," as opposed to "you were nice to me when I was in preschool...give me your babies" ...fuck you "shuffle!"

Now keep in mind i'm still trying to figure out some of this stuff because i'm writing my own harem story.

what level of co existance is there between the girls? While i think either complete co-existance or a little rivalry would work you gotta keep that in mind as you write

What does each character bring to the story? I mean this kind of takes advanced planning your characters. Actually id say go as far as plan more characters than you need if it comes to that.
Take high school of the dead for example
Each of them has different levels of combat skills between melee and gun combat
Some of them even had necessary skills like Kuromi who could be described as a "gun nut"
Then there was the school nurse who arguably brings some medical skills to the table
THen there was the pink haired girl (who's name i forget) who i'd be willing to argue if she wasn't there episodes 11 and 12 had a good chance of turning out differently

What are the characters troubles? again i think this takes character planning i mean for the sake of example a yuki-onna who gets a little grouchy in direct sunlight. Or even a lamia that turns more snake like as she gets angry.

Last but not least fundamentally i have to agree with strangebuddy's post about keeping your characters distinct, which i think also adds to what i was saying about what does each character bring to the story?

I also think you have to kind of balance storyline vs. adding to the harem because recently i've been reading a plethora of harem stories on a certain website ill be happy to send anyone the link that sends me a pm. Basic point is if i had to list the bad ways to write a harem story id have to include continously adding to the harem to the point of making the writers head spin dizzily
Well, everything depends on the scenario chosen. On an island for example, I feel as though it'd start out with one girl being horny and really wanting sex. Then, either other girls would join in, or the guy would end up fucking them separately and in secret with them all eventually finding out what he's been up to.

For the zombie apocalypse scenario, initially there'd be quite a few survivors, but as the days pass and turn into weeks, they'd die, run off, be exiled/abandoned, or even killed by the main group (say one is doing something really bad or stupid).

For some scenarios though "harem" is a lighter term, in that while yes they'll be fucking, it doesn't necessarily mean it's all the girls at once. What I mean is, there'd be a significant number of girls versus boys.

Though, for every scenario, the story should also play a part instead of it being constant sex. I'm not against it being constant sex, but there should be at least some sort of story involved.