Free Association Thread 5

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:D I read that in Yosemite Sam's voice!

How about . . . "The illudium Q-36 explosive space modulator! That creature has stolen the space modulator!"

I love Marvin! :D :D

"Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!"

*wonders what happened to her Marvin tshirt...* :confused:
:D My first Doctor.

I was thinking more of Tennant's run in with the water on Mars and then Capaldi's recent go against the Empress of Mars.

I remember watching th very first episode. It ended with the Doctor's grand-daughter in school. The teacher was talking about the three dimensions and the child said "but what about Time & Space. ?"

A lot of us in my class at school were provoked into enquiry by that remark.
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I remember watching th very first episode. It ended with the Doctor's grand-daughter in school. The teacher was talking about the three dimensions and the child said "by what about Time & Space. ?"

A lot of us in my class at school were provoked into enquiry by that remark.

A teaching moment!
Like the original 'Ray Cathode' theme.

For once, You Tube seems to have failed me. I cannot find that question.
I thought it was Season 1, Episode 1, but maybe my memory is failing.
Mean while, it hot and getting hotter.

Time for a cooling cup of coffee, I'm thinking
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Like the original 'Ray Cathode' theme.

For once, You Tube seems to have failed me. I cannot find that question.
I thought it was Season 1, Episode 1, but maybe my memory is failing.
Mean while, it hot and getting hotter.

Time for a cooling cup of coffee, I'm thinking

(Heat warning for the past and coming few days here, HP).

Tim Horton's Iced Capuccinos
Very, Very cold soda water.
That's the thing, I reckon.
Shheesh but it's bloody hot, - and at night!

Or a nice cup of tea.
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