Last Daughter of Krypton: Legion OOC

Opinion? Spoiler-free, if you wouldn't mind.

It has potential.

But there were things that bothered me, as well as things that I liked.

One thing i noticed, is after watching Arrow, and The Flash pilots. I actually liked them a lot. I didn't have that same feeling after watching this one.
It has potential.

But there were things that bothered me, as well as things that I liked.

One thing i noticed, is after watching Arrow, and The Flash pilots. I actually liked them a lot. I didn't have that same feeling after watching this one.


Thank you.
I've seen it now, too.

And yeah, it's certainly not flawless.

But I had a great time and I can't wait for more!
i definitely want to see more. I think i was just surprised because it didn't seem as well put together as they had done on Arrow and The Flash. But hopefully they'll straighten things up as the season fors along. I also find it strange that such a perfect copy was leaked. Almost as if CBS did it on purpose to get fan reaction early.
i definitely want to see more. I think i was just surprised because it didn't seem as well put together as they had done on Arrow and The Flash. But hopefully they'll straighten things up as the season fors along. I also find it strange that such a perfect copy was leaked. Almost as if CBS did it on purpose to get fan reaction early.

I still suspect the same thing happened with "Constantine."
Nope, see previous answer, just been busy working 6 days a week and trying to make sure I have all my ducks in a row before I post something contradictory.

Also Wyld just came back from the dead(ish), so I was hoping to give her a chance to post this weekend.

I'm very glad to have you and Alanna back.

I should have more time to get caught up with rereading and old PMs tomorrow.
I remember seeing that Wyld was going on Vacy, and she wasn't sure if she'd be able to get something out. That might be what happened.
I remember seeing that Wyld was going on Vacy, and she wasn't sure if she'd be able to get something out. That might be what happened.

Yeah, I'm quite certain. In any case, I will use what time I have for rereading tomorrow. I think I'll be caught up enough after that to make an attempt.
For the sake of complete randomness....

In the next ORP I write in I'm going to be Lion-O from the Thundercats.

That is all.
I was randomly thinking about if Lion-O showed up on Earth through a trans-dimensional doorway (like Dr. Erdel's Gate?) to find a lost artifact..or track down a particularly nasty bad guy, and was assisted by Supergirl and our current crew....
Oddly, ThunderCats was one of the few franchises I never got into, though I remember thinking Cheetara was pretty in the same way I recognized She-Ra, Rock One, and Baroness DeCobray were pretty.
Oddly, ThunderCats was one of the few franchises I never got into, though I remember thinking Cheetara was pretty in the same way I recognized She-Ra, Rock One, and Baroness DeCobray were pretty.

I agree.

I never followed the Thundercats heartily. I watched them occasionally, just enough to know what they were about. I did enjoy the show, though.

Perhaps I will put my idea in words soon and we will see what happens.
Sorry all, been recovering from a terrible terrible case of the over doing its..... Back is sucking, legs and feet killing me. Did too much work during the days and danced my ass off at night........ Now Wyldish gets to feel what it means to be getting older...
Oh, and as an aside I think Christopher Eccleston may be my favorite Doctor...... I am loving the early relationship of the Doctor and Rose.