Dark Voices

Lupine insomnia

as the moon crests
ridgid peaks
disturbs restful slumber,
I shudder,
turn to your naked form
and unleash the animal

teeth gnash as taloned hands scratch
running tracks
down shoulders and back
surrender to the moon
impaled desires
satiate the flesh
howl out your passion
into my neck as I take you.
Brickwork beige and gaudy
is still brick and mortar
decorate it all you want
its still a fucking wall
in the way of what you
really shouldn't be chasing
things turn a yarn
toward taboo and low brow
mud walkin'

that's home in the dreck
the wreck of unclean
that's where the mind bends
mushroom psychotropic
flash twist blend
swim in the decay

frollic in it like a playful
lamb in a sunlit meadow
unawarwe the wolves jaws are
saliva rich full of crunch
the zipper ripper downside up
up down side

twisted corkscrew bent
in a black rainbow arc
the colours drain
sink and gurgle
through a slaughter house sluice grate
splatters or madness
cup of tea and a crumpet
when does the ride end

can you stare in a mirror for ten seconds
to see the unleash of that rainbow beast
that garbled your colours
gnarled your features
stole the light
and zip lock freshed your fears
so fresh you can taste the bile
smell the bitter
and bite off your scream
along with your tongue
Like holy roaches fat on alleluias
the stars, they might scatter to
the passing light
but this you wont see
nor the world drunk on itself
notice, staggering along
warble to wobble.
Letterman hasn't heard
and the papers, well,
they have bigger fish to fry
so fret not
that you'll eat
find sleep
return a smile
and mind not the eyes
of the miserable
questioning your heart
of wails and the late night dirge
too often played as ace.
let the earth sing my song
eagles over the ridge~
the soft breeze at midnight
playing in your curtain~
a lost loon ghost calling
across a nameless lake
and know,
for one such as I
this is ceremony enough.
The eyes of the miserable
reflect back in the shine
of a partially rusted tin can
hollow faded purple and brown
that drown the mirth or flying foxes
swingset freedom and monkey bar madness
those time when it feels best to be alive
snuffed like a match on flesh, the seal and sear
followed by the gagging scent
that gouges the nose

huddled half mile from home
alone, what thoughts roam
in a mind fresh with
tears and insults
foam flecked spittle, yellowed teeth
and the sight of the something
he was sliding into his arm
that sudden rush of fury
A storm cloud thunderburst deluge
that rained vitriol and hit like a brick
flung from an unsecured load

all he wanted to do was say
I love you dad
Oh, a wish a wish
that what he remembers
wanting to say
is truly that which was said
nevermind the alleluias
or the echo of mirth
changing pitch in
selective memory
carnival to carnage
only the trips are remembered
by those in youth
peaks in sight, yet
to stumble
and when the smoke cleared
the ashes of redemption
barren of warmth, said only
you failed
and a half a mile
wasn't nearly
mile enough

The coroner didn't know
what to make of the mess
they brought in that morning,
not at first,

He had begun without
hesitation, having worked up
from strays to the bums
lying on the steam grates,
now he was in the big leagues,
hitting randomly, right off the
street and out of the park,

There was no style, though,
nothing professional or florid in
the way he used the knife,
it was to be expected,
nothing of the surgeon,
nor even the butcher,
about him.

He could never pass for Jack.
In the end, it was ruled
justifiable homicide
as even the judge cried
holding the barrister
The poor chap had read
butterflies and rainbows
for so long, that
a Maine woodsman tried
to tap him for sap.
The camera at the 7/11 showed
it clearly
~him hunched, tail out,
blades raised, crying out
"where is the blood?"
The poor girl
clutching her Mary Oliver
to her breast, cherry slurpee
bleeding into the gutter,
had no defense
as the poet's heart within him
cried out for justice
and served it.
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On the nod
too much Charlie horse
of course it's just a taste
cried hoarse when the taste ain't about

dart dots pin prick the track mark
junkie run
it smells of putrid flesh
burnt foil lighter fluid
the mixed aromas of human effluent
A fine broth and one taste is never enough
sleep and slow take the edge of the monkey
beartrap that snapped shut
the jitter shake of neuron vein collapse
Still got two legs, a second arm and an eye socket
for desperate time
Spoon, lighter pick
strap yourself in

First and last, it was always
your ass
prime, the oxymoron
all things divided
fractioned in auction
you're a bitch
you're a tramp
you're a scowl
and a scamp
oh to shoot you
to the stars
just to watch you explode
...over moonglow
smooth as butter cream
this orb that shines
that dances
chicanery in the night.
enough! enough!
what might a man give
for this, his soul?
barter and beg
to later despise
yet hunger
this sweetness
so toxic
~your ass
and my kiss upon it
This? This anger?
This is not scary.
Scary is that point
just beyond feeling.
That place where
you see it all so clearly.
Where everything is named
for what it is.
Where cancer is cut away
with precision and no remorse.
Scary is pure logic.
Choosing which pieces
to sacrifice and which to protect
on grounds with no meaning
only blood and pain.
Laying the odds
and making the bets
in a game that is played endlessly
and never won or lost.

Know what i thought of when reading this? A soldier in the nam '68, deep in the jungle scribbling. Trying to make sense of it all.
Weird eh?
Liked it much!
(((wags tail)))
Mistress's Letter to the Wife

Dear Wife,

I know you know I exist
I wanted to tell you that you're right
And not to worry
He'll never leave you
But you'll still be alone
For all that you want him
For all that he'll stay
I'm not going anywhere
And he'll keep coming back to me
Because I don't want him for myself
I want him for the happiness
That he leaves here when he goes

Fucking boom, right cross to the jaw!