If I was born with a pussy

Meh, it's a trade-off. Things suck about being a guy, but I like not having PMS, menstruation, menopause, pregnancy, etc.

Yes, it's true that prudery sucks. The answer: focus on non-prudes a lot. There are places to find them, generally in places where few prudes congregate. You know, you could always become a Chippendale. You might see lots of action that way....and earn some money, too. ;)

But, seriously, I get that it sucks for straight guys. I really do. I'm bi myself, but yeah, I understand and sympathize. That does NOT mean that I'm going to forget the positive side of the trade-off of being a man.
If I were born with a pussy, my fetishes and desires would g all the attention I wanted but because I have a dick I'm just a horney fucking bastard. Guys get such a raw deal. Where are all the outgoing women who just don't give a shit?

If I was born with a pussy I wouldn't be good at math.