The Roaring Twenties

Jack hadn't really wanted to bring up the subject of the guys coming to the wedding as Penny was still so mentally fragile but it had to be done. Her tearful reply made him think it would be best for Penny, best for them both if they didn't attend.

' How can you forgive me when I can't forgive myself? And how can they forget those things too? When they look at me, they won't see Penny. They will see Clare. Or Cora. And if they hear about the baby, will one of them think that the baby was theirs?" '

With her head burrowed against his chest, her tears wetting his shirt, Jack tried to reassure her. He stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head.

"The girl I am about to marry has no shameful past for me to forgive and you have a clean slate Penny my dear. I am going to call the guys and tell them that I have given up the search and I have fallen head over heels with a girl I met on Lundy. No mention of a wedding so they will not feel the need to come down. I will tell them that I intend to stay here for the forseeable future."

When he had finished and Penny had stopped crying he lifted her chin and kissed her soft pliant lips slipping his tongue into her warm welcoming mouth.

"We do have to go to the mainland though, I have noticed that the only clothes you have are more suitable for a bag lady and I need a new suit if I am to look presentable at our wedding, we can go tomorrow and make a day of it, I have other things on my mind as to how we spend the rest of today."

He smacked her backside lightly and swept her up in his arms and carried her purposefully towards the bedroom.
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He had made sweet love to her, and as she lay in his arms, she thought over what he had said. He was willing, for her sake, to turn his back on his friends. All for her. That was not right. It wasn't fair to him.

She lightly rubbed her fingers on his chest to get his attention.

"Jack, love, I've been thinking. It's not right that you should have to give up your friends just for me." She could tell that he was going to say something so she hushed him, placing her fingertips on his lips.

"No, wait, let me finish first. You may not mind it now, but later it could bother you. I mean, it's one thing for me to want to hide from the world. But do you think that they are gonna believe that story? Suddenly you have lost interest?"

She took a deep breath and from the way that he looked at her, she knew that he knew how hard this was for her.

"Jack, you can tell them. But they must understand that those old names are dead forever. I am Penny March. A widow. If you tell them about the baby, ask them not to mention it to me. And they can never ever tell anyone where I am. If anyone ever comes looking for the old me, I'm dead."

"As for clothes, I really don't want anything fancy. And I refuse to give up my jacket," she said referring to his red shirt that she used as a light jacket.

She waited to see what he would say.
Something had been niggling at Jack for several days now he had dismissed it as his imagination but the thought had seeded in his mind and was growing.

Before, in London before Clare had become Cora their love making had been torrid, no holds or holes barred, each attempting to outdo the other in the way of surprises but here on the Island Penny had not refused him anything but she had not been the carefree bundle of sexual energy that he enjoyed so much, she never initiated anything or asked for anything outrageous but just accepted him and what he gave her without complaint or praise. It was as though she thought that he might think her dirty or wanton if she really let herself go. He had been quite happy at first to make love to Penny gently and let her find her own level but she seemed to be stuck on the ground floor. It was quite a conundrum but he would resolve it, there was no way he was ever going to leave Penny so to satisfy his growing needs he had to resolve it quickly, but how? Talking to her seemed to be the only honest way.

After they had made love Penny lay in his arms with a thoughtful look on her face,Penny rubbed his chest to get his attention.

"Jack, love, I've been thinking. It's not right that you should have to give up your friends just for me."

"Penny, I,,"

She hushed him with her fingertips,

"No, wait, let me finish first. You may not mind it now, but later it could bother you. I mean, it's one thing for me to want to hide from the world. But do you think that they are gonna believe that story? Suddenly you have lost interest?"

He knew that this was so hard for her but she was wanting to do this for him.

' Jack, you can tell them. But they must understand that those old names are dead forever. I am Penny March. A widow. If you tell them about the baby, ask them not to mention it to me. And they can never ever tell anyone where I am. If anyone ever comes looking for the old me, I'm dead.'

"I,,,, I understand Penny."

'As for clothes, I really don't want anything fancy. And I refuse to give up my jacket,'

Jack lay there trying to take it all in. He squeezed Penny closer to him,

"You are a girl in a million Penny March, but do you realise the risk you,,,,, we are taking, one wrong word, a slip of the tongue. I appreciate the offer but as it stands now the answer is no but I will think about it until I call them tomorrow."

Jack rolled Penny onto her back and spread her legs once more,

"I must agree clothes are a necessary evil but you need some all the same and a suitable wedding outfit, you can keep the shirt, I have no use for it anymore and it looks so much better on you than it ever did on me."

He slid so easily into Penny's wet channel.
She thought about what he said. He was right. But she also knew Charlie and George and even Tommy, to a certain extent. If they knew where Jack was, eventually they would come to cheer him up.

Once more they made love though she could tell that something was on his mind. But she did not press it as she also had things on hers.

When they once again lay in each other's arms, she spoke again.

"What if you called them and told them that..." She hesitated before saying the name, "...Clare is dead, whether by suicide or through accident would be up to you. You could say that you are bereft and plan on traveling and seeing the world. That way, they know nothing about Lundy."

She also had another question.

"When exactly did you want to get married?" She didn't know if she should tell him what was bothering her. Or perhaps he had already guessed it.
They made love as usual, each making the other cum but Jack still had a lingering urge in his groin that he did his best to submerge. Their lovemaking was loving as always but there was something missing, Jack was aware that they couldn't carry on like this and he would have to say something very soon.

They lay in each other's arms and Jack was about to broach the subject when Penny spoke.

' What if you called them and told them that... She hesitated before saying the name, forcing it from her lips ...Clare is dead, whether by suicide or through accident would be up to you. You could say that you are bereft and plan on traveling and seeing the world. That way, they know nothing about Lundy.'

Jack thought about her idea for a moment then replied seriously,

"Penny I am sure you understand that I would hate to lie to my friends but if this is the only way we can find any peace then I'll do it. Who knows in years to come I may explain to them but yes that girl is now officially dead."

Penny then took him by surprise, ' When exactly did you want to get married?'

"I,,,,,,I,,,,,, don't really know, I don't have a date in my head but the sooner the better. After we get our love life sorted out."

Jack blurted it out like it was of life changing importance, which in reality it was.

"I'm sorry Penny but we haven't been setting the world on fire have we? I adore making love to you but at times it seems that I am making love TO you rather than WITH you. I am making a real hash of explaining this to you. Look, the first few times I was gentle and loving in deference to your,,, I mean our loss, each time was special to me, it may be my fault, I don't know, I am so confused, what I am trying to say is that I am frightened to say and do what I really want in case you reject me and think me a pervert and bring back bad memories. On the other hand why should memories rule our lives now? We are adults who enjoy each other, so we should enjoy it to the full and go hang the past."

When he had finished he realised that he had hugged Penny to him.
She lay in his arms, hearing his words and her heart clenched. She was probably going to lose him after all. Maybe she should have run to the States instead of staying in England.

Pulling away from him, she suddenly jumped out of bed and threw on his shirt, heading into the kitchen to fill the kettle with water. She heard him follow her.

"I originally lost you to her, because I wanted to wait until I was married for sex. Not her. So when I wound up losing my virginity to you after all, I tried to go along with it. Like everyone else. And what happens? I wind up unmarried and pregnant. In a way, I was ashamed of myself. I love you, Jack, with all my heart. And I don't want to lose you again. But I guess, in a way, I'm old fashioned. I tried to be something that I'm not and failed miserably at it."

And suddenly she was crying, afraid that he would hate her, or give up and call it quits. He was giving up so much just to stay with her.

"But...but I'll try and be more free a...about it if you will me a cha...cha...chance. I w...want to make happy." She leaned against the sink. "Oh, hell, I'm just a mess. Maybe I don't know how to any more. Would it make me more like the slut that my sister was? Cause that's what she was."
They were both confused about their sexual relationship, both unsure of the other, if they kept their lovemaking mundane all was well, it was when Jack wanted to turn it up a notch his courage failed him. Once upon a time he would have had no qualms about suggesting that she wanted it harder, or faster or telling her he was going to fuck her until her eyes popped but now he just didn't know how she would react to such dirty talk. His fear was she would think that he regarded her as no more than a convenient place to park his cock, nothing was further from the truth. He loved Penny with all his heart, anything prior to Lundy belonged in a different world. He knew what she had done who she had slept with and more to the point he knew and understood why. She had never actually cheated on him or tried to hide the fact she had slept with others, in fact he had driven her to it, encouraged her even.

'"I originally lost you to her, because I wanted to wait until I was married for sex. Not her. So when I wound up losing my virginity to you after all, I tried to go along with it. Like everyone else. And what happens? I wind up unmarried and pregnant. In a way, I was ashamed of myself. I love you, Jack, with all my heart. And I don't want to lose you again. But I guess, in a way, I'm old fashioned. I tried to be something that I'm not and failed miserably at it.'

Suddenly her tears started to flow, he he put his arms around her trying to comfort her.

'But...but I'll try and be more free a...about it if you will me a cha...cha...chance. I w...want to make happy. Oh, hell, I'm just a mess. Maybe I don't know how to any more. Would it make me more like the slut that my sister was? Cause that's what she was.'

"Penny, first of all you don't have a sister, we both knew a vicious, vindictive woman who looked a lot like you but that is all. If you are afraid of losing me, don't be, I am going nowhere. You DO make me happy, happier than any man has the right to be. It is YOU that needs to give yourself a chance, not me. Any naughty thoughts you have come from you, no one else, and expressing and acting on those thoughts does not make you a slut but a modern liberated woman."

Jack paused and taking the plunge he continued,

"Shall we start our clean slate by going back to bed and you can fuck this damn itch from my balls?"
In the back of her mind, she could hear her Mother's voice, Why should a man buy the cow when he can get the milk for free?. It ran over and over in her head and she took a deep breath and tried to push it away. His words helped to shove her Mother's voice away, making it just so much background clutter.

...but that is all. If you are afraid of losing me, don't be, I am going nowhere. You DO make me happy, happier than any man has the right to be. It is YOU that needs to give yourself a chance, not me. Any naughty thoughts you have come from you, no one else, and expressing and acting on those thoughts does not make you a slut but a modern liberated woman.

She nodded, not sure if it meant she understood or she agreed. Whichever it was, it seemed to satisfy him for his next words asked, Shall we start our clean slate by going back to bed and you can fuck this damn itch from my balls?

She nodded and took him by the hand, leading him back towards the bedroom. But before they crossed the threshold to where her bed was, she stopped him.

"But this does not all fall on one or the other of us. You have to help me work for you just as I must show you what works for me. This is our chance to start over. All right? And I guess that we should keep trying until we get it right?"

Smiling, she led him to the bed, letting his shirt slide from her shoulders to puddle at her feet.
Jack was still naked and still horny, as he sat on the edge of the bed his erection stood proudly like a flagpole between his legs. He grinned boyishly rather like a naughty schoolboy. Penny's red shirt come jacket floated to the floor and as always he was bemused by her, her now almost flawless body that was healing so well.

"You are so beautiful darling." He held her hands in his.

'I guess that we should keep trying until we get it right?'

"Sure Penny, as they say practice makes perfect. Now forget about everything and everyone except us, If there's anything you want to say or do go right ahead."

Jack already had a few ideas in his head but he knew he had to take things slowly if they were ever to be a real couple. As his eyes wandered over her he noticed her fiery bush was unkempt although the shape of the letter 'C' was still discernible.

"Penny?" he asked not wishing to spoil things before they had actually begun, he nodded his head towards her bush,

"I am sure you have intended to rid yourself of that unsavoury reminder but other things have taken over, so I propose that we start with a fresh clean pussy, I prefer to do it right away if that is alright with you? I have a steady hand and not withstanding should be fun. Shall we be daring and do it?"
What with the miscarriage and the grieving and everything, she had totally forgotten about that reminder of her past. She had totally intended to shave it off and start fresh. But there was always something else that she wound doing instead. She saw his gaze flick down to where that "C" hid in the scraggly growth on her mons.

Penny? I am sure you have intended to rid yourself of that unsavoury reminder but other things have taken over, so I propose that we start with a fresh clean pussy, I prefer to do it right away if that is alright with you? I have a steady hand and not withstanding should be fun. Shall we be daring and do it?

She smiled and nodded, glad to actually be taking a positive step forward. She went to the bathroom and grabbed a razor and soap and several towels. Back under the kitchen sink was a small basin where she put some very warm water in it. When she carried the stuff back into the bedroom, he had made the bed so that the covers were smooth.

Carefully Jack spread out several towels to protect the bed while she set everything over on the chair. She lay down so that her bottom was on the center of the towels and he bent over and kissed her.

"I put myself in your hands, love."
As penny lay on the be she murmured so trustingly to him, as he kissed her,

'I put myself in your hands, love.'

"Then there are no safer hands than mine,"

Before he began he drank in the innocent natural beauty of his Penny. Gently he lathered the tangled mass of red hair on her mons and used his fingers to tighten the fleshy mound and studiously began with the single blade razor that he favoured. He used short light strokes to cut away the tangled bush until there was just a reddish stubble.

"Would you like to feel it now Penny or wait until I have finished?"

He left her for a couple of minutes to sharpen the razor on a leather strap and smiled but said nothing when he returned as Penny was licking her fingers and there was a small wet spot on the towel underneath her.

Each stroke with the razor gave him the feeling that he was severing the final ties to their past and the memories that haunted her. Hopefully now she could be the woman she wanted to be.

Finally it was done, he dried her between her legs and sprinkled a little talcum powder on her,

"To prevent a rash," he explained as his finger glided over her glass smooth mound and slowly circled her clit, "If you touch yourself now you will find you are much more sensitive than you were earlier, let me demonstrate."

Jack lay down naked beside her and beginning at her navel he moved slowly downward in small circular motions as soon as he touched the freshly shaved area Penny bucked her hips and cried out,


Jack smiled and chuckled "See what I mean?"
Though it felt strange being shaved down there, she was surprised that it was strangely comforting to have him cut away the past like that. Once Jack had trimmed away the unruly hair, he invited her feel what he had done while he sharpened the blade.

She resisted the urge to feel the stubble until he had left the room. Once alone she reached down to her mons. Very faintly she could still pick out that "C" where the hair seemed thicker. In the soap her fingers slipped down to brush against her clit and she smiled as just that easily she shuddered and came.

Jack stepped back in the room and smiled at her before setting about to finish the job. With each skritch of the razor, he cut away the past and her link with it. Each bit removed seemed to make her heart feel lighter. The severing of a cancerous tie that seemed to help in the healing of her soul. Until finally he cut away the last bit and she was free.

Shaking the talc over the freshly shaven and dried skin, he told her, If you touch yourself now you will find you are much more sensitive than you were earlier, let me demonstrate.

Laying on the bed beside her, his finger took a circuitous route until just the barest of brushes against the shaved area caused her hips to twitch as electricity shot through her. Her hips thrusted against him and her cry was met with a grin from Jack and a See what I mean? before he kissed her again.

"Thank you. Now my past is truly gone." She rolled onto her side, pressing her naked body against his naked body. With a palm against his cheek, she said,

"Now, let's take care of that itch of yours, all right?"
Penny's transformation was astounding, they pressed their naked bodies together and both pairs of hands roamed and explored, uncaring that what had seemed so taboo yesterday was something to be embraced. Jack wet his fingers with Penny's juices and shared them with a giggling Penny while she rubbed her thumb over his cock head as she curled her fingers round his manhood and then shared his taste also.

Jack had always had a fascination with Penny's breasts which though not overlarge, each one was a comfortable handful and when he sat her on top of him they hung like ripe melons, swaying and jiggling. At first Penny just straddled him sitting on his lower chest her knees in his armpits. Jack stroked her soft creamy thighs and hips , then holding her waist as Penny teased him by shaking her shoulders and leaning over him so her breasts swung like pendulums, her nipples were protruding and hard with desire. Jack timed his lunge at one nipple to perfection and took the hard rubbery rose pink nub into his mouth, sucking and brushing his tongue over the sensitive tip.

Looking along the length of his body Jack could see his ultimate destination, Penny's flower was opening its petals, almost beckoning him to draw her nectar that was basting her outer pussy lips. Wordlessly he lifted her clear of his body and extended his arms so she was held directly above the angry looking reddish purple of his helmet, he looked her in the eye and asked with a grin,

"Are you ready to scratch that itch now Darling."
Suddenly, with the shaving off of that last tie to her old life, Penny felt as if an incredibly heavy burden had been lifted. Gone was that mocking voice in her head claiming that Jack didn't belong to her. That couldn't be further from the truth, for the mocking voice was fading away, and she was here with Jack. Gone was that derogatory voice, reminding her that no man wanted a woman that slept around with other men. Yet, again, here was Jack, understanding the why and still accepting, and even wanting her. The world was not black and white, but full of grey, and even every color of the rainbow. Where once she thought that her life would be one of loneliness with only memories and a dream of what might have been, now the dreams had come true. Here was a man that cared enough to hunt for her. To travel from one side of England to the other and out into the waters looking for her. To accept what he found, without doubt, without prejudice, and with love. Here was a man willing to give up his friends, his work, his home, his life. All for her.

His fingers found her slit and the wetness that coated it as she rubbed his cock, delighting in his excitement that oozed from its tip. She giggled as they played with each other's body, as if discovering for the first time what pleased each other.

He rolled onto his back and she straddled his body, sitting on his stomach and leaning over him enough that her breast hung, with gravity tugging on them, she shimmied her shoulders and her breast swayed before his eyes. She thought that the pregnancy, though not all that long, had made her breast just the tiniest bit fuller. Twas probably just her imagination.

They swayed from side to side, their nipples already hardening and aching for attention. Jack heeded their call and lifted his head in time, catching one in his mouth so he could wrap his tongue around it. There was a loud pop as he sucked on it before it fell from his mouth and he gave her a cheeky grin.

With strong hands on her waist, he lifted her to position her so that a slow release would allow his dingy to snuggly enter her harbour. He looked hard and deep into her eyes, a grin playing around his lips.

Are you ready to scratch that itch now Darling.

She listened one last time. The voices of her past were truly gone. She WAS Penny March. A smile slowly lit her face.

"Scratch away, my own true love! Scratch to your heart's content."
He lowered Penny slowly onto his upright member, feeling the wet warmth of her channel enveloping him as she slid down. He thrust upwards to meet her and her back arched as she impaled herself on him and he felt her fingers digging into his chest. Looking upwards she looked gloriously happy with a dreamy faraway look on her face. without further urging from him she moved her hips, rolling them so his member reached every corner of her. He resisted the temptation to thrust hard into her preferring to let her find her own way, her own comfort zone. her full breasts swung lazily from side to side and he released her waist sliding his hand over her silky smooth skin and finding her breasts he pushed them together thinking that later he would slide his slippery cock between them. Instead he used the pad of each thumb to coax her nipples to full prominence.

"Happy my love?" he asked, closing his eyes as Penny used her inner wall muscles to grip him as a reply. Already he could feel a difference in her, Penny's movements were more fluid, less constrained. She wasn't thinking of how he might think of her, he could tell that each movement came naturally to her.

Jack smiled to himself, dispensing with her pubic hair had been a masterstroke, he understood that it had been a constant reminder to her of her past but now it had gone and she was free of all her fears and doubts and fears. All that remained now was to make her Mrs. Penny Freeman.

Jack had never thought how difficult it would be to set the date for a wedding with his fiance grinding herself against him.

"Penny how does a week come Saturday suit?"

The puzzled look on her face told him he hadn't made himself clear,

"For our wedding, are you doing anything else that day?"
It felt like coming home. Like being where she belonged. He lowered her onto his pike and she began to move, that ancient dance of sex and love. As her hips moved, the rest of her body followed, her breast like metronomes showing him the beat of her heart. Strong hands slid up to push her breast together as he thumbed the nipple on top of each pillowy mound.

Happy my love?

Her reply was to tightly grip him with her vaginal muscles, teasing him as she rode up and down. This all felt right, and she suddenly realized that just being with him made her heart sing. With a freedom that she feared she would never feel, she almost missed his question.

Penny how does a week come Saturday suit?

His words threw her. For what? She stopped her erotic ride and looked at him in confusion.

For our wedding, are you doing anything else that day?

She couldn't help the grin that played across her face as she bent over and kissed his lips before sitting upright again and continuing her ride.

"I believe that I am getting married on that day to the most incredible, sexiest man in the entire world. Perhaps you know him? His name is Jackson Freeman. But I just call him Jack. He is the true love of my life."
Jack grinned impishly as Penny resumed riding him, even more ferociously now, giving him her love and her exquisite body. Even so he couldn't resist teasing her,

"Is that all you think of me? Incredible? Yes I'd have to agree with you there. Sexiest man in the world? Yes that too, but is that all or are you just wanting me for my body? What about all my other attributes? Kind, generous, funny, and so deeply in love with you. You Penny March are so easy."

He saw a frown flit across her face and quickly added,

"So, so easy to love."

At that moment his seed spurted into her and he grunted as he filled her velvety void, her vaginal walls clasping him tightly inside as she milked him and rode out the last few moments before she shuddered and climaxed herself. He pulled her down to him and rolled her onto her back and her legs wrapped themselves around him and she arched her back as they emptied their bodies of the fruits of their lovemaking.

Laying wrapped in each other's arms with Jack softening inside her, he nibbled on her
ear lobe and whispered,

"You are pretty incredible too."


Later when they had untangled themselves they showered together, washing each other's body and laughing as their privates were lathered and petted although they both resisted the temptation to take things further.
They dressed and ate a quick meal.

"We should let everyone know to keep that day free as I'm sure they would all be most aggrieved if we kept it secret and we'll need witnesses and a bridesmaid for you, someone to walk you down the aisle and deliver you to me, I will also require a best man. Goodness Penny, there is so much to do."

They walked hand in hand to the pub and their faces must have alerted everyone as drinks were pushed on them from all sides.

"Come on, then don't keep us in suspense, when is the big day?"

Demanded Hettie and Mary.
By the time that Penny and Jack announced the date of the wedding, the pub full of people were cheering and drinks were flowing easy. Of course, Mrs. Triffit proceeded to tell anyone that would listen how she had predicted all of this. Mr. Triffit laughed and proceeded to drink his fair share of celebration. Morgan grabbed Mary and whispered in her ear and Mary colored and playfully shoved Morgan before returning back to work.

"Toad in tha 'ole taday." Mary waited to see if they were up for it. Penny nodded and turned to answer Hattie's question.

"Yes Hattie, I'm very happy. Hattie, you were first friend on the island. You opened your home to me, took care of me, gave me solace and comfort when I was most in need of it."

"Ow, dearie, twern't much. Oi couldn't very well leave ya oit in tha weather, now could Oi?" Hattie blushed as she teased Penny.

Penny grabbed her hand. "Hattie, Saturday next, would you wear your prettiest outfit and be my bridesmaids? Or I guess in your case, since you're married, you would be my Matron of Honor."

"Oh, t'at ah mighty grand title fer the loiks of me. Don'tcha want someone loik Mary?"

Penny shook her head and smiled at Hettie before the two hugged.

"So, are ya stayin' 'ere?"

"Yes. I have the Blue Bung for 6 months. And hopefully in the meantime, something will open up here on the island. A house where we can raise a family. By the way, what time does Captain Earl come over for the boat to Ilfracombe?"

"Bout 10. Oi'll let 'im know that 'i'll 'ave a couple uv fares for 'is trip back."

The food arrived, piping hot and filling. Mary poured them each another beer and soon everyone was singing naughty songs and laughing. As the evening progressed, Jack sat back and laughed with everyone, pulling Penny into his lap with his arms around her.
It was a very boisterous evening and Jack felt comfortable and at home with these people that had taken both him and Penny into their hearts. Penny had told him about asking Hettie to be her Matron Of Honour and whilst fully in agreement with her decision he wished she had discussed it with him first. He had plans of his own for the wedding and he tried explaining them to Penny in between one or the other being dragged away for a madcap reel around the pub. Penny seemed so happy, all smiles and her cheeks flushed with happiness, her red hair was like a beacon among the throng as she danced away the night.

Eventually even the most ardent ones celebrating fell by the wayside and snored in various corners and sprawled on benches. Jack and Penny slipped away and walked slowly arm in arm towards the Blue Bung.
"Penny?,,,," Jack began then hesitated before saying "No matter, it can wait until morning."

Penny quite reasonably pointed out that if it could wait until morning why bring up whatever the subject was, now.

What Jack blurted out made no sense at all at first but by the time he had finished they were both laughing heartily.

"Do you really think that Hettie and Morgan would hit it off together, Hettie is old enough to be his mother and what would Mary say? I can always ask someone older to be my best man but I think giving the lad some responsibility could be the making of him. Now if you were to ask Mary to be a bridesmaid the problem is solved. I am assuming of course the tradition of the best man bedding the bridesmaid is still observed."

Still laughing they went inside and to the bedroom where he watched Penny undress, he wrapped his arms around Penny's warm shapely body and wriggling his wet tongue in her ear he whispered.

"I love you, Penny March."
Do you really think that Hettie and Morgan would hit it off together, Hettie is old enough to be his mother and what would Mary say? I can always ask someone older to be my best man but I think giving the lad some responsibility could be the making of him. Now if you were to ask Mary to be a bridesmaid the problem is solved. I am assuming of course the tradition of the best man bedding the bridesmaid is still observed.

"I suspect that should Morgan try something, not only Hettie but Brian would make him regret the day that he was born. Perhaps you should teach him restraint."

His arm wrapped around her as they walked, pulling her close to him. The sound of their laughter filled the night air.

"You might remind him that he will have Mary all to himself after the ceremony. Hettie took care of me when I lost the baby. And she never..." She choked up a moment before she told him. "Hettie." Her voice was firm and final. He seemed to understand as he stopped and kissed her before they finished the short walk back to the house.

It was amazing how at home she felt here on Lundy. And with Jack, she felt complete. She undressed, not realizing that he was just standing there watching her. Once she was naked, he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her and stuck his tongue in her ear.

I love you, Penny March.

"And I love you, Jack Freeman. But if you don't strip and give me a sound fucking, I'm going to think that you don't find me sexy enough." Laughing, she rubbed her bottom against his growing bulge before breaking free of his grip and running playfully away from him. Like a woodland nymph, she giggled and got on the other side of the bed, putting the large piece of furniture between them. Of course, there was nowhere to run as the only real way to escape was over the bed or the way back towards Jack. But all she did was laugh and shake her fanny at him.
"I love you, Penny March."

It came out husky as if he had a catch in his throat but her reply delighted him,

"And I love you, Jack Freeman. But if you don't strip and give me a sound fucking, I'm going to think that you don't find me sexy enough."

Penny rubbed her bare backside against the growing bulge in his trousers as his hand was slipping lower to her bald mound but then she slipped from his grasp and laughing and giggling she put the width of the bed between them, teasing him with a shimmy of her shoulders so her perfect dangling breasts swayed side to side and she shook her fanny at him in invitation, pouting her lips in a kiss.

Jack growled deep in his throat, "GRRRRR so you want to play do you my little kitten?" He made a grab for her but she was too quick for him and dodged to one side, Jack was getting harder and harder his passion growing by the second as Penny teased him with her lissom body.

In mock resignation but with enough conviction to make Penny hesitate, he growled, "If you don't come here this instant I will give up and go to sleep."

He lunged for her and caught her ankle as she scooted up the bed on all fours

"Aha I have you now pussy cat, the question is what do I do with you now?" He put on the most evil face and voice that he could muster between his bubbling laughter as he dragged her down the bed so that he lay on top of her, pinning her arms above her head and his cock laying along the crack of her lily white ass cheeks. He bit down none too gently on her neck and then licked and kissed the same spot.

"I do believe my little kitten was expressing a wish to be soundly fucked, I am not one to disappoint my pets, your wish is my command."

With one arm underneath her he lifted her into a crouching position and gently parted her legs so her little puckered star was available, a large drop of precum provided the initial lubrication for him to press inwards. In fear of pressing too hard for his first venture into anal sex since he found her again he asked anxiously,

"Are you alright with this darling ? I'll stop if you want me to,"
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It was giggles and squeals that issued forth from the bedroom as Jack tried to catch her. She enjoyed teasing him and it would seem that he too was having fun trying to catch her.

At first, she thought that he had lost interest in her playful antics. But as she tried to crawl away from him over the bed, he managed to grab her and pin her to the bed.

Aha I have you now pussy cat, the question is what do I do with you now?

They continued their play, with Jack sounding like a pantomime villain while his cock rubbed against her ass. Smiling , she could feel the desire rise up inside her. His mouth on her neck made his mark.

I do believe my little kitten was expressing a wish to be soundly fucked, I am not one to disappoint my pets, your wish is my command.

He lifted her onto all fours and prepared to have anal sex with her. The tip of his cock pressed slowly against her little brown star and after just a little bit of pressure, he stopped, wanting to be sure before continuing on.

Are you alright with this darling ? I'll stop if you want me to

"Oh, love, I have never been more sure of something in my life. I so need this. I so need you."

He was careful, and she left everything in his hands. She trusted him implicitly. Trusted him with her body. With her life. With her love. Slowly, he filled her and she bowed her head, allowing herself to relax and make things easier and more enjoyable for both of them.
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"Are you alright with this darling ? I'll stop if you want me to."

"Oh, love, I have never been more sure of something in my life. I so need this. I so need you."

Such an immediate and positive response was ecstasy to Jack, any lingering doubts he may have had were banished from his mind for ever with those few words. He went about giving Penny what she so clearly wanted. He grasped her hips firmly and with Penny's help, pushing back at him he managed to get past her sphincter and into the welcoming warmth and softness of her back passage. He had expected Penny to resist the intrusion but she was so relaxed about it, even looking over shoulder at him , rocking back and forth as he slowly filled her. Her head was bowed as he was fully hilted but not in supplication but in gratitude. Gratitude that she had placed everything that she was in his hands and he hadn't been found wanting.When he was fully sheathed he put his lips to her ear.

"Miaowww, kitten"

He was tempted to plow into her and give her it good and hard but his head won and he just rocked with her akin to a moored boat rocking with the waves. His hands travelled over her soft toned body, caressing her belly just above the spot that would send her screaming into paroxysms of desire. However he didn't want that,,,, YET,,,,. What he wanted was calm, relaxing with Penny and savouring the pleasure of giving and receiving her love.

"Penny, I do believe we are now one."
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This was her man. He knew all about her, knew her body inside out, and yet, once his cock was fully sheathed in her anus, he accepted her gentle rocking to and fro, allowing them both to fully feel it. This was no quick fuck and into the next, but rather the two of them truly feeling the moment.

As he gently fucked her, his lips sought her spine and he seemed to kiss each vertebrae, reveling in her soft skin. Slowly, he made love to her. But this was not like it had been when he first found her. Instead, this was as if he was enjoying the beauty of her. The beauty of her body.

Each stroke seemed to rub his cock deeper and deeper, waking the nerve ending inside her.

Penny, I do believe we are now one.

"Jack, I have no other wish than to be one with you." As if in a dance, they moved together, the pace picking up showing her complete faith and love in him. Inside, her nerve ending were firing off like crazy, pushing her closer and closer to the abyss. Plunging and falling deeper and deeper, she whispered back, "I belong to you and you to me. We were made for each other."
Jack, I have no other wish than to be one with you," she whispered back, "I belong to you and you to me. We were made for each other."

Her words were a joy to him and he knew he would never lose her no matter what. Once they were married,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, " The thought jolted him back to reality as he realised that so far as he knew there was no church on the Island not even a priest, so where would they get married and who would marry them? He pushed that thought to the back of his mind as his body took control again. He could feel the hot need to cum building inside him and gave one final fierce thrust of his hips into Penny's bowels, the cream of his love filling her as he held her tighter against him and felt the juddering response and they both called to each other


They lay sated and panting in each other's arms before Jack smiled and joked,

"We should be in the movies, we're quite a double act." Then he hastened to add "Not doing this though."

They spent the rest of the night wrapped in each others arms just kissing and cuddling, nothing more was required, they finally drifted off to sleep although Jack still had troubling thoughts about the wedding, finally deciding to speak to Hettie before they took the boat to Ilfracombe.