The Last Thing You Thought...

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Now then...

email story is caught up...

next stop, a poppet...

and a woman without a shadow...

*interrupts self to wonder*

should i do the Ima little tea pot???

*head shake*
Lorna, she of the missing shadow, has spoken her piece...

only a poppet left now...but I don't have an idea yet for perhaps I should start the new thread??
do not wanna be awake!

Want coffee.

Ohhhhhh look at pretty twin in phone.
She should know i cropped pic for face shot phone profile pic.

Other thoughts.
So much to do but coffee on the porch is peaceful and necessary.
+he better be safe flying
+he better breath
+she needs A nap
+shes tooo cute!

Fuuuuuick i hope this appointment doesnt suck.
*cuddles a gorgeous, teasing, grumpy, grumbly Twin*

Good morning beautiful.

I saved every picture...cuz...dammit I had to PLUS...

voice cute.

Made jay laugh and laugh.

*kisses nose*

Must get up soon and get in tub. Don't wanna.

Wanna play hooky from work and write dirty stories all day...
*cuddles a gorgeous, teasing, grumpy, grumbly Twin*

Good morning beautiful.

I saved every picture...cuz...dammit I had to PLUS...

voice cute.

Made jay laugh and laugh.

*kisses nose*

Must get up soon and get in tub. Don't wanna.

Wanna play hooky from work and write dirty stories all day...
-giggles dispite self and nips chin-

I'm glad you saved pics. ......... yeah, i'll stick with glad.
if i cant get them off my phone i has to delete them.
Cubs want to explore the new play toy.
err.. Do not want to explain why there is THOSE pics in there!

Glad jay liked it. It was funny.
grumbly bear "Rawr stop it"

you must... yes... you must.
I cant stay either.
Must write shit and then see cub teachers.


Ah... finally got a reply up for Cait. It's good to be writing on that again.

You know....

I somehow knew there would be a reply waiting for me when I got back to the computer. :kiss:

You shall bask in your awesomeness for having got it done for awhile. Especially since there three more ahead of you I need to complete first.

And yada yada... yeah I know, no hurry. :cool:
Perusing her tumblr is not only NSFW, but also NSFRBF. (Not Safe For Regulated Blood Flow)...

Today is a little better but I still feel horrid. I was hoping I was going to be in shape to write. I might give it a shot anuway though.

Today is a little better but I still feel horrid. I was hoping I was going to be in shape to write. I might give it a shot anuway though.


Sorry that you are feeling so bad. It sucks that testing to try and help, only make you feel worse.

Hope things, feelings, everything, improve... :rose:
LT ~ Stupid timezones and the need for sleep


Night least for a little while :kiss:
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