The "F*@K Auto Corret" Game


Literotica Guru
Dec 23, 2012
Don't you just hate when auto correct turns "fuck" into "duck," but luv it cause it spells "Polynesian" perfectly.

I find myself cursing my auto correct so many times while I'm on Lit, but laughing a lot too because to the crazy choices auto correct makes. So in this game post the word(s)/phrase that comes up when you close your eyes & run your finger along your keyboard.

words = 1 point
phrase = 1 point per word

Post your score when you post your word(s) (and um honor system peeps)
My problem is I can rich type so even with my eyes closed

Touch =rich


1 point?

Yes this is a word, I had to look it up, it's a unit in the Indian numbering system (I should get extra points for this lol)

1 point

Score = 2
Slavish Alaska exodus sticks

4 points?

Score = 5 points...
Impulses levitating

Lol I was moving across my phone keyboard for a good 30 seconds and that's all I got?

Score: 6 points