Pastor's daughter accidentally gets mind control device



Pastor's daughter spends every summer back in her hometown from her girl's only school. It makes it hard to have friends there but parents want to spend time with her and the town already gives them a bit of crap for not having her attend public school.

THis year is especially hard as most everyone her age is dating and unlike other years where she would get to help with bible camp for the little kids, she has nothing to do but sit at home. Still, her parents want her to come so she does. On her way by plane, she sees an odd device in the bathroom and puts it in her pocket, intending to turn it into lost and found. However, her flight gets called up so she has to rush and forgets.

Girl tries to look up who made it or what it does but to no avail. Until one day when she's taking a walk and a couple of her peers start giving her shit. Frustrated, she tells them to stop and asks them why they are bullying her. So they do and they tell her then stop like they're waiting for an order.

Turns out the device has the ability to control minds. Not only that, once it controls someone, it registers them and can give them remote orders from then on.

What does the pastor's daughter do with such a device? She's a good girl but there's so many things she would like to experience and everyone normally looks down on her. Besides, the device has to run out of power eventually, it would only be for a short while. How much trouble could she get into?
I think she would start small, with just simple curiosity how far the control goes and what she could do. Then, it isn't even necessary her to try stuff herself, even unlikely at first, instead she may like very adult version of dolls play...
Just a joke really

Is she daughter to the same pastor whose wife (not necessarily her mom) looks after elite escort's house (and practice nude yoga), during the summer they elected the Town Whore?