Movie Quotes

Let's get pissed and watch porn. - Billy, Love Actually

And one more bit of dialog from Love Actually:
Peter: No surprises?
Mark: No surprises.
Peter: Not like the stag night?
Mark: Unlike the stag night.
Peter: Do you admit the Brazilian prostitutes were a mistake?
Mark: I do.
Peter: And it would have been much better if they'd not turned out to be men?
Mark: That is true.
Hey, Lolo! I love that movie! Got it through Netflix and then went out and bought it.


"This is the story of a man who could not make up his mind..."

Hamlet, 1948. Laurence Olivier-the only man to direct himself to a best actor Oscar.
Hey Eric Shawn!

"True love is the greatest thing in the world!... Except for a nice MLT - mutton. lettuce, tomatoe sandwich. Where the mutton is nice and lean and the tomatoes are ripe - they're so perky - I love that !!!" Miracle Max, Princess Bride
Cheez: "How am I driving?"
Chong: "I think you're parked, man." - Up in Smoke

Alfred Munson watching his sister-in-law (Ingrid Bergman) talking on the telephone: "There is no sincerity like a woman telling a lie" - Indiscreet

Favorite Closing Lines:

Detective: "Heavy. What is it?"
Sam Spade: "The, uh, stuff that dreams are made of." - The Maltese Falcon

Rick: "Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship" - Casablanca
eric shawn listo said:
"As you wish." Princess Bride

PS: Lolo, where's the door?

You mean this door?

"Hey, look mister, we serve hard drinks in here for men who want to get drunk fast. And we don't need any characters around to give the joint atmosphere. Is that clear? Or do I have to slip you my left for a convincer?" Nick, It's a Wonderful Life
From: The Big Bus

Dan: "You eat one lousy foot and they call you a cannibal. What a world!"


Kitty: "Dan's a good man, and he's never eaten a whole person in his entire life."

"So this is how democracy dies - to the sound of thunderous applause"
Revenge of the Sith - Padme Amidala

"They slaughtered the younglings!"
Revenge of the Sith - Obi Wan Kenobi

From the sublime to the ridiculous in one film. Loved the first line and have great respect for Ewan McGregor for being able to deliver the latter with a straight face.

The Earl

Dr. Richard Kimble: "I thought you didn't care?"

Deputy Marshall Sam Gerard: "I don't, but don't tell anyone"

James Cagney's character in 'White Heat'...

"Top of the world, Ma..**** of the world.....

AppleBiter said:
Oh, sorry. I was thinking "Evil Dead." lol :D

All right, you primitive screwheads! This is my Boom Stick!

Good? Bad? I'm the one with the gun.
rgraham666 said:
All right, you primitive screwheads! This is my Boom Stick!

Good? Bad? I'm the one with the gun.

Ash: "I'm fine. I'm fine." Ash's reflection: "I don't think so. We just cut up our girlfriend with a chainsaw. Does that sound fine?"

Possessed Henrietta: "I'll swallow your soul!! I'll swallow your soul!!" Ash: "Swallow this!"

"Yo, she bitch, let's go!"
"We dwarves are wasted on cross country. Very dangerous over short distances!"

~Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers
"Eternity's a terrible thought. I mean, where's it all going to end?" Rosencrantz and Gildernstern Are Dead