Power Corrupts


Really Really Experienced
Apr 7, 2015
Head guys, got another story idea, if you'd like to see it written, leave some support and maybe even some feedback, cheers! -Malevolence

I doubt anyone here has watched (or is watching) the ongoing animated series "Power Corrupts" by a YouTube called Darkmatter2525, the story (and the rest of his channel) mainly consists of jokes at the expense of Theists, but in the first episode of "Power Corrupts" and interesting concept is revealed:

The story is set in the future, where the worldwide government has learned that those who have power but aren't suitable for it become corrupt, like Stalin and Hitler. As a result of this, all citizens, when turning 18 are take a few to determine how much power and status their minds can handle without becoming corrupt. Those who do badly get low-end labour jobs, whilst those who do well become the future leaders and managers.

In the series, all the students are wrapped into a machine which takes them inside a simulation. They're all given absolute power (Omnipotence) and have their memories wiped while in the simulation, fooled into thinking the are god and give a blank universe to build upon. The simulation only lasts a day in the real world but, for the student, it lasts billions of years.

It's an interesting concept for any genre, but this could easily translate to an impressive piece of erotica; A sex driven student could create a universe made entirely for his/her own pleasure, enslaving mortals to work as sex slaves, maybe somebody submissive watching the simulation could offer themselves to him/her afterwards

Or perhaps the simulation could not be the primary focus of the story, perhaps somebody (again, male or female) could do extremely badly on the test and end up as a slave, given absolutely no power whatsoever, maybe somebody could even find a way to intentionally fail the test, since a big fantasy that some submissives have is having no control (or POWER... See where I'm going?).

I'm sure there are loads of possible ways things could pan out in this setting, I find it intriguing, so post your own takes on it, what could possibly happen inside (or outside) the simulation? Go Go Go!
I think you have to start them off with some kind of extant universe if you're gonna wipe their minds. I mean where would they even start? If you're presupposing they create humanity it seems to make more sense to plop them in at the dawn of man and then let them work from their. . .rather than assuming they'll even make humans instead of running ten thousand years of would Acid Proof raptors beat Xenomorphs in a fight.
Hell you may be even better off to explain the basic scenario kinda like you did here in a paragraph or two and then jump straight to the point. Like. . .are you familiar with the movie Serenity? Because that's a great example of how to handle this. There is one scene near the beginning that takes place in a class room and the teacher sums everything up.

"Earth died because there were too damn many people. We came out here and formed the Alliance. Some dicks too far out to be controlled tried to fight back. We crushed them. Also there are monsters past this point who will kill you. Here endeth the lesson."

I'm grossly paraphrasing but literally it takes her something like two minutes to explain the entire mythology of that world.
I'm not at all familiar with Serenity, but I'll be sure to try that out, it seems like an easier way to create the scene without spending a full page on explanations. Thanks!
Not a problem. That's what we're here to do. Now I'm gonna take a quick shot at it, it won't be perfect because I'm doing this off the cuff but here goes. You could either have this spoken by an authority figure or just put it in italics at the beginning of the story. I'm gonna use italics to save me the five seconds of describing the leader.

The year is twenty five twenty five. The last three centuries have seen the Earth united beneath the rule of the United Earth Council or UEC. The UEC has discovered that there are genetic and behavioral precursors that more often than not lead to dangerous dictators if they are given the power. Your Hitlers, Stalins, Napoleons and Caligulas are not aberrations. They are inevitable for certain kinds of people. Our scientists have discovered a way to test for these traits and prevent them from rising.

The process is called Langstrom Simulation this simulation puts the individual in charge of all mankind as an omnipotent God. They have their memories locked so they cannot cheat the system or make decisions based on what they have been conditioned to know is correct instead of what their instincts would lead them to engage in naturally. The subjects are grated on a number of criteria and the results are open to the public at large.

Time is accelerated for the subject allowing them to experience millions of years, or however long it takes them to destroy humanity, during the span of twenty four hours. The test is administered to all citizens three times. Once at age six, again at age twelve and finally at eighteen. The reason for the multiple tests is not to show progression, it is rather designed to grade how manipulative a person has become. It was discovered in 2371 by Dr. Kurt Langstrom that without truamatic experiences most people have fully formed their moral code by age 6 after that what changes isn't their core beliefs it's how they go about achieving them making the early tests an important baseline to judge them by later.

After the test at age eighteen they are assigned a career path and guided down a path that fits their natural aptitudes without allowing many paths to power that would corrupt them.

If I'm not mistaken that pretty well sums up everything you've said, adds a bit of flavor for fun. Feel free to use it if you like just Kurt Langstrom is Man-Bat from Batman comics so I'd recommend changing that name out if you decide to use that.
That is ABSOLUTELY perfect! I might rephrase it in my own words in the finished product, just for the sake of my own ego, but you've outlines the concepts and given back story brilliantly in that post, thanks a lot, people like you make literotica great!
Glad you like it, feel free to it. Consider it a gift. And I accidentally left out a line stating that the test was named after the Dr. who discovered the phenomenon. It happens when you don't proofread and your writing off the top of your head on a prompt.

Change whatever you want or anything else. My only goal in all of this was both to help you but also prevent you from falling into the world building trap too many authors (myself often included) can call into where you would have spent an entire chapter dragging out what I hammered out in a few paragraphs. If the audience needs more than that you can explain it later. Also if the series goes on long enough the less locked in you are the better off you'll be. There is nothing quite so shitty as realizing you wish there had been a way to enter a second person (say for whatever reason you wanted a God/Satan dynamic) and you'd already established there was no way to link the systems. Vagueness is your friend.
Well said :D Now that that's all sorted out, any ideas for the main character and the actual story?
Honestly that's kinda more your territory isn't it? My advice moving forward is the following, despite this being a list it's really just the order it jumps into my head.

1. What kind of God is this? Does he walk amongst his subjects like the Greek, Roman or Egyptians or does he over above? How much control does he actually exercise over the world? Meaning is Hitler happens in 1942 something that happened because God said so and he shaped the events around Hitler to cause him or does he mostly sit back and watch and the events around Hitler not only formed him but if a potential time traveler showed up and shot him it wouldn't change much. Himmler would just lead the party (possibly competently but I digress)

2. What kind of morality did this God impose either directly (handing down tablets, talking via burning bushes or in person) or indirectly (if you fuck your kids they have mutations, if you eat raw pork you get sick) to the world. We would of course skip most of the basics. But if this is a story about sex then the various sexual taboos and traditions would need to be explored at least in part. Maybe in your head women should be submissive and at age 18 it's traditional for a family to sell their daughters off. Maybe it's men. Maybe at 18 it's traditional for kids to have an orgy. Maybe it's traditional for parents to introduce the children to sex. Hell the Lit no animals rule only applies to real animals. If your God decides that there are winged monkeys that routinely snatch women up for sweet monkey love that's perfectly inline with the rules as written you know? This is probably the most important part of a sex story.

If you were writing or even exploring a broader culture those things would be important. Is this a warrior culture and if so do you kill your enemies to prove your better, or do you let them live because the greatest honor for a warrior is for there to be people hunting him who can never hope to defeat him.