On Her Turf

I pulled Ari close to my lap, my arms wrapped around her as I nuzzled her nose to mine, one soft kiss after another as I stayed quiet. The idea of sleep sounded like heaven to me. I wanted to forget about all this, the clans, the killings. I wanted to be rid of it all. All I wanted was to be alone with Ari, feeding our most intimate and primal desires without the interference of the outside world.

For now, wrapping myself under the covers next to Ari would be good enough. I kiss her one last time before speaking, "Let's go to bed" I whisper to her, lifting her up with me as I walk to my bedroom, the small sliver of sun being the only light that shined through the black curtains. I laid Ari onto the kiss as my lips immediately pressed onto her's once more, taking her in some more, wanting to keep my mind only on her.
The soft kisses felt so good, a winding down to an eventful night which seemed to have stirred up many emotions. Letting myself relax and give in to the feelings of having Chris surround me, as he held me in his lap. This is where I wanted to stay, always to be wrapped in his strong arms. He was the one I would consider being home, no matter where we were or what was happening, I knew he would be the one I would seek out.

Not making any protest, I smiled as he carried me to bed. My face tucked in against his neck the smell of him filling my nose soothing and exciting me. But the excitement was pale compared to the need for sleep and as he laid me on the bed, I was happy enough to simply curl up with him. Lying with him under the covers, I curled close to him as my fingers gently stroked against his skin. Not to excite but to comfort and to feel him being there. My eyes were on his as my eyes started to close, fluttering open again wanting to look at you more before closing again.

My sleep was restful at first Chris’s body next to mine seemed to keep the dreams at bay at first. But the dreams demanded my attention and soon came, as they did every time I visited the hospital.

Growls and howls surrounded me, they echoed down the white hallway hurting my ears. Reaching up I went to cover my ears but stopped as I saw that my hands were covered in blood. Looking down I saw my naked body was also covered in blood. Even though I could not see all off my skin, I knew none of this blood was mine. Looking down the hallway again the room at the end beckoned me onward. I didn’t want to go in there; I knew what was in there waiting for me, yet my feet kept moving forward. The door opened before me and the howling stopped as I stepped into the room. As usual the woman was laying on the bed, her body lifeless while a figure stood over her. It two was covered in blood as it ripped at the woman as if she was a rag doll. It turned its head towards me and smiled a feral smile and I saw my own face looking back at me. Its eyes twinkled with a wild glee as it raises a clawed hand and licked the blood from its fingers. “See was so scared when you leapt onto her, and as you ripped open her throat she knew she was going to die, I can taste it in her blood” the figure that wore my face growled happily as it tortured me with this image. “You tasted it too, you just don’t want to admit how much you enjoyed the taste of it. You pretend say you accept that you are a monster but yet you won’t accept what you really are.” The woman’s eyes suddenly open and she looks at me “You can't protect them, more will die it will be all your fault.”

I wake up biting back a growl and sit up panting. Always these dreams, they haunt me after I visit the hospital. Looking down at Chris, I hoped that I hadn’t woken him. Knowing there was only one way to shake of the last of these feelings, I slipped from the bed I went in hunt for paper and pen and jotted down a quick note, telling him I was going for a run, in case he woke up before I got back. Leaving the note by the bed I headed out, locking the door behind me. There was a place I knew that was where most people don’t go and were I could ran as a wolf with no harm coming to anyone or being caught myself. The run would relax me the run would banish away the nightmare, I thought as I walked in the afternoon sun.
The warmth of Ari's body left me as the door closed, my mind still in a state of sleep as I starred at the wall. Part of me wanted to go and see where she was going while the other side lulled me to stay in the bed and grasp what little warmth remained. I closed my eyes, with the sun out, there wasn't much I could do anyway. I fell asleep for only a short while before the phone rang, ignoring it as the answering machine picked it up.

"Chris, are you there?" said the voice on the other line "Please pick up. I miss you.." a soft whimper came from the other end, as I listened to more of the call I knew who it was. Not her "I miss being in your arms, I miss you ravaging me like some wild animal as you..." I jumped up and picked up the phone.

"What do you want Jeanette?" I asked as I could already feel my head about to ache. "Can't a girl pay a simple phone call her little lamb?" she replied, her voice sound so soft and sweet, yet laced with wicked intent. "I haven't seen you in so long, I was starting to worry about you. You can only imagine my jealously when I heard you got a new pet."

shit. I thought as she spoke. I was a fool to think Lewis would keep his mouth shut to his master. "It's not wise for lambs to be playing wolves, you know." she cooed "Is that you called?" I asked "To give me some sage advice and make up some story about you and I?"

"I'm just having a little fun" replied Jeanette "I wanted to see if you're little pet was the jealous type." Typical Jeanette, as manipulative as she was insane. "Regardless, I'd be careful about fraternizing with her. We stay away from lycan for a reason and what with all those killings in the park, how long will it be until she sinks her teeth and claws into you?"

"You don't anything about!" I snap, my hand squeezing the receiver "Maybe...." she replied "But it's only a matter of time before leaders of the other clans find out about her, and if they see her as a threat to the masquerade, they will take care of her; one way or another." I remained silent my eyes looking down I mowed over what Jeanette said "Sleep tight little lamb" he last words as she hung up. I placed the phone down and laid on the bed, looking as the sunlight barely peeked from the dark curtains wanting so desperately to see Ari, wanting to make sure she was safe.
The sun warmed my body slightly though there was from time to time a breeze that brushed against my skin. I worried about leaving Chris like that but I couldn’t have sat there and dwelled on the dream, it never ended well if I did that. Movement was the only true way to get rid of the dreams. Finally I came to the place I had been heading, it was meant to be part of the park but was more of a wood land. There was a main road the broke up the two and this side had been left to go wild. The land wasn’t flat here and the trees and plants were more over grown. Many humans never bothered to come here it scared them, because the trees seemed to hide things that even the sunlight could scare away. Or at least that is how it had felt when she had been human.

Moving between the trees I head further into this forest like park. Once I am sure I am far away from the road I strip off my clothes and ball them up and hide them in one of the many hiding places I us when I come here. The breeze runs along my skin and I smell the woods before me, there was no unusual smells and I can’t help but let out a content sigh before I begin to shift. The brown fur spreads over my body as it changes into that of a werewolf. But I don’t stop there lowering myself I continue to change so that I am mostly wolf; the only evidence that I was not an ordinary wolf is my size.

Opening my eyes I smile to myself as I let go of everything and take off running. My paws eat up the ground as I run through the woods, weaving around trees and leaping over roots and logs. There was nothing but the joy of the run, there was no hunt for anything that had been living here was now in hiding as a predator streaked through their home land. Even when I caught the scent of prey I by passed it, there would be no blood letting on this run. Though a silly rabbit did happen to run across my path and I couldn’t help myself but give chase for a while before I let it go on its way. There were slight scents off humans and I swerved away from those taking a different path.

Finally I stopped and rested, slowly my wolf form gave way to my human form and I sat there crying as the last of the dream of what I had done left me. There was still too much human in me to forget what I had done, that I had killed that woman. Eventually the tears stopped and I wiped my face. Raising my head I caught the smell of water, changing once more I headed to the smell and slowly lapped some water from the stream that fed the lake in the park. When I was full I started the run back toward where my clothes were hidden.

Fully dressed, I slip from the woods and head towards Chris’s apartment. The sun was down and night was just staring, I realised that I had been out longer than I had intended. The full moon was a few days away and I tended to run more as it got closer. Suddenly I felt like I was being watched, looking back over my shoulder I couldn’t see anything and sniffing slightly as I turned back I couldn’t pick up anything. Shrugging, I kept going.

The feeling didn’t quite leave me until I got close to Chris’s but not once did I catch sight of who it could be. Heading up to Chris’s I get to his place and knock on the door, hoping he was awake. The run had left me feeling energized; all the bad feelings that had been crowding my mind had fled. Now all I wanted was to see Chris and I would feel perfect.
No matter how hard I try to forget, no matter how much I try to push the memory from my mind; my dreams continue to remind me. The way it happened was so fast, the way she jumped onto me, her fangs latched onto neck. I couldn't scream as I felt my life drain from my body and I began to feel so cold and in that moment of my embrace, all I wanted was to die... to sleep.

I had blocked the what had happened after, so much that I didn't even tell Ari. I found myself on a stage, 8 or 10 people sitting in the audience scattered across the seat, looking on in observation, my hands bound my vision and mind barely processing it all as another was bound beside me, a woman; the perhaps the one who turned me.

My head pound as I hear the foot steps on two people walk behind us. I can barely get a good look at them and all I can hear is a muffled voices as they talk. But even with my mind a daze, I can still see as the woman beside me is killed, her head cut by the larger figure as she turns to ash. The figure turns to me until a loud outburst comes from the crowd. I can barely the person, I can only make out a small color of blue around them as they speak. I don't who they were, but perhaps if it were not for them, I'd be dead.

I stand up as I awake, I hated seeing that dream or rather flashback. The first time I had it I woke up with Jack in my room fully embraced as one of the kindred. Sometimes I get further, see more; but I always wake up with my head pounding wanting to break everything I see, wanting to embrace the beast within...but I don't. I fight it, I cage the monster inside, lock him away. It's claws scraping in my mind, telling me to let go. I wondered how long it would be until it would break it's cage and take over.

Then I met Ari, and with our encounter, I felt the beast ease with every sexual embrace every moment I took in her scent. Her voice, her moans, her warmth; she kept me from my dreams because she was my dream.

The pounding my head turned real as I heard the knock at the door. I already knew who it was, her presence engraved in my mind as I stood up, deleting the stupid message Jeanette left as I made my way to the door. There she was, I didn't speak as I gazed upon her before pulling her inside and to me, my lips locked on her, my hands around her waist. More than anything at that moment I wanted you.
The door opened and I smiled as I saw Chris standing there. OH he looked amazing, all male, all strength and all mine. The sight of him and the after effects of my run heated my blood and all I wanted to do was jump him. I didn’t matter who walked past this door and saw us, I just wanted to feel him on me, in me, around me. He did too it would seem, as he pulled me inside and our lips met.

My arms wrapped around his neck as I pressed myself against him returning his kiss. Then I pull back and look into his eyes. Was there something wrong, had something happened while I had been gone? There was something different or maybe I was just imagining it. I didn’t know and I figured if something was wrong Chris would tell me. Suddenly I smile and kicking my foot backwards closing the door behind me and start kissing him again.

Parting my lips I tease his and deepen the kiss, my hands sliding down from his shoulders down over his back. Breaking the kiss, my lips move along his cheek to your ear. “Sorry I left you in bed alone, I had to go for a run,” I whisper against his ear, my tongue flicking his earlobe before I nibble gently on it. “The run has left me a little hot; do you think you can help me with my clothes?” I growl softly. My hands take hold of the bottom of his top and I pull it up removing it, before my lips return to his and I kiss him passionately.
I wanted to forget everything, the park the attacks, the other kindred, the world, all of it. Ari whether she knew it or not was helping me do just that as she nibbled on my ear, my body aching for her as my fingers moved along her spine. The days where they could just be with one another the whole day alone could not come soon enough. For now I wanted to enjoy this.

do you think you can help me with my clothes?

He sultry words triggered more excitement within my as my hands lowered down grazing her ass as they made around to the button her jeans, letting them fall to the floor before looking to Ari, seeming yanking my ear from her mouth, softly kissing her neck before whispering back to her. "I really hope you're not attached to this shirt." I say softly before taking my hands to the collar and ripping it down the middle. "I gotta be honest, after everything we're been through; I just want to give in. Sex, fucking,making love; I don't care what we call it, I just want to do it with you until we pass out and only you." My lips returned to her neck, moving along her collar as my left hand moved along her stomach to her breast, moving under the bra and I squeezed and pinched her nipple, my body grinding and wanting to feel inside once again.
Felling his hands move over me, I use my feet to get my shoes off and step out of them and my jeans as I moan in pleasure at the feel of Chris’s kisses to my neck. I shake my head when you mention the shirt and I can’t help but think that there are going to be many more ripped clothes in the coming days, if we kept it up like this. Well maybe years, I think to myself with a wicked smile, as I thought I would never get enough of him.

Chris’s words add to the fire that is already burning in me and I moan as his hands find their way into my bra. I wanted what he wanted, to just give in and for now we could, let everything else go on outside the door. This moment, no this night was for us and only us. “I want that too,” I whisper in his ear as his lips tease my collar. The feeling of our bodies grinding together was sending driving me crazy and my hands fly to his pants, undoing and pulling I tug his pants down. Then my fingers change to claws and I shred your underwear getting them off, even in the moment I am careful not to scratch him. I give a wicked little laugh “Oops.” Then with that smile still on my lips I ran a clawed nail ever so gently along your cock.

“I want you Chris, I want you to give me all you have and I promise that I will give you everything that I have and I am.” My lips find his and I kiss him hard, my hand now back to normal, wrapping around his cock and stroking. “I want you inside me, fuck me Chris”
For the moments that Ari's finger runs along my cock, I feel my mind become hazy. I was proving most difficult to listen as you spoke, my hand moving along you back pulling at you bra as I seemingly broke the hooks off before quickly ripping off you panties. I wanted you to see every inch of you in the flesh and I wanted to see you now. I loved the way she touched, her hand stoking my shaft as I begin to place my hands on her ass, my eyes locked onto her's as she speaks and our lips meet. For a moment I could swear that animals that reside in both of us could see one another as were begging us to meet.

“I want you inside me, fuck me Chris”

The last words sent a trigger to my mind as I embrace once more before turning her around, keeping her hand along my shaft with her back to me. My lips finding her neck, biting her collar as my fingers move along her pussy. My fingers moving along her petal, gently taping on her clit.

With us still in the living room, I gently ease her to the couch bend down. My cock free of her grasp as I had her hands rest on the back. With me from behind, I began to run the tip of my cock along your slit, before fully pushing it inside you, my hand griping onto you as I begin to fuck you from behind. This is what I wanted, to take you as if we were in nature; to claim as mine, my lover, my mate.
My feet tangle slightly in my bra and the remains on my underwear as Chris spun me around. But I keep my balance and the only sign that I had been tangled was my hand tightening slightly on his cock. The feel of his lips and then teeth on my collar bone make me gasp and my hand loosen only to returning to stroking your member after a second.

Feeling his teasing fingers find their way to my pussy, has me moaning softly as they explore between my legs. At the tap on my clit I gasp and tighten my grip once more, pressing back against him. He knew right were to touch me and how to get my body to react, from his lips to his fingers I could lose myself in his touch.

Moving with him, I find the couch before me and giving his cock one more stroke I release it and move my hands to the back of the couch as he guides me into position. My eyes close and I whimper softly as his cock teases my slit I wanted the teasing to end. I am about to beg him again to enter me, when I feel him push himself inside me. His whole cock filling me, making my moan out loud as I finally got what I wanted and needed.

My moans continued as his hands gripped me and he started to fuck me. This was right, this is how we were meant to be. No matter what position we did it in, this would always feel right, the most natural. “oooooh Chris” I moan/growl as your cock slides in and out of me, stroking my pussy walls.
The sensation I feel when pressing myself inside Ari is as wonderful as ever. A small bit of my primal side taking over as I groan in pleasure, my cock moving in and out of Arianna's pussy as my grasp upon her become more firm. One arm wrapping around her stomach as the other hand massages her breast, pulling her closer to me as my lips found her neck. I wanted every bit of her, to feel her warm body as we fucked.

"Arianna..." I whisper in between moans my mind completely in a haze she was all I could think of "my love". It was all I could say as I began to thrust faster, the sound of our flesh hitting one another filling the room as I continue to give you every inch of my cock, never wanting this night to end.
I felt his hands tighten on me which made me feel as if he possessed me. I was his, my body, my heart and my soul. As he brought my body up against his presence surrounding me as his arms do. My moans grew louder as my head tilts to the side as I lay my head back on his shoulder as he claims my neck. The sound of my full name coming from his lips added to the thrill.

One of my arms reach back and I wrap it back around so that my hand is resting on the back of your head and the other find the hand resting on my stomach. Slipping my fingers between yours and you fuck me faster. I didn't want this to end but it felt to good that I couldn't hold it in any more. "Chris," I cry out and my hands tighten on your head and your hand as my pussy tightens around your cock as I start cumming hard. "OHhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
Harder and faster I pump my cock inside Ari. The lovely sound of our bodes being one joining the sound of our moans and groans. I could feel myself get closer and closer, my arm almost beginning to constrict around your waist, wanting nothing more than to give you my seed and reach my climax with you.

Your sweet moans on pleasure and calling of my name were more than enough to send me over as well as I came, letting out a soft groan as I filled you with my seed. My legs almost becoming weak from the sensation as both arms held onto you, riding the waves. As my composure regained, my lips began to run along your neck. "Arianna..." I whisper "I love you so much."
Floating in the feeling of our combined orgasm, I hear his words and smile. “I love you too Chris,” I whisper as I lower my other arm and gently stroke one of the arms that is holding me. My eyes are closed as I am enjoying the feeling of just being held in his arms. As the feeling starts to subside, I turn my head slightly so that I can rub my cheek against his face and kiss his cheek.

“Well that was defiantly an intense and exciting welcome back!” I say with a soft laugh. “If it’s going to be like this every time I leave, I am going to have to think up more reasons to leave and come back.” Opening my eyes I look at you from the corner of my eye. “Did you sleep well my love, I hope I didn’t wake you when I left?”
I hesitated for a moment, not wanting to admit that I had trouble sleeping. "You didn't wake me." I replied my lips touching the small of her neck "I have to admit I think I've grown used to sleeping with you. It sort of puts me at ease." I looked over her her neck my hands moving slowly along her stomach as I kept my eye on her, "I think I bit you a little too hard" I say looking at small teeth marks on her shoulder. "I guess that make us even for the scratches on my back."

I nuzzle you for a bit, simply enjoying the closeness of one another, taking your scent in. "Maybe we should get take a bath, I'm pretty we could use one now."
“I feel the same way, which is funny because I have never really felt that way about anyone since I was turned,” I admit. The feel of his hands moving over my stomach almost lull me as we stand together. My own fingers start to stroke the back of his hand. Surprised when you mention the bite, I laugh softly and raise a hand brushing my finger over to bite. “All’s fair in love and play,” I giggle, both of us being what we are it doesn’t surprise me that there were marks. Chris was one of the only people I didn’t have to worry about letting go of myself.

“A bath sounds nice,” I agree with Chris. “The night is still young and this is already my second bout of exercise to raise a sweat already. But it was the more enjoyable out of the two.” Giving him a cheeky smile and a quick kiss on the lips I slip from his arms and move away from the couch heading to the bathroom. With a swing in my hips as I look over my shoulder, “Come on lover.”
A little smile comes across my face as Ari addresses me as her lover. The small sentiment making me love her even more so as I followed her to the bathroom. While the tub in my place was not exactly as large as Ari's. it would be large enough to fit both of us. I thought against the idea of a simple shower as I felt that what with us standing during sex only a few moment ago, resting in the warm water as we took one another would be far more relaxing.

I let the water fill the tub a bit as I wrapped my arms around Ari in front of the mirror, my hand moving along the bite I gave her. "I must admit I'm bit surprised." I said to her. "I might of thought the wolf side of you would have seen these bites as a threat, perhaps we're more comfortable with one another than we realize." With the bite I gave her as the scratches she gave me in return, I wondered it this was our sides way of sort of tagging one another, a way of signifying that we belonged to each other. I wasn't sure, but I loved the idea as my lips kissed her neck, pulling her to the tub.
“Mmmm” I hummed from within Chris’s arms, watching him in the mirror as he touched the bite mark. My mind went back to our second meeting and when we realized that this was more than just hooking up. Reaching up and back I touch the spot on his neck where I had bitten him. Claiming him I think with a smile. “I think your right, maybe after our little show of dominance and surrender we had in the park the other night calmed the creatures in us.”

Being tugged into the bath while we kiss, it feel good as we lower ourselves down into the hot water. Sighing contently as the water slowly soaks into my skim warming it further, I position myself so that I am relaxing against his body. My mind still going over our meetings, it goes back to our first one. “It is funny that your bite doesn’t upset the wolf in me because when I first saw you it felt like her hackles were rising and the hair on the back of my neck almost stood on end. I have always taken that as a warning instinct to stay away from someone or something but there seemed to be more there, a bit of uncertainty I think and curiosity.” Leaning up I kiss him, “I am glad I didn’t follow the warning and got to know you”
"Me too" I reply, my hand resting on Ari's stomach as they laid under the water. My mind be to think about that night, perhaps if my instinct were more in control at that time, I would have ran from her. No doubt that her wolf would have torn me to shreds, but I was in a different state of mind. I alone, wanting nothing more that to ease the solitude I had for so long, somewhere to vent any primal feelings I had. Never did I image that it would lead to finding someone as wonderful as Ari.

My lips met her's as our embrace continued, breaking only a moment to speak. "Ever since my embrace, I've always lost and alone. But ever since that night, I felt...whole, as if nothing else matters." My hand moves upward, running long her breast. "I never want it to end."
“It doesn’t have to end,” I murmur contently against his lips, as I feel Chris’s hand runs along my breast. “You don’t have to feel lost or alone ever again, I am here for you,” I whisper. Even though I had felt a new freedom with my change, there had been moments of pure loneliness where I didn’t feel connected to anyone. There had been nights were I had tried hooking up with guys just to escape the feeling but it never lasted long.

Moving my head slightly I kiss down to his neck, until my face is nestled against it, my lips softly stroking the skin. The thought of being away from Chris brought that feeling of loneliness back, no I wouldn’t dwell on that feeling I told myself. Chris was here now and he wasn’t going any were. I playfully nip at his neck before licking at the skin that I had nipped.
I suppose like many other kindred I should have embraced my newly acquired immorality, give into to my inner beast and be free. But I never felt free, always having to watch the sky for the sun and flee as it began to peak from the horizon, never being able to see the blue sky filled with clouds, never being able to watch the sunset with someone special.

For me the only true silver lining for becoming a vampire was Arianna. I had never felt such love and passion for anyone. Her voice, the way she moved, he lovely scent and touch brought me at ease. "What I wouldn't give to see the sun kiss your skin just once." I said as my other hand lowered between her legs, easing my fingers inside her pussy. I begin to imagine taking Ari in the park once more, making love until we drift to sleep only to wake up as the sun bathes Ari's naked body in it's warm rays.
A soft purr like moan slipped from my lips as his fingers slid between my legs. “Maybe one day there will be a way, you never know, new things are being created every day,” I whisper to him. “Any way I think my skin looks better bathed in moon light,” I say with a laugh thinking of the two nights making love in park. They would defiantly have to do that again.

Nestled against his body I felt like I could stay like this for ever but I knew there were things to do and as much as we wanted to shut the world out we couldn’t. But that could hold off for a couple more hours and they could enjoy each other’s company. Shifting her hips slightly she felt herself rub against Chris’s crotch and his fingers move with in her pussy. “You know I am eventually going to have to go back to my own place and grab some new clothes, especially if we are going to keep giving into our passions.”
“Maybe one day there will be a way, you never know, new things are being created every day,”

I smiled at the Ari's words even though my desire to see the sun again seemed impossible. As far as I knew, there was no cure from what I was; no secret remedy to turn me back. Even if there was, I wondered if I take it. Could give up my immortality, could I give up Arianna?

My mind gave an emphatic no at the query. Ari was the one true good thing to come from my embrace, and I could gladly live for eternity if it meant spending it with her. As my finger explored her feminine depth, I felt myself getting harder as Ari teased me as she always did so well. I began to fantasize about taking her once more in the park under pale moon light, claiming her once more against the trees and grass. "Maybe we should have special rule to remove all clothes when we enters each others place." I suggest, my lips finding hers' "It could save us from ruining our attire, plus there's nothing quite like feeling your skin against mine." With my lips upon Ari's neck and fingers inside her slit, I was making it very clear that I wanted her right there an now.
Smiling against Chris’s lips at his idea of a new rule, “I like that rule and the reasons behind it.” His fingers felt so good inside me and I could feel how ready you were as you hardened against me. Pulling myself forward I turn, trying not to disturb the water to much. Facing him now so, I smile at him as my body slides against his. “But I do remember that when I came back from my run this evening, I didn’t get much of a chance to get out of my clothes with the way you greeted me,” my lips find his and I kiss his slowly and gently.

When I feel his cock nestle between my thighs I lower myself further, sliding my hand between us. “But I guess there are going to be times when we can’t control ourselves” I say looking into Chris’s eyes my hand finding his cock and stroking it gently. Thoughts of teasing him more came and go. I wanted him now, teasing would come another time. Shifting my hand and my hips I guide his shaft into me. A moan slips from my lips as I slide myself further around him before I slowly begin to rock my hips causing the water to ripple as I ride Chris.
"What can I say, I suppose you just have that effect on me." I reply as I return you kiss. I loved feeling you hand stroke me, you gentle yet firm grip, causing the hair in the back of my neck to stand as my shaft hardened. My mind was focused only on Ari, to be inside her and claim her. Fortunately it seemed she had the same idea as well as she began to guide me inside her. One hand wraps around her while the falls upon her hips, meeting the rocking of your hips with the thrusting on mine as our kissing intensify.

The waters begin the slosh as I go deeper inside you, rising high enough to fall upon the floor. I didn't care, for I was too intoxicated by Ari. Taking my mate in the water, our soaked bodies pressing against one another as we gave in to ourselves, never wanting the sensation to end.